Transiting Planets in Dignity -


Well-known member
At this moment Mercury [17VIR33] is at my natal Asc [17VIR14]. There are no other particular close transits to my chart (except that Mercury also happens to be P n.Uranus).

Though I woke up today toxic and feeling as if there were a cloud of 'ugh' spread throughout my body, I find myself in a state of enthusiasm, knowledge, and a natural, amorous, playful humor. I quickly chose to drink some tea, take a homeopathic combination remedy for my toxicity and enjoy breakfast with my mate before she left for work. I feel spiritually connected, but practical, enjoying now the fruits of efforts over the last months to arrive at a place of balance and effectiveness.

Mercury is in its dignity in Virgo, and conjunct the Asc (or Moon, Sun, etc) it emphasizes the 'I am.' Your chart ruler transiting within 1* of your Asc, pulls together the most natural faculties chosen for a Soul's preferred modus operandi. It is how you are effective, how you are 'in your element. It could be seen as a gentle test of your self knowledge. Are you effective? Are you in your element, living in the sweet spot of your nature? Are you focused and in balance?

Here's hoping you answer YES to these and have come to an empowered knowledge of Self.

Blessed Be.

Other planets transiting through the sign of their dignity at the time of this post:

- Sun in Leo (til Aug 21, 2010).

- Venus in Libra (til Sept 8, 2010)