Please see Jupiter and ketu dignity in my chart

Pls help with my current life

Is there a second marriage ? How does my 11 th house look. Please help thanks,
Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh
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Sir thank you for your time ; I truly appreciate.
Can you pls provide details ; I have been so depressed lately; first marriage has been very draining on me. But I am not formally separated. Do you see a sec marriage? Also will that be happy; I have been very hopeless abt life last few yrs. only focus on my daughter and my job. But have been so sad and anxious. Is it the ketu Jupiter conjunction that is bad ? Is 11th house goo. I have started reading astro in free time to help myself otherwise have hit rock bottom emotionally. Thank you sir
Dinesh sir,
Specifically when I look at my chart from the little I know; few questions come to my mind; I will be very thankful if you can shed some knowledge;;
1. Mars is debilities but gets beech bhang from moon and Saturn, but moon in 12th and also mars and moon in bad houses in navamsa? Does the needy bhang still applies?
2. Jupiter lord of 7th conjunct with ketu in navamsa
3. Venus combust in birth chart
4. Venus with sun in both birth and navamsa;
5. Saturn and Rahu conjunct in navamsa aspecting Jupiter.