Peace Pact: Reconciliation and consolidation with anyone in AW


Well-known member
This has nothing to do with my deleted post, but...

I wish to reconcile with weybread. I lashed out at her when I was having an emotional breakdown but she didn't deserve it. I was in a very sensitive state and primed to take anything very very personally where I wouldn't in my normal state

I think weybread's very insightful and she has an air of motherly wisdom about her. She goes deep into aspects of astrology most people ignore which I think is pretty cool


Well-known member
Rudy, we probably have our fair share of argument, but I know you aren't evil at hear :wink:

Read, study, and vigilantly practice! :smile:

There're some spy army in past who run some people to learn astrology. Thankfully, compasion, trust, genuine force them to accept the truth of the art of ancient astrology.