4th, 8th, and 12th houses all ruled by Earth signs


Well-known member
My water houses are all ruled by earth signs, and I wondered how that manipulates the way my intuition, emotions, and spiritual expression translates in the chart. Would someone with these placements (Virgo rules 4H, Capricorn 8H, and Taurus 12H) have a more challenging time experiencing TRUE spiritual phenomena and intuition, or expressing emotion?


Well-known member
My water houses are all ruled by earth signs, and I wondered how that manipulates the way my intuition, emotions, and spiritual expression translates in the chart. Would someone with these placements (Virgo rules 4H, Capricorn 8H, and Taurus 12H) have a more challenging time experiencing TRUE spiritual phenomena and intuition, or expressing emotion?

I have a similar thing. I have Cap on 8th, with moon/mars in Cap in the 8th.

And Jupiter in Taurus in 12th.

But I have Leo ruling my 4th.

However, your overall question is about having Earth signs on the cusps of the water houses.

I feel that it kind of 'blocks' my initial emotional reactions and responses. I don't have the automatic, easy flowing emotional responses that my Piscean mother has. Or my Auntie with Cancer Sun and Moon.

I am more stilted and I take awhile to process my feelings. My first response is often blunt and direct and may be off putting at times. :unsure:

The water houses are meant to be portals to our emotions and feelings. Earth tends to block those openings and we cannot easily access our feelings as quickly as others might. :ninja:

HOWEVER, I am quick to recognize what needs to be done in a crisis. I can see what problems will arise when my friend loses her mother/father unexpectedly and I will quickly do something to try and alleviate their immediate responsibilities, like making dinner for their kids or doing a pressing errand so they don't have to. Dealing with Earth responsibilities comes naturally in emotionally difficult situations.


Well-known member
Hey! Thank you for your examples, it helped SO much. I get so caught up with planetary placement and aspects, I lose sight of how the sign ruling the house can affect it. Accessing feelings has been a major theme the past year, and although as a triple Aries I HAVE them, it's extremely difficult to translate. This earth / water correlation dawned on me and I wondered how others experienced it. Your post makes so much more sense why I eat, clean, or ignore to deal with my feelings!


Well-known member
My water houses are all ruled by earth signs, and I wondered how that manipulates the way my intuition, emotions, and spiritual expression translates in the chart. Would someone with these placements (Virgo rules 4H, Capricorn 8H, and Taurus 12H) have a more challenging time experiencing TRUE spiritual phenomena and intuition, or expressing emotion?

I'm a Taurus sun (4th), with Cap Asc (1st n 12th) and Virgo in 8th...


Well-known member
My water houses are all ruled by earth signs, and I wondered how that manipulates the way my intuition, emotions, and spiritual expression translates in the chart. Would someone with these placements (Virgo rules 4H, Capricorn 8H, and Taurus 12H) have a more challenging time experiencing TRUE spiritual phenomena and intuition, or expressing emotion?

Signs on house cusps denote through which manner its realm will find expression. I would therefore say that its physical manifestation (or lack) of the circumstances of the 4th, 8th and 12th houses that have an effect upon how the individual expresses feeling, emotion, and sensitivity. I don't think 'spirituality' comes into it unless natal Sun is in such a house.

Using a different example, I have Earth signs on the FIRE house cusps, (including Sun and Moon), but the 9th house cusp is on 29+ Aries. I have the greatest difficulty with, or accepting anything that is unexplainable that you term 'spiritual phenomena'. Yet it's the proof obtained in the physical manifestation of circumstances for which I have no logical answer (e.g. astrology, E.S.P, NOT doing something etc.) that tends to make me believe there must be more than the perceiveable.

Astrologically speaking I think that the position of the house rulers also add their influence in how and through which realm anything/everything is perceived.