My dominant element?


Well-known member

On certain websites it says im water dominant. In others they (I suspect) count the MC and Asc more heavily and it informs me that I am fire dominant. Could anyone share some opinions and perhaps some clarity? :innocent:

Thanks in advance

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Well-known member
I assume its a stupid question since nobody is answering. So I'll just assume I'm water dominant in that case. Seems the most logical one to pick
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Well-known member
I'd say water-dominant, just because you have more water planets. But some people would give extra weight to the sun, moon, and rising sign. There isn't just one way to determine the dominant element, although sometimes it is very clear.


Active member
Im thinking just as much earth too . Grand earth trine /Virgo Sun and Chiron in 2nd house which is a Taurus earth house. Cap Neptune and Uranus both in 6th house again another earth house - Virgo. And then the 10th house placements that are in Taurus and 10th house is Capricorn.