Does our soul choose the planets and signs that we born with?


Recently I have read an article talking about the theory of Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce’s view of astrology is based on the concept of reincarnation. He felt that it was not the position of the planets that influence the soul at birth. But that the soul chooses the time in which it wishes to be born. According to Cayce, Most of us have lived before this one and we are influenced by our previous life and the law of Cause and Effect.

Do you believe the theory? I remember that I have read some astrology report of North Node which also mentioned previous life and this life. For instance, my North Node is in Aquarius, which mean that I have lived in applause and admiration in previous life with unique statues and feelings of self-centered. In this life, I am born with the mission of changing the world! That is amazing!


Well-known member
Recently I have read an article talking about the theory of Edgar Cayce.
Edgar Cayce’s view of astrology is based on the concept of reincarnation.
He felt that it was not the position of the planets that influence the soul at birth.
But that the soul chooses the time in which it wishes to be born.
According to Cayce, Most of us have lived before this one

and we are influenced by our previous life
the law of Cause and Effect.

Do you believe the theory?
The Law of Cause and Effect is based on ACTION :smile:

the word "Karma" means "Action"

There are three BASIC types:
VERBAL action
MENTAL action.

Every action leaves an imprint

Physical actions may produce tangible residue
verbal and mental karma create intangible imprints.

The consequences of PHYSICAL action is sometimes more obvious
than the consequences of VERBAL action
MENTAL action

all actions have consequences

for example
the consequence of a mental action such as a thought
may lead to a verbal action
may lead to a physical action

Analyze the trail of any karma
and one may be surprised
how it may wane
never gets destroyed completely.
It is the residue of each karma that conditions one


Well-known member

I remember that I have read some astrology report of North Node
which also mentioned previous life
and this life. For instance, my North Node is in Aquarius,
which mean that I have lived in applause and admiration in previous life
with unique statues and feelings of self-centered.
In this life, I am born with the mission of changing the world!
That is amazing!
Opinions vary on the meanings of the Nodes
and are dependent on unverifiable individual beliefs :smile:
there are certainly some interesting cases on record
of those with previous lives memories


Active member
Yes, I do believe in this, I believe in concept of karma also. I believe that world is one never ending cycle. You can see it in nature (changing of the seasons, eclipses of the moon, death and birth, rotation of earth, even women's menstruation cycle if you don't mind). Soul's mission is constant improvement and finally reaching the enlightment, learning from it's mistakes, even if it has to make them again and again and again until it learns it's lesson. I believe I was born many times, and as you see, I always failed to learn some important lesson, that is why I'm here now, in that body. My astrologer really made some very interesting points when he told me, that my chart is quite strong. He believes that I could have been someone of very high status, but my passion got in the way and failed me.

My chart is fire-based, I have prominent Leo (Sun conjunct with Mercury and Leo Chiron, Leo venus) and Sag moon. I'm a very fiery person and I know it, I get excited easily and am very proud. My Mars is in Gemini (still gives me trouble), but I have Aqua rising and Saturn in 1st house. I also have Virgo mercury. I believe my soul chose those, as it puts me in my place and I'm not over the top. I can control myself because of the 1st house Saturn and things go well when I'm being organised and precise. So these are my grounding points and I believe I chose them to keep myself in check


Well-known member
Absolutely. The soul chooses the planetary configurments at the time of birth, just as it chooses its parents and environment. The soul chooses these things to provide it with what it needs to amend past life karma and shape itself into what it's spiritual/nodal path requires of it. We choose gifts to help us help others. We choose challenges to feel joy from overcoming them and also, so they can highlight areas we can take our own pain and transform it into empathy for others.

dr. farr

Well-known member
I won't say that the individual soul chooses the next life-certainly for advanced souls this happens; but for the vast majority I believe it is an automatic process, not involving choice at all but rather based upon what might be called the "mechanics of karma"; oldtime Neoplatonism pretty much held this same outlook, only using different terms in expressing these concepts.