Career and money issues, help?


Is there anything in my chart that would suggest difficulty with earning money? Have been experiencing some blockages for a while-curious if there's anything that would be a cause to that in the chart.


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Premium Member
Asc lord and lord for 6th house of health and employment mars
debilated cancer 9th for luck opp sat,
cancer inimical-malefic for scorpio asc,

stress-struggle in luck-edu-travels-initiative, father-siblings, etc
mars 9th spirituality through service to mankind;
9th lord moon negating to 8th negating luck;

currently sat with separative SNode transit natal sat cap 3rd opp mars,
pain-injury-surgery and detachment from employment-siblings;

natal SNode leo 10th, high self-pride, career-job changes;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at alter at home sun mornings;

observe fast sat evenings; wear red coral over copper pendant touching heart;

natal and transit sat these 4-5m retro towards sag 2nd
tending to earnings in distant lands, opp sun-moon-jup gemini 8th,
family-finances-health-emotions under much stress and
misjudgments and missed opportunities;

sun lord 10th over 8th, career issues;

sat sag elevated aspect libra 12th for foreign lands;
NNode acq 4th again tending to foreign lands and reformist/innovative;
sat cap ambitious and hardworking, aptitude for event management;
sat retro, delayed initiatives;

rahu now transit mars cancer 9th,
stress in foreign travels-pilgrimage;
toxic heart-lung issues to care;

sun-moon-jup gemini 8th, aptitude for analytical business-financial research,
information management, instrumental music etc;
jup aspect own sag 2nd protective of family-finances;
chronic chest-lungs-urological issues;

jup these months retro towards scorpio asc for research-occult aptitudes,
trine mars cancer 9th for luck, trine pisces 5th for luck-edu-children-position;
jup sooner direct sag 2nd trine leo 10th for career and trine aries 6th for health-employment;
prayers for saint of faith, offer yellow flowers wed mornings;

do promptly ack and share salient pointwise reflections on the blockages and feedbacks how
true-untrue-insightful-helpful traits-talents-health-trends-prospects-plans-remedies etc and ideas to pick!

wishing well, kshantaram
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Premium Member
Appreciate the prompt ack.

Sorry if have tried to identify the blockages and the remedies that may help.

If could share how true were the insights presented, traits-talents etc etc.

wishing well, kshantaram


Thank you for being so thorough! It's a little hard to decipher. I'm more geared towards the arts rather-which I'm hoping I'll work my way to a higher earning potential.


Well-known member
With such a strong 8th house focus, your chart suggests that you focus on investments, or other sorts of money that you actually own jointly with other people, such as life insurance. You may want to take a class or two on how to invest money wisely, as there are too many get-rich-quick schemes our there, run by unscrupulous people.

Basically the idea is that you take whatever money you have, a little or a lot, and then learn sound, sensible ways to make it grow. Suze Orman is a wonderful and very funny advisor for the "young, fabulous, and broke."

Is your blockage that you feel money is inherently evil?


Waybread-thanks for the info! I love the idea of making investments to turn money into more money but the problem is I don’t have any money and in terms of blockage-I feel like I can never manage to get opportunities to earn money-a higher wage-job opportunities-etc. I feel like money avoids me but that could just be paranoia. This is troubling because I live to work hard and a sense of fulfillment in career is very important to me-that’s why I’m confused that my career house is empty. Having a successful career is generally what I would consider to be my main life focus. But it seems my placements contradict that? I don’t think money is evil-I actually think money grants freedom and wish I had more of it.


Well-known member
For any house, but notably the "empty" houses, look at the sign on the house cusp. Determine its planetary ruler, and then note its situation by house and aspects.

With Leo on your MC your career house is ruled by the sun. That's a pretty strong testimony for a lot of career motivation.

You also have a "yod" formation pointing to your sun. (Two quincunx aspects of 150 degrees joined by a sextile.) Getting to know yourself better seems like a high priority.


For any house, but notably the "empty" houses, look at the sign on the house cusp. Determine its planetary ruler, and then note its situation by house and aspects.

With Leo on your MC your career house is ruled by the sun. That's a pretty strong testimony for a lot of career motivation.

You also have a "yod" formation pointing to your sun. (Two quincunx aspects of 150 degrees joined by a sextile.) Getting to know yourself better seems like a high priority.

Waybread-yes I’ve been told my MC is career and “fame” driven which I don’t disagree with. Are you able to explain more about the yod? I haven’t really been able to find any good explanations on it. Since it involves the sun/my career planet, does that mean there’s more at stake or more pressure?

On another birth chart I’ve done there have been two yods-one using my MC as a quincux (?) point and one being the one you mentioned.


Well-known member
I wouldn't count yods unless they have actual planets in the corners, but some astrologers would. (You can still look at the aspects to your MC.)

Basically a quincunx (150 degrees) gives a certain amount of aggravation between the two planets. It doesn't have the easy flow of the trine (120 degrees) or the need to Do Something of the opposition (120 degrees.) Think of this as a minor problem or irritant that is an issue, but not such a strong one that you are highly motivated to fix it. The quincunx also has the meaning of "adjustment," where you make some changes, but not really major ones.

However, when you get two of them joined by a sextile, which is a positive aspect, the planet at the tip of the yod gets more motivation to develop and grow.

Another way to think about it is that each pair of planets has two mathematical midpoints: the near one, but also the one opposite to it. With Pluto and Neptune-Saturn, their near midpoint is at 12 degrees Sagittarius. When you get a planet sitting on a midpoint, it has a lot to say about how the planetary pair manifests itself. So with a yod, you have a planet (sun) sitting on the far midpoint of Pluto and Neptune Saturn.

Because your sun is your unique "me" point in the chart, I can't really tell you what it does or should mean to you. And maybe this is what the yod is pointing to: your need to develop an expanded and more clear sense of self. Only you can do that.

However, with your sun, Jupiter, and moon in Gemini, your approach to life is probably more mental, even intellectual. Exchanging information is probably very important to you. With your concentration of planets in the 8th house, one or more of the following is probably very meaningful to you: the cycle of sex, birth, life, death, and rebirth; resources that are shared in some way (like investments, insurance, proceeds from a marriage; ) or "occult" subjects.

There are big mysteries to life in general and your life in particular, so it is important to probe and explore them. You may not find quick or easy answers. With so much going on in your 8th house, you've got kind of a life-long journey ahead of you.


waybread- wow, what a great explanation, thanks for taking the time to write. A lot of that resonates-I'm often thinking much about the process of life and death and am very attracted to ideas of "rebirth" after a period of growth-or put simpler-taking in lessons I've learned to help expand myself further.

I feel like I used to approach the word from a more "intellectual" view, however after noticing how it affected my relationships/friendships, I shifted into moving through the world from a more emotionally centered space and found that I prefer to be more emotion driven than intellectual. Mostly I found a happy medium between the two! The exchange of (healthy) emotions has far more impact for me than that of information. But a lifetime of discovery is exciting! I'm looking forward to it although I expect it to be uncomfortable at times.

My chart has always made me feel a bit nervous-mostly because of the 8th house intensity but maybe the opportunity for transformations grants me many opportunities. Who knows! Time will tell I suppose.