Drug Abuse in a chart


I use midpoint formations a great deal in my work in addition to aspects and configurations. I use midpoint configurations very much like they are configurations. Mars/Neptune contacts and Saturn/Neptune contacts are common. Especially Mars/Neptune. A prominent Pisces will sometime bring the tendencies, especially Moon in Pisces. Twelfth House is sometimes involved.

Mars/Neptune can tend to alcoholism, drugs, or just popping harmless pills.

If there is no aspect, it may be a midpoint combination such as Sun aspecting the midpoint Mars/Neptune, or Mars aspecting the midpoint of Sun/Neptune, or Neptune aspecting the midpoint Sun/Mars. All the examples I give are a Sun/Mars/Neptune picture. Then replace Sun with any prominent chart feature and apply as before.

Ebenia gave two chart examples. One had a stellium of Saturn/Mars/Neptune. That certainly qualifies. The other had a Mars/Neptune square, but this was greatly emphasized because Sun opposes the midpoint of Mars/Neptune, which are both good examples.

You might be surprised though. My mother had Mars-oppose-Neptune. She never did anything of the kind. She hated alcohol because of the damage it had done. She was counselor who counseled alcoholics for 15 years.