Dec Solar Eclipse in Sag conj Ascendant or rather 12th


Well-known member
Hi; i'm 23 30 Sag Rising; as the next 14th December will be Solar Eclipse at 23 08 Sagittarius, i wonder if it does make sense to think of it as an eclipse conjuncting Ascendant or rather as an eclipse falling in the 12th house; are there meaningful differences between those approaches? Greetings


Staff member
Any eclipse within 3 degrees of your ascendant can be counted as an eclipse at your ascendant. The tighter the orb, the stronger it is as an ascendant eclipse. Since this one will be just minutes from your ascendant, count it as on your ascendant.


Well-known member
Hi; i'm 23 30 Sag Rising; as the next 14th December will be Solar Eclipse at 23 08 Sagittarius, i wonder if it does make sense to think of it as an eclipse conjuncting Ascendant or rather as an eclipse falling in the 12th house; are there meaningful differences between those approaches? Greetings
by the way
effect of an eclipse varies
dependent on the individual natal chart planetary placements
are a variable factor from chart to chart.
So generalization is not encouraged :smile:

one may note however that
Eclipse effects are certainly linked with change
such as relocation, change of career, relationship changes
possibly to friends or relatives
not necessarily oneself
dependent on the natal chart promise

An eclipse can link two places together.
There are eclipses that activate other eclipses
from decades earlier.
Events that happen on or around an eclipse can have outcomes
when activated by later eclipses
Every 18 years or so, eclipses repeat, which can have significant impact.
All of which is to say that a solar eclipse
remains a sensitive point for years, decades, even centuries.
Far longer than anyone had previously thought.
"... book will revolutionize the study of eclipses"
Cycles Research. :smile:

recalling events at the previous eclipse on that degree
provides insight regarding potential




Well-known member
thank you for the answers!

i cant remember very well the 2001 eclipse...

so far, i have come to realize that those eclipses would also imply my 21 degree Pisces Sun (both squaring the sun) one possibility would be the solar eclipse would fall conjunct the Sun vs Ascendant natal square...

looking at the eclipses charts, there are many conjunctions to my chart in both; in the 2001 one, Pluto was almost conjunct my sag moon in 12th house, among many other conjunctions, while at the 2020 one, Pluto is in my 2nd house...etc.

by the way, what are the generally agreed times for both ecliples (i've got to a coulple of UT timings but there seems to be a slight difference between the charts' ascendants of the ecliples i got on my own, on one hand, and the seemingly standard charts given). Greetings
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Staff member
If there's a difference in the charts' ascendants, they were probably cast for different locations. The time of the eclipse is the same everywhere (adjusted for local time zone, of course), but different locations will have different ascendants at that moment. It might be only a few degrees' difference if the locations aren't very far east/west of each other.


Well-known member
thanks! to be precise, i wonder whether the 2001 eclipse (taking the 22 59 degrees in Sag sun) accounted for a Taurus or a Geminis ascendant; and regarding the 2020 one (taking 23 08 sag), whether it accounted for a Pisces or Aries Ascendant.



Well-known member
thank you for the answers!

i cant remember very well the 2001 eclipse...

so far, i have come to realize that those eclipses would also imply my 21 degree Pisces Sun (both squaring the sun) one possibility would be the solar eclipse would fall conjunct the Sun vs Ascendant natal square...

looking at the eclipses charts, there are many conjunctions to my chart in both; in the 2001 one, Pluto was almost conjunct my sag moon in 12th house, among many other conjunctions, while at the 2020 one, Pluto is in my 2nd house...etc.

by the way, what are the generally agreed times for both ecliples (i've got to a coulple of UT timings but there seems to be a slight difference between the charts' ascendants of the ecliples i got on my own, on one hand, and the seemingly standard charts given). Greetings

keep in mind that potential influence of an eclipse
upon any given individual
is entirely dependent upon the susceptibility of that individual
as shown in their natal chart, coupled with
the currently active Solar Return situation of that person
at the time of the eclipse
also modified by the progressed and/or directed condition :smile:
of the natal chart indicators at the time of the eclipse



Staff member
thanks! to be precise, i wonder whether the 2001 eclipse (taking the 22 59 degrees in Sag sun) accounted for a Taurus or a Geminis ascendant; and regarding the 2020 one (taking 23 08 sag), whether it accounted for a Pisces or Aries Ascendant.


The ascendant depends on the location and time the chart is cast for. Eclipses that fall close in the zodiac to each other do not necessarily fall on the exact same date or at the same time of day. Close, but not exact. And if you're casting the charts for different locations, different ascendants are to be expected.