Fate through astrology.

Hey guys! This is a pretty odd question but I am sure one of you can answer it. I am wondering about 'FATE'. I have observed steadily over the last few years that aa lot of 'fate' is coming my way from Sagittarius people. Be it girlfriends, introductions to places that became very imprtant to me, even the gift of a beautiful 12 string guitar last year. A lot seems to be coming my way through Sagittarius. Which got me thinking...

Where in a chart would your general 'fate' come from if anywhere?
And in any sense, are there any reasons I could be receiving fate through Sagittarius peoples?

Hey, thanks... Here's my chart in case it'd be any help in answering this. It's not a read my chart thread. More a question on fate through astrology. Really interested thanks guys.



Well-known member
Your chart has disappeared.
Read the instructions on posting a chart so it will stay put.

Your "fate" is found by understanding the whole chart. It is the chart as a whole that describes-determines the course of your life.

The question of free will vs. fate is fundamental to astrology. You will find that different astrologers hold different opinions on the matter.


Well-known member
Check the location of your Vesta and Vertex and aspects to them, as well as transiting Vesta and transits to it and Vertex.


Well-known member
Vesta is where you put energy (thoughts, beliefs, activity) into the Universe for manifestation into the physical. The Vertex is where those things manifest.

Jesse Booth

Well-known member
Fate only has a grip on you as long as you let it. Understanding astrology is the best way to be the captain of your own ship, in my opinion. My opinion just happens to also be fact in this case.

Based on how you described this instance of "fate," it may have something to do with your jupiter(fortune, luck, and expansiveness), or it might have something to do with aquarius(friends and wishes). Possibly the 11th house, or even all three! Can't wait for you to repost your chart!
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Well-known member
"Fate only has a grip on you as long as you let it."

The underlying premise to this statement is that a person is more powerful than the universe. I can "overcome fate" simply by exercising my will.


"Fate" is found not in Vesta, nor Pluto, nor Aquarius or some House....
It is discerned by understanding the chart as a whole.
If it is true that "Character is destiny," as Heraclitus said so long ago,
And if the whole chart depicts the complex of energies and their interactions
that go into determining our character
Then it must be the whole chart and not some single planet or point that is determinant of fate.

A poker hand consists of five cards. Just because I hold the Ace of Diamonds does not make me a winner. To determine the winning hand, all five cards are taken into account.


Well-known member
I don't view astrology as a form of astro-determinism. Your chart will "out" in some fashion, but you have considerable say as to how you choose to express it.

Traditionally the midheaven was seen as a person's fate, but modern astrology (a) tends to look at the entire chart, and (b) suggest that "the stars impel but they do not compel."


Account Closed

Astrology is like the signposts on the road we drive in. The speed limit sign is something we know how to read, and was put there for us to read by some other entity than us.

There is no sane way to believe that the speed limit sign makes my foot move on the gas pedal of my car, or the stop sign or stop light makes my foot move and push on the brake pedal.

They are just signs caused by an underlying force that put them there and maintains them.



Account Closed
Astrology has nothing to do with the stars

Interestingly enough, David Roell in his foreword to George McCormack's book on long range weather forecasting(A Text-Book of Long Range Weather Forecasting: Astro-Meteorology) makes the case that its only coincidence that the stars and the planets and the asteroids, etc, appear to impact things on the planet earth.

He asks where the BASIC energies and elements come from? Do they come form outside the planet earth? No. They are here. The earth contains all four elements: fire, earth, air, water. The sun and the universe only has fire. The earth has all three states of energy: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. The sun and the universe only had cardinal. And the sky itself, the universe that we view has none of any of them, as its almost completely empty.

The tropical Zodiac is not involved in the sky: it never was, and it won’t be in the future. At some point in history, people simply looked up and said, “Wait a minute, when the Sun gets to this point in the sky the elements and the energies seem to work a certain way. And then they noticed other stuff in the sky.

People never really considered that a cause and effect circumstance because people only recently had anything other than a geocentric view, after all everything revolved around the earth. And really for the purposes of astrology, everything still does.

While Mr. Roell then sees a cause and effect relationship between the Planets and the earth. I don’t. I see that as simply coincidence, or perhaps grand design.

I see all of this as simply a set of intricate signs for the impact of literally infinite myriad of energies and matter and dark energies and dark matter which influences everything else.

Astrology is simply a reading of these sign posts. And we don’t know all of the signs to read yet. For example, we read the sign posts, just like on the highways, but we tend to ignore the trash along the road. However, we all know that the trash can have a pattern, and if we see what looks like big pieces of tractor trailer tire in the center of the road, or suddenly the temp drops in the raid and the road gets icy, it may be a sign for a major accident up ahead. This could be an event that happened in the past on the road, or one that is about to happen in the future.

In my mind, this is what astrology is. I'm not saying that there is not a causal effect; I'm not an atheist about it; I'm more of an agnostic. But with no mechanism known, or even postulated except vaguely via such divergences into mathematical fairyland such as string theory, I can see only that astrology exists as a very very complicated reading of sign posts of the past, present, and future.

It’s a way of reading the sign posts for what happened in the past, is happening now, and could happen in the future , just like reading these other signs on the highways is a way of reading what happened in the past on the roadway, what might be happening right now, and what kinds of problem we are likely to experience in the future. The more details we can see in the highways, or in astrology, the more details we can see all around us in whatever circumstance we are trying to observe.
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Premium Member
The same old argument about fate, another one of those posts.

After many of these posts and observation....
To me, our future had already existed and already occurred but we living in the delusion of the current time the current point thinking the future is not yet happened. I had explained in other thread. Simply based on the belief of Light travelling way faster than our own perception of the physical world. Astrology the measurement tool of Light in sign, aspect, parallel/contra parallel are dimentional measurements of how the Light in combination as planets running in cycle, degrees, sign Religiously. There is laws in the Cosmo which is why if we have skills we can predict the clockwork of the universe. When we were born the moment of birth that was the manifestation of the Lights into physical form of energy. Many may argue continuously, but if we apply astronomy and laws of physic astrology is no longer being looked at just art but indeed science in definite term.

I tend to believe when prediction failed not because we have power to change by our own will as our will is also based of the inborn characters of our physical brain which again the physical manifestation of the lights at the time and place of our birth by the particular family and genetic makeup and what we are allowed to experience and learn throught time and range of experiences throughout life; we failed to predict is simply because ourselves are unskilled and lack of enough understanding. I don't blame it on astrology or the stars.
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