Am I right?


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
I'm a total noob at this chart reading business but I'm giving the pattern of my chart a shot =)
My bowl is oriented in a North-West direction. The north component shows that I have a "rich and prevailing inner life that is not very visible from the outside", while the west component shows that "other people are always of utmost importance and play an essential role in my life."
The leading planet of this sequence is Cancer and indicates the part that my energies will be focused on?

Is the above more or less accurate? Is there anything else worth noting in terms of structure?

Thanks and have a great day! <3

[poster gave astrological interpretation so moved to Natal Astrology - Moderator]
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Staff member
good job! to Jen


You said:
jsummerfield said:
My bowl is oriented in a North-West direction. The north component shows that I have a "rich and prevailing inner life that is not very visible from the outside", while the west component shows that "other people are always of utmost importance and play an essential role in my life." The leading planet of this sequence is Cancer and indicates the part that my energies will be focused on? Is the above more or less accurate? Is there anything else worth noting in terms of structure?

You are very right about most of this! :) You do have a bowl made up of almost all your plaents focused on the left (self) side of the chart showing that you focus on yourself more than on others. However, your "bowl chart" has a :saturn: (duty, also authority, structure) handle, so this is a bucket chart. This indicates you "pick up" things in your life with a sense of duty, responsibility, and structure, and may be an authority of some type.

You have more planets in the top (outer world) left part of the chart, so you focus most on doing things yourself in the outer world. :cancer: is not a planet, but the leading planet of your bowl is IN :cancer: : :sun: (self-expression) is your leading planet, indicating it is very important for you to express yourself in life. This possibility is reinforced because your :sun: is :conjunct: (energy is combined with) your Midheaven (outer world).

You use the astrological term "North-West" and "west", which can be confusing for beginners to follow. A simpler naming system is in the 6 step method to learning astrology below this post.

Explaining more,



Well-known member
Hello JSummerfield,

I think you are a bit confused about the East and West side of a chart, as well about what is North in a natal chart and what is South. In astrology everything is the other way around when it comes to that. Ascendant side is East and Descendant side is West. Above the horizon is South and below the horizon is North.

You are right when saying that Western orientated charts show a person who is very interested in other people. However this is not the case in your chart.
You write:

My bowl is oriented in a North-West direction and the west component shows that "other people are always of utmost importance and play an essential role in my life."

Whilst Wilsontc, rightly says:

You do have a bowl made up of almost all your planets focused on the left (self) side of the chart showing that you focus on yourself more than on others.

So your Bowl is East/South.

The same goes for the other thing you said. You are also right about planets mostly situated in the North side of a chart show a person with a rich inner life, (introvert as well most often). In your chart this is also not the case.
Most planets are situated in the South part of your chart, above the horizon, and this shows, as Wilsontc also told you, that you are more outword orientated than inward.

When you say that other people are very important to you, then that has to do with your full 11th house where we find the ruler of your Ascendant Venus and Mars, the ruler of your 7th house (the others) and other people could be your friends, more often than not. These friends are probably found in your career (or you need the support of your friends in your career) as the ruler of all those planets and the 11th house is the Sun, strongly placed in your 10th house of career and conjunct the Moon which shows that your are emotionally very attached to your friends and need them as well to further your career.
You must be very ambitious and career minded with that strong 10th house. Moon in Cancer and being ruler of your 10th house is mighty strong. I think your childhood has been strict and traditional and made you into the person you are now.

I dont agree with Wilsontc (sorry Tim:)) about the handle being Saturn. Saturn is not on it's own and a handle should be all alone opposite the whole bowl. In this chart we have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all three situated fairly close to one another,. For a planet to be a handle, it needs at least, on both sides, to have two signs empty.

Your pattern is more like a bowl, but not a perfect one. A real bowl would have all the planets on one side, within an opposition of the most outer two planets, so Saturn and Sun should therefore lie within an opposition of one another which is not the case.
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Staff member
bowl or bucket? to star


You said:
starlink said:
I dont agree with Wilsontc (sorry Tim:)) about the handle being Saturn. Saturn is not on it's own and a handle should be all alone opposite the whole bowl...Your pattern is more like a bowl, but not a perfect one.

No worries! :) I think that since this isn't a perfect bowl, it isn't a full bowl and since it isn't a perfect bucket (Saturn too close to the bowl), it isn't a full bucket. So I dub thee a "bowl-bucket", since most of the planets are clearly contained in a bowl and Saturn is "off by its lonesome" outside the bowl.

For those reading this thread's reference:
Bowl chart:

Bucket chart:

Having it both ways,

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Staff member
Why you don't want to use compass directions in learning astrology, to Jen


Star said:
starlink said:
I think you are a bit confused about the East and West side of a chart, as well about what is North in a natal chart and what is South. In astrology everything is the other way around when it comes to that. Ascendant side is East and Descendant side is West. Above the horizon is South and below the horizon is North.

This is why I don't use North, South, East, and West in charts. It just confuses me of having to read things the "wrong way around" in astrology. So I use top, bottom, left, and right instead, and I come up with the same result. And unlike with North and South or East and West, I NEVER confuse left and right or top and bottom. ;) All I have to do is look at the chart and describe what I see...instead of having to translate it into some kind of weird astro-alternate universe language! :D

Making astro simple,
