Instant friendships


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
I was wondering if any of you could help me link an annoying habit that I have to my natal chart.

I tend to form a lot of instant friendships where the person and I meet and get along like a house on fire. I don't think much of these encounters afterwards. I'm not sure what happens next--maybe I give them the wrong impression--but they get more attached than I would like. I'm generally a private person and like a lot of space. The more I try to draw back, the harder they try, changing their opinions or interests to suit mine, which makes me lose interest even faster. It creates very awkward situations where I field incessant texts and phone calls but feel guilty for not being able to reciprocate.

Are there any indicators of this in my chart?
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Well-known member
Look into the Uranus opp. Sun aspect in your chart ... Sun rules your house of friendships. It may result sudden attractions and sudden disenchantments. Uranus is real quick :smile:


I think it is def. Uranus/Aquarius that creates that.
Jupiter well aspected can bring a lot of people into our lives.
Aquarius / Uranus ~ Sun is a curious scientist when it comes to people ~ so we want to know them. People take it for flattery and then get hmmphed when they see us wander off to next subject.
There's no way around it.
A good Venus~Jupiter aspect will make you look less cool and distant with them once you've moved off of them and onto the next.
Nonetheless, if you saw the same person 2 years from now, it'd be like old friend in your mind.
Uranians like intermittent frienships and relationships generally, so they may be done today, but they never discount future possibilities and considerations.


Well-known member
Uranians like intermittent frienships and relationships generally, so they may be done today, but they never discount future possibilities and considerations.

Very true ... I have Uranus rising. There are times I lose touch with friends, but then if/when we meet, I can pick up from where I left off. Time usually makes no difference ... but people, other than Uranians have problems with this !