Does he see me as a friend?


Well-known member
Hi hope everyone's doing good.

I just would like to know how to decipher if this chart shows if he also sees me as a friend?

We are friends officially but we do engage in flirt, I do not want to escalate it to anything more but sometimes the way he reacts gives me a doubt.

I did want to read this chart but should he be 5th or 7th or 11th house?

I see myself as a Venus in 9th house close to sun and under Cancer sign. And Moon in 12th under Libra. It's like a deadlock. But Sun is under Cancer sign too, in 9th house ( we live in different states currently) ruled by Moon.

Please help. Thank you!
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Well-known member
Asc/moon in via combusta, was you feeling unease, apprehensive about things when you cast this chart ? I mean moons not in a good way here, shes been square sun/saturn and is now in the 12th/via combusta/peregrine. So for producing anything worthy she can't, which id say is due to your own lack of not knowing what to do for the best, being indecisive.

Also moon/venus is in both detriment/fall of mars. And it looks to me like you like him more than your letting on, for ~one with the state of the moon and ~two an oriental/out of sect venus will not be so passive, she'll be more inclined to pursue.

Venus/saturn applying opposition coming from the 3rd/9th axis, would be this "we live in different states currently".

My advice would be to not expect much from this interaction, just stay friends, there is no harm in a little playful flirty banter, as long as you know thats all it is.


Well-known member
Thank you Chrysalis for writing to me.

And yes I have been highly indecisive on what to do. I really do not want to like the person but for normal chat, it's fine. I only want to be friends. But if it becomes complex, I would have to break it apart. Hence I asked if chart could show his side of situation. After reading your response, I am only thinking about how to tell him I want to stop talking to him but I have not been able to find a way... :|