Need a professional to give an opinion on this website


Well-known member
Well, how do you need a professional to tell you that it doesn't work if you yourself already understood that? :D Trust your own judgement!

That compability analysis is very vain and general. Nothing wrong with that but you will never find the true understanding of a relationship through those interpretations.


Well-known member
Well, how do you need a professional to tell you that it doesn't work if you yourself already understood that? :D Trust your own judgement!

That compability analysis is very vain and general. Nothing wrong with that but you will never find the true understanding of a relationship through those interpretations.

I wasn't sure how they calculated the aspects that they claim to calculate. I know, I don't trust my own judgement enough. I have to 'check' it over perfectly (virgo moon).


Well-known member
Without birth times/places, it rather useless as far as in-depth analysis goes.

I agree with Frank based on personal experience. The very best aspects in my current relationship involve our angles and houses. We have sun conjunct dsc, moon conjunct dsc, and moon conjunct asc. Also, a ton of plants in each other's 5th houses. All of this really smooths over our rougher areas. Without birth times all of this is missed. You only get part of the picture with really vague explainations of some of the aspects. They don't even list all of the major aspects, only a handful of them.

If your looking for cookbook discriptions, you might try making a chart on and then looking up the discriptions of the different aspects on It's time consuming, but this might help you learn a bit more about how the planets work together and you will get a fuller picture.