Will I pass the exam it's on 19 Feb 2020


New member
It's post graduate exam
Will I past it don't know how to caste chart so if anyone can make chart and check please


Staff member
In this horary forum, you're required to cast your own horary chart and post it. Asking it of others won't do, because first of all, this isn't an astrology service, and even more crucially, it would result in more than one chart for the same question, which would make all the charts invalid. For horary to work, there has to be only one chart cast for the question, by one person in one place at one moment in time. This forum is visited by multiple people who are all over the world and will see this question at different times.

Please follow these instructions to post a chart: https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=119460

And please read the horary guidelines before posting on the horary boards: https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8586