Pluto transits capricorns?


Well-known member
So for the past years I have been through one pluto transit after the other. This year of march, pluto was near my mars/juno/neptune trining my moon in the orb of 3 degrees and then it went retrograde.

Now that it went back forward, I am already starting to feel it, and in three months it's going to be near exact.

Any advice from those that have experienced pluto transits?

I went through a sun pluto transit three years ago, but this time it's going to be more planets, including moon who is in the 8th house and who already has an aspect with pluto(I'm dreading it).

I've already started getting bitchiness from girls, and several calls from a guy I've only talked to once.

And my vengeful feelings came back for some people to a point I had to force myself to lose this person's number.

Any advice will be appreciated.
Initiate change in the areas of your life that will be affected by these transits. Do not resist change that comes from outside forces. Roll with the punches.


Well-known member
Initiate change in the areas of your life that will be affected by these transits. Do not resist change that comes from outside forces. Roll with the punches.

Pluto is transiting my AC, and my natal Neptune and Uranus right now. I started feeling the transit sometime in 2016. Pluto passed over my AC, retrograded back over it and is very close to passing over it again. It's been an incredibly rough few years, but I'm thankful for this catharsis and am embracing it.

Although there have been seemingly external forces at work in my life, I'm finding the internal forces are far more potent and meaningful for me. What I take from the external world depends on my internalized beliefs and processes. My life changed dramatically when I decided to accept these transformative times, go with the flow, and focus on inner work. I think Pluto transits provide ample opportunity to dust off the schmutz and change your life journey.

Your anxiety is valid. It hasn't been easy in my experience, but it's a time when you can challenge yourself and evolve rapidly, cathartically, and beautifully through direct interaction with every facet of your core.

Hope that helps ease some of your worry.


Well-known member
Pluto transits are transformational.
The more you're hanging on to something, the more you're refusing to let go, or simply put accept that we haven no control over our own lives, the more they hurt.

When Pluto was transiting my AC, a war broke out in my country. It really made me see how little we can control. When it formed a conjuction with my natal Neptune (which makes an opposition with my 7th house Mars) my mother died.

In the months that preceded her death, I had vivid prophetic (too strong a word, but yes they were just that) dreams of her dying of a stroke. So I did everything I could to prevent that. We saw all the doctors, did all the tests - everything was fine. I was trying to hold on to something that was above my control. She died exactly the way I "knew" she would and I even knew that morning that I was looking at her for the last time. But by that time something in me somehow accepted... I can't explain. I just wanted her to know how much I loved her and how much I was grateful for having her in my life and how much I was grateful for everything she had done for me.

I guess that that feeling of love and gratitude helped me accept the inevitable. Her death was definitely a pivotal moment in my life - as plutonian events tend to be. It also freed me of that fear I lived in when it comes to Plutonian events. Because once you face, once you live through your worst fear and do not disintegrate (that's exactly how I would dream of myself at that moment), you change on a profound level. Even if that's not something that can be seen on the outside or at least not immediately, it's there.

Plutonian transits can be liberating, if you let them be. it's all about perception. We can't avoid the pain, there are no shortcuts that work. I'm still working on my Pluto-related issues, because the more we work on them, the less they work on us.

In a nutshell, face your fears. Dig deep. It's always less scary when you open the door and see what's behind.

take care!