Have I read this chart wrong?


Well-known member
Mid-December I asked the question "Will he and I get together?"

From what I can see, there are no strictures and the chart gives a positive answer, which I should have seen within a month exactly.

So far.... zilch.
I was just wondering if there was something I read wrong in the chart? It would be great if you could help me out. =)
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Well-known member
The recpetion isn't that great, but from what I understand an aspect is reception, so it shouldn't matter. The Moon is peregrine and slow, but it still shows some "action" occuring between you and him. I am not really sure why it is a 'no' either, unless the speed of the Moon is slowing things way down. Are you still in touch with this person? Just out of curiosity, how long had you known the person when you asked this question?


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply! And that would make sense if the moon is peregrine, which slows down the action.... maybe that's why nothing has happened.

I have known him since september, we see each other at parties and stuff, we flirt a bit, but thats's it so far.


Well-known member
Hmm, well that is something I am wondering about personally. Are horary charts very effective at telling us how situations that haven't fully developed yet will turn out? I suppose we should get an early rising if not, but I can't help but think that horary is most accurate with fully developed situations. Early friendships and attractions still have so much free will involved. Anyway, thanks for clarifying.

Keep us updated! Maybe there is something still yet to happen...


Well-known member
Unfortunately, I think I got my answer on Wednesday. My friends invited me to a party, but I declined, for I was studying. (If I recall I'm in the terms of Mercury or Jupiter. I'm also in Sagittarius... all three are known for their associations with education)
it ended up that my friends went to his place after the party and stayed there.
I think in this case, the sextile represents "opportunity" and, because I was in the wrong house (my own, studying!) I missed it.

I has a sad.