Oh Hi There!


Hi there. New to this forum, been independently learning astrology for almost a year now, hoping to use this forum to find more resources/insights for decoding charts. Total rookie, but I've found that what little I've done of decoding my own chart, and plotting out locational astrology for travel has aided greatly in self-awareness, and predicting events.
I would love to become more fluent in chart reading, start trying to crack my Draconic chart, and have an incessant urge to do past life regression, though every time I attempt any form of out of body meditation, I always end up falling asleep. :pinched:
I seem to have much more penchance for channeling through incredibly vivid dreams that I lack vocabulary to describe properly... almost like space/time travel. I have no control over when it happens, but I will regularly dream about things months/years before they happen. Always seemingly useless snippets of exchanges with specific people in specific places, like benchmarks in my journey. I also have some that do not seem to take place in this realm... They frequently feel like karmic tests, as I rarely remember dreams, but these are always unforgettable, vivid, abnormally long, and exhausting.
If anyone else has experiences like these, or suggestions to resources, I'd be much obliged!

Gem sun
Sco moon
Cap AC
