Extreme fear of sexually transmitted diseases?


Well-known member
I have a huge fear of STDs and I don't know why. It is something which keeps me from satisfying my intense sex drive. It is very frustrating. My Moon, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are in the 8th house and I am wondering if this is Saturn there? I have been sexually 'frustrated' my whole life and something continually prevents me from being satisfied. If I do have an occasional hook up I am not satisfied. But I also can't find a relationship. Can anyone see any affliction and how to get through this?


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I have no planets in 8th, but I have Saturn conjunct my Sun (if that bears any relations to this), and I am petrified of STIs; Like PETRIFIED, but I think that is the ONLY way to be about them (behaviourally). This isn't an irrational fear. This is the reality of the society we live in. People who are not petrified enough amaze me and the fact you are not one of these, I think is a blessing for you. So, anyway, I think your sexual frustrations are not a result of a normal fear of STIs. Although, I wonder if its to do with your Scorpio sun and Mercury placements in 6th, why you seem a tad obsessive about your health in relation to sex, more so than your health in relation to food, for example.

Also what is wrong, not with you, but with the society in which we live, is that young people do not realise that sex is not simply about physical contact. If nothing else, astrology should confirm this for you. You say you are not satisfied with 'occasional hook-ups' and yet you don't report this unsatisfactory experience from relationships. I don't think Saturn's placement is acting to prohibit you having a good time, but rather wants you to not ignore what is often easily overlooked: sex is a highly spiritual exercise and should be treated as such, in the way in which that means to you. I wonder if you'd still feel this way if in a loving relationship and waiting to have sex for the first time.

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." - NLP Adage
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Active member
I have a huge fear of STDs and I don't know why. It is something which keeps me from satisfying my intense sex drive. It is very frustrating. My Moon, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are in the 8th house and I am wondering if this is Saturn there? I have been sexually 'frustrated' my whole life and something continually prevents me from being satisfied. If I do have an occasional hook up I am not satisfied. But I also can't find a relationship. Can anyone see any affliction and how to get through this?

8th house in Capricorn with Saturn there: maturity and responsibility in sexual relationships but also filtering and inhibiting personal desires.
Neptune in 8th: fantasies which are easily calmed down and inhibited by Saturn.
Uranus in 8th: taste for unusual sexual activity which is (again) not expressed due to the rigid and mature Saturn there.
I've also noticed Chiron in the 2nd house, which can make a wide opposition with Saturn and Neptune. In analyzing the sexual potential of a person, we take into consideration 2nd and 8th house. The 2nd house is for what you have and offer to the other and the 8th house is for what you expect to receive. Chiron in the 2nd can be a clue for your fear of offering what have, and probably you have a lot to offer (Chiron conj Jupiter). This is for your fear and frustration regarding your sex life.


Active member
For your fear of sexual diseases i would look at your 6th house, which is in Scorpion and has lot of planets there. Usually Scorpion indicates this kind of disease and also high sexual appetite. I believe that Pluto in Scorpio there is a clue for your extreme fear. Usually, the place where Pluto is indicates what we treasure most and what we are permanently affraid to lose. In your case, the health (6th house) of you sexual part of body (scorpio). I would also take into consideration the presence of Lilith at 29 Libra, very close to Scorpion and 6th house (in the chart i made using placidus, Lilith is in 5th house conj 6th).
Also, Sun in 6th indicates fear of disease in general, in some cases hypochondria.


Well-known member
I also am a little like you.... I convince myself over and over again that I have HIV, cancer and all the other severe chronic physical diseases one can get. I even took anibiotics and all kinds of meds to prevent after an affair or after I split up and got together with my ex, just to find out that there was no STD :p Still I took many anitiotics already!!! And when I was taking oral contraceptives I thought I had deep vein thrombosis every time I felt the slightest pain in my leg... The list is long. I'm also a health student, so that doesn't make things better!

I would say that this is an irrational fear that disturbs the life quality in general, because when I find out I dont have the illness I thought I had I just go on inventing something else and get worried and more worried and drive myself nuts!!! Sometimes I wonder if this "mental disease" is worse than just the diseases itself...Its like the fact that I have a physical body disturbs me somehow!

I do have Mercury conj. Pluto in Scorpio in the 6th house!!! That curse:devil: Neptune is in the 8th, but is well aspecting Mercury/Pluto with a sextile.


Well-known member
I have no planets in 8th, but I have Saturn conjunct my Sun (if that bears any relations to this), and I am petrified of STIs; Like PETRIFIED, but I think that is the ONLY way to be about them (behaviourally). This isn't an irrational fear. This is the reality of the society we live in. People who are not petrified enough amaze me and the fact you are not one of these, I think is a blessing for you. So, anyway, I think your sexual frustrations are not a result of a normal fear of STIs. Although, I wonder if its to do with your Scorpio sun and Mercury placements in 6th, why you seem a tad obsessive about your health in relation to sex, more so than your health in relation to food, for example.

Yeah when I am feeling bad I indulge heavily in masturbation and binging. Like masturbating 10 times a day and eating over 10,000 calories :unsure:


Well-known member
8th house in Capricorn with Saturn there: maturity and responsibility in sexual relationships but also filtering and inhibiting personal desires.
Neptune in 8th: fantasies which are easily calmed down and inhibited by Saturn.
Uranus in 8th: taste for unusual sexual activity which is (again) not expressed due to the rigid and mature Saturn there.
I've also noticed Chiron in the 2nd house, which can make a wide opposition with Saturn and Neptune. In analyzing the sexual potential of a person, we take into consideration 2nd and 8th house. The 2nd house is for what you have and offer to the other and the 8th house is for what you expect to receive. Chiron in the 2nd can be a clue for your fear of offering what have, and probably you have a lot to offer (Chiron conj Jupiter). This is for your fear and frustration regarding your sex life.

Yes I definitely have very unusual sexual fantasies and want to do them but never do. **** you Saturn. My moon and Venus are conjunct Uranus in the 8th which can also cause certai issues :rightful:


Well-known member
I also am a little like you.... I convince myself over and over again that I have HIV, cancer and all the other severe chronic physical diseases one can get. I even took anibiotics and all kinds of meds to prevent after an affair or after I split up and got together with my ex, just to find out that there was no STD :p Still I took many anitiotics already!!! And when I was taking oral contraceptives I thought I had deep vein thrombosis every time I felt the slightest pain in my leg... The list is long. I'm also a health student, so that doesn't make things better!

I would say that this is an irrational fear that disturbs the life quality in general, because when I find out I dont have the illness I thought I had I just go on inventing something else and get worried and more worried and drive myself nuts!!! Sometimes I wonder if this "mental disease" is worse than just the diseases itself...Its like the fact that I have a physical body disturbs me somehow!

I do have Mercury conj. Pluto in Scorpio in the 6th house!!! That curse:devil: Neptune is in the 8th, but is well aspecting Mercury/Pluto with a sextile.

Yeah I am a little bit of a hypochondriac (hence this post). I hate the sixth house it is boring and unexciting and gives you OCD issues.


Well-known member
Yeah when I am feeling bad I indulge heavily in masturbation and binging. Like masturbating 10 times a day and eating over 10,000 calories :unsure:

You want to be careful with that ignorant attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if your partners as as "frustrated" as you are. Good luck on your journey.


Well-known member
Look love, in order to understand divine assistance you need to understand yourself first. Given all of what you have said in this thread, and others in which I have participated, I don’t think that is the case. The most cost effective way to understand, and be in control of, yourself is to practice meditation. Only once you have achieved this state will you personally reap the full benefits of divine communication. At this stage, using tarot and astrology to self-control is not going to work. The information will fall on deaf ears. Take my advice and do not waste your time trying to prove me wrong. I don't think this amount of self-indulgence is going to get you very far from where you are now.

"...Toughness is in the soul and spirit not in muscles and an immature mind" -Alex Karras
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dr. farr

Well-known member
I think the problem might originate more from:
-Scorpio on the 6th house (health related probelms)
.with the lord of the ascendant, Mercury posited there
..with Sun and Pluto also together with Mercury there in Scorpio in the 6th house
....coupled with Mars, lord of the 6th house and therefore dispositor of Mercury, Sun and Pluto, posited in the pitted (blocked expression) degree of Libra (the 29th degree), which in turn is disposited by Venus: thus connecting all of the above influences with what Venus represents!


mars/saturn = ascendant degree.. you might want to consider how this factors into your extreme fear.. sun/venus and mars/saturn are same midpoint here as well... affectionate man feeling sexually frustrated sounds like it feeds into this overall cluster...


Well-known member
With Saturn Neptune in your 8th I can understand your fear. Neptune is the planet for STDS along with Mars which is in the 5th of lovers. It makes aspect to Neptune and I think your fears may be grounded. I had a one night stand unprotected once and I contracted an STD that cannot be cured or even protected from with a condom so I feel your concerns. Mars conjunct Neptune exactly in my 8th house. It has spoiled my sex life ever since.

I guess the thing is to find a reliable partner and not multiples. It is a vexed problem for sure.

THe 6th house deals with our food, diet and digestion really. So Sun Pluto would affect your eliminative system such as bowels more.

YOu may find that anal sex is suggested with a partner. Uranus Venus in a wide conjunction.
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Well-known member
In the normal placidius house I have this in a HUGE 6th house from virgo to sagittarius.... 6th and the 12th houses are big and all the others are small:sideways: Maybe because I was born in the evening in Nothern Europe. I'm also a medical student, so maybe I can work out this "health karma" or whatever it is called.


Well-known member
I have a huge fear of STDs and I don't know why. It is something which keeps me from satisfying my intense sex drive. It is very frustrating.

This sounds so bloody saturn in the 8th house!
The house where saturn is in your natal chart will tell which sector of your live you need to develop... Where you need to grow up... Since your saturn is challenged it might bring challenges in the sexual sphere.


Well-known member
Can I make a public appeal to the astrologers on this site? When you have a young person who comes on complaining that an important part of their life is in tatters, and is looking to gain better understanding of the mechanisms at work causing this psychological ailment, in order to be able to over come it, could you possibly make a 10% more effort and put a suggestion on how this may be done, next to the fatalistic sounding delineations that some of you leave? Some do this already, which is great, others give an interpretation that is simply educational and not personal, great, but some make it sound like the person is stuck with a handicap. This does not have to be the case. I just today realised that I know someone, a woman, with an 8th house Saturn, who is in her 40's, with a sex drive of a 14 year old boy, which has been maintained with her long-term partner, no children, for many years now. If any of you have the knowledge on how one may overcome difficult planetary influences in the natal chart, or make the most of them, flip them into positives, please share, and bare in mind that you are speaking to young, and therefore vulnerable, developing, individuals who don't need negative seeds about their destiny to be planted into their head (Rant over).