Significators: a question



In a relationship chart the Significator for the Querent is the planet ruling the 1st house and the planet ruling the 7th represents the Quesited + (and please correct me if I'm wrong) we take Venus for the woman and Sun for the man as co-significators.
In the case the 7th house significator is conjuct to Venus and they both sit in the 7th house, would you still consider Venus as the co-significator of the quesited, or Venus might instead represents "another woman" for the quesited?



Well-known member
Venus in the 7th, if it has nothing to do with the actual querent, *usually* signifies that one or the other of the people in question is married, or has someone else, since this is Venus' natural signification.

Although Frawley uses the Venus/Sun thing for co-significators for women/men, I find that this works about half the time...and the other half, Venus is signifying a third party.

It depends on the context, to be honest...if there is a chance that there is a 3rd party involved (a love triangle question of some sort), then Venus is probably the culprit. It's good to get a lot of background information from the querent about the potential relationship.

Another way to look at it is, if there are shared receptions between the querent/quesited and Venus/Sun, then you might use them as co-significators...but I'd be careful about this, especially if the receptions aren't there.

I'm sure that didn't help at all!