Surviving Saturn square Pluto and Sun


Well-known member
How does one survive these transits?

Saturn square Pluto
Uranus opposition Pluto
Saturn square Sun

Plus Saturn return to hit about now 36 y.o.

Can't figure out the houses they will affect.


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Well-known member
Your Saturn return happened years ago.

Saturn return is when Saturn conjuncts itself. Your Saturn is @ 19 Libra.

Saturn conjunct Saturn= October 2011

then retrograded aug/sept oct, 2012, for second hit. [didnt hit exact 2nd time]

What you have coming up is Saturn square Saturn= mar thru dec 2019


Well-known member
Your Saturn return happened years ago.

Saturn return is when Saturn conjuncts itself. Your Saturn is @ 19 Libra.

Saturn conjunct Saturn= October 2011

then retrograded aug/sept oct, 2012, for second hit. [didnt hit exact 2nd time]

What you have coming up is Saturn square Saturn= mar thru dec 2019

How did you calculate 2011 sat return year? Also, how do you see the square? Will it be a 1H sq 10th house aspect?

I got the aspect prognosis on forecast for 1 yr. I'm not yet proficient in reading symbols only, so interpretation helps. As well as houses and timing.


Well-known member
How did you calculate 2011 sat return year? Also, how do you see the square? Will it be a 1H sq 10th house aspect?

I got the aspect prognosis on forecast for 1 yr. I'm not yet proficient in reading symbols only, so interpretation helps. As well as houses and timing.

The Saturn Return happens when Saturn goes all the way around the zodiac and returns to the place it was in when you were born. It takes an average of 29 yrs for that to happen.

Saturn was in Libra when you were born. Saturn is now past Libra and is about to enter Capricorn. It was in Libra, at 19 degrees of Libra, in 2011. To calculate the correct dates you need to look at an ephemeris.

Google 'ephemeris 2011 ' and you can look at the various dates. I did a quick scan.

What you have coming up is Saturn square Saturn= mar thru dec 2019

Saturn transiting your natal 1st, squaring Saturn in your 10th in Libra. Saturn rules your 2nd.

saturn through the 1st house transit:

Saturn Transits Through Your First House: This transit starts with Saturn passing over your Ascendant, and it marks the start of a new cycle in your life. During the next 14 years, or so, you have to concentrate more on taking care of internal matters rather than focusing on what’s going on out there with everyone else. The 1st House is You, your personality and how you approach things. When Saturn moves here, you have a chance to figure out not just who you are, but who you want to be. If you get depressed during this transit, it is most likely an indication that some of the basic routines of your life are faulty and need to be changed.

Saturn transits: when things get serious

Saturn transits the 1st House

When Saturn transits the house of the perceived self and identity you are likely to experience a decrease in confidence as you confront areas of your persona that may not be genuine. As you restructure these behaviours you may find yourself coming across as more introverted than usual, perhaps even overly serious. On the positive side, others will increasingly see you as someone they can rely on, who is responsible, patient and organised.

Saturn transits bring themes of restriction, discipline and structure to the area of life ruled by the house through which it is passing. Many things will be torn down and rebuilt, as Saturn reorganises the affairs of each house he passes through. Whether these structures are spiritual, physical, intellectual or emotional in nature will be shown by the element of the Planet on the house cusp, as well as any planets that Saturn touches as it passes.

Saturn has just about finished the Sag portion of it's transit through your 1st.It will square Pluto as it leaves Sag.

It will soon enter Capricorn and begin the squares to your Sun and eventually, to Mars and then to itself.

Saturn has been sitting on your Neptune in the 1st. I think that has helped your study and understanding of Astrology and Metaphysics.

But it can also be a time that someone feels a little lost and confused about their future. Saturn and Neptune are so very different from each other. So when they conjunct, it can feel baffling. :sideways:

Saturn will be leaving it's conjunction with Neptune, leaving Sag, and entering Capricorn.

So you will go through a strong maturation process and begin to feel much stronger, more secure, more 'adult' as you begin feeling more grounded and secure and stable about your future goals. :innocent:


Well-known member
Thanks Katydid!

When will all these aspects happen?

So, after that Saturn will enter a rest phase?

Why did you say that my Saturn rules the 2nd house? Natally it's in 10th.

Thanks for your replies!


Well-known member
You have the forecast, so it should show you the specific dates.

But it is pretty easy to track them yourself.

Look at your chart. You can see what degree, what number, is printed next to each planetary symbol.

Then google 'ephemeris 2017; or 2018' and you can see where the transiting planets are on each day. It is pretty straight forward.

Saturn is in your 10th, as you said. So it is strongly affecting the work/career aspect of your life.

But it also 'rules' your 2nd, because Saturn rules Capricorn, and that is the sign on the cusp of the 2nd.

So Saturn transits impact the 2nd and 10th houses, both career, and money, and also relationship with Father[10th] and self esteem and self worth [2nd]

Neptunian Rainbow

Well-known member

I noticed that we have very similar charts! Our nodes are only two degrees apart so you have also experienced transit Pluto conjunct the South Node and Pluto square Saturn. You have your natal Saturn at the apex of a Yod just like me. My ascendant is three degrees from yours so transit Saturn has passed over my ascendant as well and I have Lilith and Neptune conjunct the Ascendant like you do.

It’s really interesting to see a chart that is so similar to mine. Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my experiences of the transits and I’ll tell you about the timing of yours. Unfortunately I don’t have time now.


Well-known member
You have the forecast, so it should show you the specific dates.

But it is pretty easy to track them yourself.

Look at your chart. You can see what degree, what number, is printed next to each planetary symbol.

Then google 'ephemeris 2017; or 2018' and you can see where the transiting planets are on each day. It is pretty straight forward.

Saturn is in your 10th, as you said. So it is strongly affecting the work/career aspect of your life.

But it also 'rules' your 2nd, because Saturn rules Capricorn, and that is the sign on the cusp of the 2nd.

So Saturn transits impact the 2nd and 10th houses, both career, and money, and also relationship with Father[10th] and self esteem and self worth [2nd]

1) career - I'm actively seeking for change
2) father - trying to get over some old baggage
3) self-esteem - reading books on self esteem now (by the dozen)
4) money - bought stock yesterday for the first time in my life; trying to change/develop a healthier relationship with money

Above are my main to do's/ self-improvement actions. So you are spot on again.

These "goals" are tough on me as I might have shoved them aside for a long long time.

Neptunian Rainbow

Well-known member
Here are some of my experiences of the transits:

Pluto conjunct South Node: We both have the SN in the first house and Saturn squares the nodes. I don´t know how that has played out in your life, but I have issues with relationships. I meet ambivalent and difficult men. I am triggered by people who are not decisive, who are dishonest, lack morals etc. Pluto on the South Node has made me understand my relationship patterns better. I practice not assuming things about people, I try to ask them questions instead of observing them and making conclusions. I try to see things from many perspectives at once, instead of seeing things as black and white.

Pluto square Saturn: Saturn is a part of a Yod in both of our charts. Did you know that inconjunctions (aspects in our Yods) shows fragmentation? My Yod consists of Venus and Mercury/Chiron at the bottom and you have Mercury and Chiron at the bottom. I want to communicate knowledge to others in a professional setting. Yods makes it more difficult to move forward in life since the planets in it don´t connect. The apex of the Yod (Saturn) is interfering with the path of our nodes as well so I would imagine that you also have felt as if your life is not a straight forward path. Trying to create a stable foundation in life and then building your life stone by stone may be difficult. Pluto conjunct Saturn in the natal chart adds to the difficulties, but it also shows a person who is strong and able to keep trying. I read something about how you need to dig a deep hole in order to lay a foundation before you start to build a big skyscraper. See this transit, Pluto square Saturn, as a digging phase. Do not feel like a failure if you don´t manage to build something great now, this time will lay the foundation so you may not get immediate rewards. I realize that limiting fears are a HUGE issue in my life. I learn things quickly and I have a lot of potential but my fears are very limiting.

Transit Saturn conjunct the Ascendant and then conjunct Neptune: This year I have been more tired than ever before. I have also had a difficult solar return. Saturn conjunct Neptune is depressing, but I have taken steps to move forward professionally speaking. To make my dreams (Neptune) turn into reality in a practical way (Saturn). Transit Saturn on the ascendant also made me more critical about the way I look.

During the last years I have felt lost (it´s actually the story of my life). I have felt that I haven´t achieved anything in life and that I don´t know if I ever will. But I have evolved immensely internally and I also feel freer now. I feel that I have adapted myself to not having anything to hold on to in life, I have an inner strength to rely on. I know that I can rise up if I fall. If I manage to create something I will not be as afraid of losing what I have as other people are. I have also learnt to be more responsible with money. However, I have had Saturn square Venus as well (venus is in the second house) so I might have been more economically challenged than you.

I suffered a lot when the transits began about three years ago, Pluto is now about to move on this month, and this last passage of Pluto has been a lot easier.

If I am not mistaken your Pluto on the South node will last until January 2018, then you will have it from August –November next year. After that it ends. You will have Pluto square Saturn from January –Mars 2018 and from June to August and then from November 2017 –January 2018. After that you are done with the transit. That means that you are still in the middle of these difficulties while I am at the end of them.

You have transit Uranus in your fourth house. Mine is around the IC now. That means changes around the home/family/job situation. Uranus opposite Pluto affects everyone around our age, but we are affected in the fourth and tenth house.

In the beginning of 2018 our Yods will be activated as well by Pluto but those transits will be more pleasant. You have Chiron where I have Mercury/Chiron. Pluto will trine your Chiron and trine my Mercury and Chiron. I will also have Pluto sextile Venus.

I have Venus where you have Mercury. I believe that transit Chiron over my Venus has affected me a lot as well. I felt paranoid the first time it passed over and I felt unsafe. Transit Chiron on your Mercury has probably affected you as well. Something around communication/the mind/your thoughts might have been triggered.

I believe that these transits are helping us to balance the Yods and they are also helping us with our life paths (the nodes). They say that people often find a better balance between the nodes around our age and that we may be able to balance Yods around the age of 35-40. These transits are really pushing us to solve our issues. When we finally find our place in life, we will realize that the tricky road behind us gave us the knowledge and experience that we need in order to do what we want to do.

We both have another Yod as well with AC and Saturn at the base, yours is pointing at Chiron, my Yod points at Mercury/Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer.

I also have to ask you, what was it like for you when transit Pluto passed over your Ascendant around the year 2002? When Pluto passed over my ascendant life literally forced me to own my power.

We both belong to the Pluto in Libra generation. Perhaps you feel like me, that you are tired of the power games in the world. I do not like it when for example people who feel powerless seek to have power over others, when people try to meet their needs by manipulating and using others, when people who dislike themselves take it out on others in order to feel better etc. Libra has to do with equality and balance.

On this page you can read about Chiron in the fifth house if you scroll down a bit.

Here is some info about Pluto conjunct Saturn in the natal chart.

To answer your question about how to survive these transits my advice is: If you feel that your life is not functioning or if you experience some sort of emotional breakdown, let it happen and try to not feel guilty about it. Don´t see yourself as a failure. Try to think that it is supposed to be this way now. There is a reason for everything.

I hope that you are able to make some sense of this confused post, feel free to ask me any question you might have :smile:


Well-known member
Neptunian Rainbow,
That was incredible insightful and helpful. Wow, what a ride! You are such a good and clear writer too. I can tell that, even though you went through a lot, you also learned so much.

I am going through my own personal hell and it was helpful reading about my upcoming t saturn conjunct neptune. Thanks!


Well-known member
About my Saturn return:

Surprisingly, 2011 felt like a very good year despite the sat return reputation.

Natally my Saturn is in 10th house Libra. I was unemployed back then and quite depressed about it actually. It seemed that no matter the amount of applications and inquiries I just couldn’t land a job, nevermind a job I wanted. My education bills started piling up causing distress regarding income and self-esteem. However, BECAUSE I was jobless and had time, I tapped into music production, which elevated me to cloud #9. So on one hand, I’ve experienced the misery of the unmet material needs and on another, the sheer joy of creation and self-exploration through music. On my mental scale, the joy prevailed despite the scarcity of resources and endless closed doors ahead of me.

My Saturn return did not teach me to be pragmatic, at least not in 2011. It returned in my 10th house, where it was supposed to teach me a lesson about work(?). Thing is, I’ve had hard time finding work as far as I remember myself. It’s like there’s a filter on career websites that automatically excludes my resume. Paradoxically, my friends ask me to polish their resumes and cover letters, and turn out successful with less effort.

I am currently employed but dissatisfied with my boss. He’s controlling and authoritarian and happens to have a very prominent Saturn in his chart!

I had a job interview over the phone this week, and even though I felt good about the position/company I sold myself short during the interview. My mind froze and I wasn’t articulate enough to prove myself valuable.
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Well-known member
@Neptunian Rainbow

Thanks for such an insightful post! How weird to have very similar charts. Perhaps you could attach it here?

My last 3 years have been very traumatic; it’s like someone dropped me off in hell and left me there with a paper sword.

I’ve witnessed emotional abuse firsthand at work and at home, sometimes applied to me, sometimes applied to others. This made me question how one even ends up in such situations - is it lack of forethought, high tolerance to distress or bad luck? It seems like life has been throwing a certain kind of experiences at me in the last couple of years to test my ability to recognize them for what they are. Specifically, controlling and erratically behaving men in close relationships. I took my time to track down the root cause, and I suspect that having a domineering and erratic father desensitized me to such behavior. I did not see it coming,not even when it was the size of an elephant. Point is, I need to solidify my boundaries, so that others don't permeate me easily (Neptune on Asc).

I also felt intense fear of situations where the said Plutonian behavior is displayed. My body reacts to sharp sounds, my mind freezes, I feel like fainting. This is *very, very* new for me. It seems like my body developed a mind of its own and wants to tell me something important. Every time I’m about to be in a bad situation my muscles become tense like a rock and I hold my breath, thereby signaling that something is off. I haven’t had this awareness 1 year ago.

I tapped into psychology and self-help books. Must have read 50 books in the last 3 months. Feels like an intense "undoing/healing" mission with a lot of new and uncomfortable information to process.

Uranus conjunct Moon (4th), both Opposite Pluto (10th)
Felt like I am going crazy a bit –lots of thoughts, changing moods, and a strong urge to follow my own intuition, possibly for the first time in many years. Tapped into tarot, symbolism, gambling (applying intuition).

I’ve put effort to change the dynamic in my family, hold people accountable for abuse and unacceptable behavior. A change is very much needed in my home life and at work.

Also similar side themes to yours:
-Developing a non-judgement default attitude.
-Let stuff flow by me rather than through me.
-See the other side of the story while not capitulating my own -- in real life this balance is super hard to achieve.
-Learn to identify when my actions are fear or love based. For example distinguishing bravado that is fear vs love based. E.g. doing the right thing for the wrong reason does more damage than good.
-Constantly self-evaluating, which was revealing but also fatiguing and distracting from material, day to day stuff.
-Developing a better relationship with idea of death. This was to some degree liberating.

My mind hasn’t been particularly sharp lately. I’ve attributed it to my stress and fight/flight mode. Elevated cortisol levels for a prolonged time have that effect. I hope to restore my capacity after the transits
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto transit Asc in 2002

I don't recall reaching a significant personal milestone in 2002. In April 2001 however I passed school exams with very good results. I felt proud of myself but not necessarily powerful.

Neptunian Rainbow

Well-known member
Neptunian Rainbow,
That was incredible insightful and helpful. Wow, what a ride! You are such a good and clear writer too. I can tell that, even though you went through a lot, you also learned so much.

I am going through my own personal hell and it was helpful reading about my upcoming t saturn conjunct neptune. Thanks!

Thank you Isa for your kind words! :love:

About the transit Saturn conjunct Neptune, analyze the house placement and the aspects to Neptune that you have in your natal chart. The transits may activate our issues.

Saturn helps you see in which way you might be delusional. It is a good idea to use Neptune to see the beauty within everything, feel compassion etc, but we have to be aware about what is happening and do something about bad situations = have boundaries. We should not accept everything in an unconditional manner. Neither should we pretend that certain problems don´t exist and live in a false reality. If we have avoided seeing the truth, transits like this one can make us see the truth. This also goes for situations when we may feel like victim´s. We may discover that things are not as black and white as we thought. Saturn makes us more aware of what we are responsible for in our lives and that can be a heavy lesson for some of us. Saturn tells us that even if we encounter obstacles and fail many times we have to keep going, it takes practice and effort to achieve what we want. I will probably write about what I learned during this transit in another thread.

I hope that you won´t experience problems with this transit and that life will get easier for you soon!

Neptunian Rainbow

Well-known member
@ Seneka:

Twins who share almost the same charts can be very different, but a chart shows certain themes in a person´s life and the transits also bring certain themes while we have them. A close friend of mine has her Asc close to mine with Neptune conjunct it and her nodes are conjunct mine. Besides that our charts are very different, but we have a lot in common, we talk a lot about the difficulties of our nodes.

Your chart looks very much like mine, some of my planets are situated a little to the right from yours and my mercury is at the place of your Chiron like I have mentioned. The aspects between the planets are different, but we have two very similar Yods.

It is interesting that you talk about the fight/flight mode. Pluto conjunct Saturn has to do with fears. I read that Pluto conjunct Saturn can indicate problems with the adrenals and the people with a prominent Pluto/Saturn conjunction (you have Saturn conjunct MC and I have Pluto conjunct MC) are more affected by it than other people.

You have Sun conjunct the IC in the third house, my Sun is in the fourth house conjunct the IC. I see it as if I have met opposing powerful forces “attacking” my Sun, my core. I believe that Neptune on the Ascendant makes me good at sensing when something is off, I read people and situations. It may be a skill developed during childhood, in order to be able to get away from danger in time you need to have long tentacles and constantly tune in to the environment around you. I am also skilled at sensing other people´s needs.

The thing with fears is that they can trigger the fight/flight system a lot and we can become sensitized and easily triggered. During the heaviest phase of these transits (I guess you are in the heaviest phase now, the second phase) I fainted and my body had a total breakdown (adrenal fatigue). My mind stopped working as well. I have more energy than before and my mind functions better.

I have always been sensitive to loud noises, they hurt my ears. My fight/flight mode is triggered by certain sounds, but not sharp sounds. It can turn into an anxiety attack if I am unable to get away from the triggering sound, I have had this problem since I was about 9 years old I think.

I imagine that transit Uranus on your moon in the fourth house has a huge impact on you. I have Uranus opposite Moon natally (0 degrees) so I am familiar with the effect Uranus have on the moon. I have tried to change the dynamics in my family since before I learnt how to speak and I often “just know things”. Pluto in the tenth is a transformative planet and that triggers the desire to change things at work. I certainly have issues with authorities who abuse their power.

About the Pluto transit around year 2002, it may be that you did not have as much plutonian issues to deal with as I did when Pluto reached my ascendant.

Do you know that you have Lilith conjunct your Ascendant and Nessus conjunct the North Node in your natal chart (I do as well)? I resonate a lot with what I have read about Lilith and Saturn has transited Lilith as well. We have also experienced a Lilith return.

I hope and believe that you will find the third phase of these transits to be easier like I do. During the last years I have suffered from fears, worry, despair, paranoia and unfulfilled needs. Now I don´t feel cravings for more than I have and things like not having money now, seeing my latest project in life dissolving because of a disordered authority figure etc does not worry me. It´s as if a storm has passed over my life. Now it is beginning to subside and I am standing here looking at the mess, feeling quite strong. I realize that the things that were ruined in the storm are not that important to me. I can´t say that I am filled with excitement and that I feel 100 % safe or anything like that, but I feel ok, tired but rather calm. During the storm I certainly didn´t feel ok. I have never gone through a more difficult phase before on an emotional level, the anxiety levels were incredibly intense! They say that Pluto conjunct Saturn people are strong and can deal with things that would make other people break and at the moment it feels as if that description suits me well.

I advise you to do the following: When the storm torments you, continue to read books and also take some time to just sit with your inner storm and think: “I will be completely present with myself, sink into myself, feel what is happening, observe the reactions within my body and I will not resist it”. The body can process emotions if we allow it to do its job without trying to constantly distract ourselves or numb ourselves. I try to treat my own emotions the way I would treat a child that is dealing with difficult emotions.

I also use visualization techniques and picture a healing energy. It makes me feel comforted and it also prevents me from having a downward spiral of negative thoughts and sinking into a dark black hole when I feel bad. I also benefit immensely by writing. I love to use a poetic language to describe my feelings. Sometimes I write down very negative thoughts without any filters, it helps me to get them out of my system. Often I find different layers of emotions within me when I write without filters. It works best if I am imagining that I am writing a letter to someone who has mistreated me. As I write I may encounter anger, sadness, shame, compassion and then finally a deeper understanding of things.


Well-known member
Nessus conjunct NN

Is Nessus what happens to a person, or what a person does to others?

Mine is in 7th house, Cancer

Moon opposite Uranus 0 degrees
Oh wow, how did it work for you?

I have Moon opposite Pluto 0.15 and I think it makes me want to connect at a very deep level. It’s like a longing for emotional depth, which most standard interactions cannot provide. I try to contain that compulsion and limit myself to the level of detail that a conversation may warrant. I don’t need to discuss the mystery of after life with a store clerk…sometimes discussing weather is the most appropriate thing.

We have also experienced a Lilith return.
How did you experience your Lilith return?

Thank you for the assurance that I'll be alright after Pluto transits. I want to give you a warm hug.


New member
@Neptunian Rainbow

Thanks for such an insightful post! How weird to have very similar charts. Perhaps you could attach it here?

My last 3 years have been very traumatic; it’s like someone dropped me off in hell and left me there with a paper sword.

I’ve witnessed emotional abuse firsthand at work and at home, sometimes applied to me, sometimes applied to others. This made me question how one even ends up in such situations - is it lack of forethought, high tolerance to distress or bad luck? It seems like life has been throwing a certain kind of experiences at me in the last couple of years to test my ability to recognize them for what they are. Specifically, controlling and erratically behaving men in close relationships. I took my time to track down the root cause, and I suspect that having a domineering and erratic father desensitized me to such behavior. I did not see it coming,not even when it was the size of an elephant. Point is, I need to solidify my boundaries, so that others don't permeate me easily (Neptune on Asc).

I also felt intense fear of situations where the said Plutonian behavior is displayed. My body reacts to sharp sounds, my mind freezes, I feel like fainting. This is *very, very* new for me. It seems like my body developed a mind of its own and wants to tell me something important. Every time I’m about to be in a bad situation my muscles become tense like a rock and I hold my breath, thereby signaling that something is off. I haven’t had this awareness 1 year ago.

I tapped into psychology and self-help books. Must have read 50 books in the last 3 months. Feels like an intense "undoing/healing" mission with a lot of new and uncomfortable information to process.

Uranus conjunct Moon (4th), both Opposite Pluto (10th)
Felt like I am going crazy a bit –lots of thoughts, changing moods, and a strong urge to follow my own intuition, possibly for the first time in many years. Tapped into tarot, symbolism, gambling (applying intuition).

I’ve put effort to change the dynamic in my family, hold people accountable for abuse and unacceptable behavior. A change is very much needed in my home life and at work.

Also similar side themes to yours:
-Developing a non-judgement default attitude.
-Let stuff flow by me rather than through me.
-See the other side of the story while not capitulating my own -- in real life this balance is super hard to achieve.
-Learn to identify when my actions are fear or love based. For example distinguishing bravado that is fear vs love based. E.g. doing the right thing for the wrong reason does more damage than good.
-Constantly self-evaluating, which was revealing but also fatiguing and distracting from material, day to day stuff.
-Developing a better relationship with idea of death. This was to some degree liberating.

My mind hasn’t been particularly sharp lately. I’ve attributed it to my stress and fight/flight mode. Elevated cortisol levels for a prolonged time have that effect. I hope to restore my capacity after the transits

Well, this was a lightning bolt! Was looking for info on Saturn square Pluto and came across your writing. Thank you! It was insightful, resourceful and honest to the bone. I am going through skin shedding since Saturn joined my Pluto in second house and still cannot believe what is happening to me. Maybe this is really the first time I have clearly seen with my eyes how things are well programmed to develop or us. Thank you once more for all the info. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.