Chiron/Uranus Opposition and Addiction


Well-known member
OK - so now that we've begun the unpacking of the Chiron-Uranus opposition in terms of it playing a role in addiction or at least in wanting to build awareness and ultimately freedom from the dynamics causing the pain (we have done that haven't we ), then lets take another turn on the road and look at another factor - Pan.

For you Tarot fans out there, Pan is pictured on the Devil card as the Goatish figure that lives out in the woods and inspires Pan-ic in people that walk through as he trolls for pleasure (Pan is a pretty horny devil ).

I have alluded above and elsewhere in the forum that I believe the pain involved in addiction is related to the separation from source we all feel as we incarnate into 3D. Pan in the chart could show where/how this separation plays out as part of the myth shows Pan escaping from one of the other Gods by jumping into a stream (of unconsciousness maybe) and turning his goatlike body below the water into a fish (so Pisces like). Relates very well to our own Peter Pan story of not wanting to grow up and playing forever in the dreamlike state.

I'll go first. I have Pan (Object 4450 at at Sabian 22 Aries in my 2nd house. The Sabian reads:

GATEWAY OPENING TO THE GARDEN OF ALL DESIRED THINGS Joy and utter lack of inhibitions in objective life. Self-exaltation or bondage to the craving for happiness.
___*When positive, the degree is a high quickening to every possibility of individual discovery and experience, and when negative, a tendency to while away the years in contemplating the things which might be claimed for the self rather than making any real effort to gain them.

The only aspect to Pan I have is a trine from my unaspected Sun in Sag in 10. I have always wrestled with this weak sense of self and have fondly wished I could go back to a time when I was very young when I felt a very strong sense of who I was and how much I belonged in this world. Everything was beautiful and in it's right place. Every person I met I could sense their soul and beauty. Of course all of this changed as I moved more into the 3D reality. I must have hovered for quite some time. As I've said before, I did not speak until I was over 3.

So hear I have Pan contacting my ego center that feels pan-icky about not feeling this authentic sense of self. The panic then reaches out for whatever can feed the happiness craving. In the 2nd house we have the illusion (Pisces on the cusp) of money relieving unhappiness as well as sex (Mars in Aries conjunct the Moon and Ceres in 2 as well) and of course drugs with Pisces on the cusp and the conjunction receiving a yod boomerang from Neptune and Pluto with Jupiter (overdoing it) opposing.

Interesting how it takes an obscure asteroid or object in space to provide the missing piece to the overall puzzle of all these many aspects. I believe the Tarot card that follows the Devil is the Tower if I'm not mistaken. The Tower represents the lightning flash of understanding that takes down the false constructs. I can see where this realization of the how the heart of my chart has been creating more pain from the original pain and how it has limited me (chained) to this quest for false happiness. I also believe this is directly related to my developing Diabetes.

Louise Hay explains the spiritual cause of Diabetes as the inability to accept the joy of the moment. Obviously if one feels a lack of happiness and is constantly craving the temporal things to "fix" it, then of course one would not be in an accepting mode of what is already there. She gives an affirmation for this: This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of life.

I will begin to be very mindful of this based on lightening zap and look forward to the next card. The Star.



Well-known member
I have Uranus in Sagittarius opposite Chiron in Gemini. The joy of T-crosses when I have Asc/Mars/Venus in Virgo... :roll:


Well-known member

Yippie, your Sun isn't unaspected after all!!!

Thanks for the Pan (4450) info. Being a Cap I've always been drawn to that archetypal energy anyway. After running over to and adding your 4450 Pan number, I discover that he's in my second house at 11 Taurus. I now discover that I have something in my previously empty 2nd house with nothing else in Taurus. I don't even know what all Pan in Taurus indicates but I'm happy to discover this! Isn't this weird?

Thanks, and your endless personal insights are so amazing and wonderful.


Well-known member

Start with the Sabian

YOUNG COUPLE WALKS DOWN MAIN STREET, WINDOW-SHOPPING Inner interest in outer life which leads to whole-souled participation and achievement. Self-projection. Estimation
___*When positive, the degree is high ability in presenting the immediate potentialities of human achievement and the consequent self-realizations, and when negative, self-depreciation and a dismissal of all really desirable things as beyond actual acquisition.

Sounds like financial limitation.


Well-known member
Hope there are no objections to having this old thread resurrected; I want to join the club; well actually, to talk about my own experience, which is not extensive, but pertinent, I think.
I have the Uranus/Chiron opposition; Uranus sits just below my Asc in the 12th at 25 Virgo with Chiron just before the Dsc in the 6th at 26 Pisces; the aspect is just less than a degree from partile. I haven't paid it much mind really, mostly because my grasp of Chiron issues is not so good; I'm maybe a couple of chapters into Melanie Reinhart's "Chiron and the Healing Journey" which seems interesting enough, if a little forcibly highbrow in parts (to no real purpose). She talks about how Chiron represents the reintegration of mind and body, in a reinterpreted shamanic paradigm: I'm struggling with the book a little, because it is not written to be particularly transparent; rather like one of those people who is clever and is determined that everyone else needs to know it? That's how I feel about it anyway.

But I digress; as I was saying, I have always struggled to see the influence of Chiron by opposition in my own chart, but this discussion has been highly illuminating; I particularly noted the mention earlier about being wounded by our own extreme sensitivity; that resonated for me, quite fiercely in fact.

My life has been very Uranian would be my guess, I worked for many years as a web developer for Nortel through a third-party and built telecomms software systems for them which represented a huge financial reward for a lot of people; 3 years ago it all seemed to work out for me, I was facing a tax bill of nearly $150k, and I was anticipating retirement at 37, all because of the technology solutions I had built and retained a financial stake in. Just as the payments were due - and these are payments for almost 6 years of continuous work, and I'm not talking a 40 hour week here either - my employer pays someone else to hack my software, copy it, rewrite it so that it's slightly different (this for legal reasons) and then cut me off without a penny. Of course, because I haven't got my agreed pay-off yet I have no money to fight it; I did hire a lawyer and spent the last of my own money trying to get him to play fair, but he had a lot of money and I had almost none so it was a final futile gesture really.

And that was that. I kind of crashed and burned after that, gave up anything to do with programming and software, and within days of the final judgment and my giving up on all of it, I was burgled and had my 2 laptops stolen; then all my electrical equipment started to break down, hard-drives crashed, phone broke, you name it actually, and my entire career in computers just died almost overnight.

I changed my entire outlook, got into meditation, running, wrote a book of philosophical musings about the divide between science and faith (which is an interest I always had) and suddenly became incredibly open and sensitive, like I was when I was a kid; I can't even begin to explain how different I was.

So like I say, I wasn't really relating to my Uranus Chiron opposition much until I read this thread, and suddenly it all becomes clear. My Uranus in Virgo (and let's face it, that's the computing placement if ever there was one) was a completely one-sided influence in my life and it very suddenly (Uranus again) polarised and switched (opposition) to a very contemplative, sensitive, meditational mode of living (Chiron in Pisces) and I actually rejected my Uranus in Virgo almost outright.

It's a revelation! Probably no big deal when you have the gift of objectivity but that's the way of things, we struggle to see what's right in front of our noses! Now I just need to find the happy balance I guess; anyone know how to find the equilbrium between Uranus and Chiron?

Thanks guys :)


Well-known member
I was doing some research lately and came upon a story in the paper about how 21 men were arrested for child pornography. The story provided mug shot photos and the birthdays of all involved. I did the charts of all of them to look for correllations, and one that I found was all had Uranus/Chiron oppositions (no, not implying that Uranus/Chiron opp makes one a child molestor). For these men, child pornography was their addiction. There were other aspects involved of course, such as major squares to Venus and Mars and to the Uranus/Chiron oppositions.
Perhaps then, the Uranus/Chiron opposition then is actually just a trigger, forces an over reaction to personal wounds, in which whatever the wound was, causes one to over compensate into another area of life and leading to an addiction or obsession with some thing - sex, drugs, whatever. For those in child ****, the wound was usually abuse of some sort, which can be borne out in the chart with other aspects. It would seem then whatever house the Uranus/Chiron opp occupies then may indicate either where the wound stems, or to where the addiction will lead. Because I only have birthdays and not times to the charts, I cannot plot that. If someone here is willing to share their Uranus/Chiron addiction here, telling us what the possible wounds may have been and what the addiction was, plus the house placements, it could be very illuminating.


Well-known member
So Sven, you evidently attribute your Ura/Chi opposition with some astrological leaning. I have heard that Uranus rising gives an astrological disposition, and the Chiron influence would certainly promote the idea of helping others, and I think for me that might be the key to it, because my feeling is that the Uranian energy can be discharged through others in some way; specifically through sacrificing the individualising impetus of Uranus and helping others to discover their uniqueness instead.

For myself, the only aspects that are particularly urgent other than Uranus rising and Chiron descending are a tight inconjuct between Chiron and Jupiter, which is hardly useful; it's probably as much work to contend with as the opposition itself!

I just looked at the transits for the period where all my kit went kaput, and Pluto was in exact square to Chiron at that point, thus tweaking the opposition, I guess that would be it, as I'm very Pluto sensitive as a rule: lots of Scorpio, Pluto rising, blah, blah. Otherwise, my Chiron is in Pisces, and thus ruled by Neptune, so the Pluto transiting square may have had a Neptunian colouration for that reason alone: how interesting!

I've heard the theory about Uranus/Chiron and child abuse before, but it seems tricksy to me because I simply cannot work out how it would manifest. Psychologically, addiction has no essential focus after all, that part is entirely random, most everyone who is not in the habit of maintaining self-awareness is to some extent addicted, even if it is to something non-harming; because they have no interrupt between impulse and action: that is addiction after all.

I suppose there is a tendency for Uranus to tend toward perversion in its lower vibration and maybe the opposition to Chiron might make vulnerability resonate within that perversion, and since children are most openly vulnerable they could be singled out as the focal point for the negative Uranian energy in that way; that is the best I can come up with. It's also worth adding that the Chiron Uranus opposition was common between 1952 and 1989, which means that there are a whole bunch of people between the approximate ages of 19 and 56 who will have it; statistically therefore, it's not so unlikely that a good proportion of sexually active males will have it.

What I do think, is that it's a dangerous statement to make, like finding the criminal gene, it's positing a rather broad generalisation with a lot of potential stigma attached; my guess would be that the safe bet would be to look for better specificity when bringing the subject up. Also, what is the higher vibration of the aspect? That would be more useful after all. But I do see that it has a generational effect; and that ought to be explored. I don't think it's wrong to say that the current generation has a more addictive flavour than previous ones, not just in immoral sexual predilections, but also for drug abuse, obesity, selfishness; but maybe that is just the more open manner of life these days; alcoholism has been a problem ever since alcohol was invented after all, so maybe there is just more acceptance, or even apathy about it; keeping up appearances might not be the big deal it once was?


Well-known member
Fascinating, really; where can I find out more about Magi Astrology?
(When you have some time...)

Cheers amigo,


Well-known member
Svencanz said:
Very quickly,

I think the Chiron-Uranus discussion will be an important one for our time; freedom and liberation from wound it a great one.
Our whole society is essentially addictive: some addictions are condoned by society, like shopping, consumerism, fashion fetishes. Other addidtions are not. The Chiron-Uranus opposition is a generational aspect, and it would be difficult to give it much personal value in a chart unless connected to a personal planet or angles.

That was my point - it acts as a trigger, but requires supporting elements (such as hard aspects to other personal planets and angles). Many people will have a Uranus/Chiron opposition, but few people will have the opposition within 1 degree, or have Uranus simulataneously opposite Chiron and square the Moon and conjuct the IC, for example. Those with the Uranus square Moon and conjuct the IC may not have the addictive personality without the Chiron opposition to act as a trigger or outlet of that other negative energy.


Well-known member
my boyfriend has Uranus opposing Chiron (3deg) with the Uranus conjunct Venus (2deg) - i always thought it meant wounding through emotional relationship as his independence in relationships is paramount due to Uranus.

I also thought it might mean a guy who doesn't want kids because chiron is in 5th


Well-known member
Seeing some interesting things here. I did a search looking for how often there is a Uranus/Chiron opposition, and how long these periods last. If it is truly generational, then it should occur with some regularity. It does - however, how long those periods last is the most interesting thing.
I scanned to see how many times there is a Uranus/Chiron opposition, ocurring within 7 degrees - the extremes at which I think it would have any affect, even with a supporting hard aspect. During the 20th century, from the period beginning in January 1951 until June 1990, there were 39 periods in which there was a <7 degree opposition of Uranus to Chiron.
The next earlier generation doesn't occur until 1845 - and it only happened THREE times - versus 39 for the 20th century. The next earlier generation before that occurs in 1742 - and only for FOUR occurrences.

To wit:
1951-1990 39 periods
1845-1847 3 periods
1742-1745 4 periods
1606-1609 5 periods
1506-1508 3 periods
1403-1407 5 periods
c. 1267 4 periods
c. 1164 4 periods
c. 1055 7 periods

Even going into the future:

c. 2095 3 periods
c. 2200 6 periods

Only during the 20th century is there so many occurences of this unique
aspect. I'll research further back to see if it does indeed happen anytime during recorded history.


Active member
Unbelievable. I'm really learning here! My Chiron (20'09" degrees Gemini end of 4th house) is DIRECTLY opposing my Uranus at 20'44" Sagittarius at the end of the 10th and I am a recovering addict. Well, I hesitate to say that I've recovered because I've never been to rehab or a support group and my therapy consists of blocking out suicidal thoughts, exercising, occasionally drinking, and remaining cognizant of those less fortunate. Pretty weak treatment, but in overcoming a RAVENOUS cocaine habit I've found that the nature of my thoughts have been distorted and intensified so greatly that I can't even trust myself to seek help. I'm suspicious of my motives. For example, I would RELISH the attention addicts receive in rehab; the spotlight, feeling special & troubled. And I'm sure that I would be self-consciously dramatic in therapy.

Aside from that though, I have to say that this aspect fosters CHRONIC boredom and a constant need for stimulation. I haven't really found a cure for that.


Well-known member
Hi All

I have an exact opposition and do become addicted to most things.

Uranus 14.51 (2nd H) virgo
Chiron 14.33 (8th H) pisces

I think I experience this as money going out of my hands faster than the speed of sound due to constant unexpected events, but at the same time I always have bits of windfalls and winnings to cover the unexpected money outgoings! So im never any better off but I always manage to get out of bother just at the last minute! This has been constant in my life.

example 3 weeks ago in serious bother with shortage of cash, 5 days before I was about to summonsed to court my b/f won some money and gave me £1000. This covered my shortfalls and ive got £50 left!

Dawn :)


Well-known member
Wow, I didn't know so many had this aspect.
I have it as well.
Chiron, 10H taurus, opposite uranus, 4H scorp.
both square moon conj asc in leo.

chiron sextiles sun and merc. in 12H cancer
uranus trines sun and merc. in 12H cancer

I still don't know what to make of it....
I have heard that chiron in the 1othH can often be described as not beig able to understand how something works untill one explains it to another...then one gets it....I have noticed that to be a major aspect of my personality..but alot of people are like that...arn't they??

Interesting to hear the abuse aspect, of this aspect.....
I'm not sure what to make of that, quite often the abused become abusers of something......they either take it out on themselves, drugs, or on others, violence......this doesn't always happen though....drugs have become the socialy acceptable way of killing oneself slowly, taking away unwanted sensation. People who do drugs often have experiences of being far too cool about things and then they snap.

I like kids, and I don't like to see them become punching bags, and really, I have spent time trying to get people out of abusive situations and mindsets. Some times I have been sucessful, sometimes not. There is only so much one can do.

quite a few people with this aspect will have it in scorpio.

Come to think of it.....I don't have this aspect in scorpio...thats sidereal..I have it in the 0 degree of Sag..

I don't even drink. People have asked me why I don't and if I had a problem, and i have had to say, why do I have to have a problem before I decide to do or not do something, or anything?...that aspect of people I often find odd...they seem to "need" problems. Why? What are they avoiding.
Being a problem solver is interesting....but needing them....why?
Problems are just 2 things in opposition that shouldn't be.
Either in ones own universe or the physical.
There is some relation between the mental and physical universes but they are not the same thing....I still get these two planes colapsed form time to time......
Conditions are how things are now.
It's often hard not to confuse the two, problems and conditions.

Sometimes I wonder if it is purpose, or the goals of purpose.....mabie chiron destroys purpose..or shows a place of ones loss of purpose, StiLL, one can regain purpose.
People that are not on purpose, their own, often are boared.
I can understand that.

I have had blocked purposes before, some still are....gradually working on those...there is still some avoidance in me(not all things are easy to confront in oneself and it often takes a gradient basis), I do work with holistic therapies, and I have a loathing dislike of modern psychology when it classifys as its primary goal. What is the purpose of classification as a goal, other then to fix one with a label or a condition that "nobody can do anything about" It does often cause one to identify with the condition, creating it into a problem that one must get rid of....mabie identifications with problems, or conditions, is the main problem....mabie we shouldn't make negative aspects of ourselves, even posoitive aspects of ourselves into a fixed part of who we are as an identity.
Talk like, "Hi I'm Jim, I'm a drug addict"....sometimes people talk too much about their problems.....enough to drive themselves into an apathy, where they "feel better".
I dont think addictions have to be a lifelong, living day to day struggle.
Something one must burdon forever.
Mabie it's just simply an identity problem, and people have had success with drugs and they have solved their problems with them in the past, so they become survival solutions, good things to do always..ways to "get through" life..automacies.....ways to cope.

I find Eft (emotional freedom techniques) to work extremely well for adictions, it helps to remove the compulsions of drugs, by removing the initial decision to take drugs and the initial problems that were posed.
It resembles a psycotherapy, but that is a slightly superficial look at it.
It is an energy therapy, somewhat as well, dealing with the meridains of the human body, release points of tension and trama.....Having trauma in the body, or it's mind, or your mind, can often cause it to not heal, or grow, or function in an optimal basis.

Quite often people start to oppose taking drugs in themselves, and then it becomes a personal game that one fears finishing, because then one will not have a game any longer.....often there is confusion in peoples lives before they took drugs often spoting that and solving that in their own universe will solve the game of DO/Do Not, use drugs, that they have created for themselves to have.

Eft Helps with internal battles, and it's free, and one can do it oneself....
People have had alot of sucess with it in the area of drugs, and adictions, and obsessions, as well as jumbled thoughts, trouble comunicating...There is a whole list things people have overcome because of it....drugs are blockages.....EFT is a good way of releiveing those blockages as well as the pent up emotions and thoughts that often themselves can cause illnesses of different sorts.....It often works very quickly, often people expect things that work to be complicated, yet, often enough, the truth about effectiveness is the opposite.

I recomend eft to anyone who has any type of addiction, It is not hipnosis, moreso reverse hipnosis.....I believe the founder has studied NLP as well.
NlP has been used for peoples dirty purposes as well, Ross Jefferies used it for the sole reason of getting woman to sleep with him, he even sells courses.......bad form Ross.
I'd rather liberate people then enslave them....
Still many are afraid to leave their cages....
I think it's natural for many to fear leaving an enviroment that they are used to, even if it is a bad one, subjective or objective.
There are many instance of this, woman who wont leave abusive husbands, etc. etc....sometimes it is just simply they don't see how they can.....restrictive belief systems, and there are those as well who don't want people to be able to strip their own restrictive belief systems.....once again....bad form....they often get the Bird from me.

Belief systems are OK as well.....I'm not entierly a big fan of them personally....I like to move as far to truth as possible, depending upon the subject are still's nice to have a variety to choose from instead of just being hooked into playing those that have become obsessive......Sounds scorpio don't it.
Most games do decend into becoming obsessive.
Win Win games are fun too.

One interesting thing about thoughts as well, thoughts are really just things.

If a person has thoughts that are bothering them, try making the thought bigger and smaller, louder and quiter, untill one has some controll over then....another thing is to spot the location of the thought, when it was, where it was, and COMPARE that to where you are now, where you are now, this can have a distimulating effect of a cronic thought that is fixed on the present, by puting it where it belongs, often in the past....
In short find the thoughts LOCATION.

past present future.....
sometimes people even place their thoughts in their future in their mind as that is something to keep in mind....when asking someone look at their future...they will often have a fear of the past that is placed in the future! It is in their mind. but they have to find this out for themselves by looking for themselves.
Often the realization that a fear of the future has to do with a past incident, a realization they have had for themselves by looking for themselves, will have a very very destimulating effect on the individual, it will place the incident back into the past, and they can relieve it from there instead of ducking this ghost in the future...our thoughts, and our minds are interesting tools in creating our futures and realities...subjective and/or objective.

Sometimes just asking an individual how big a thought is, what is it's size?, or color?, or sensation?, Where is it compared to now? when is it compared to now? will have a destimulating effect, it will take the person out of the memory that has been accessed and brought up to the blurry section of the concious awareness.....
It will help to split the time between the past and present and future up so the person can use the three tenses more afflleuntly.
Creating our futures is about being able to use the past, present, and future, instead of being used by the past present and future...and our minds.

Minds are the missing step in education that we often never had the oppertunity to learn early on in school. TO me that is a sad aspect of education.
Everyone has a mind.
Not knowing about th mind is asking for problems.
The more people know on how to use the mind and all it's faculties...the less the mind will rule over and controll them and their existence...of course there are those that don't want people to know about the mind or how it works.....I think it is wise to question their motives.

It is OK to have aspects of the mind on automacy, but man.....people need to know how to turn that thing ON and OFF at least.
Mind Controll is a good thing, when it's you controlling your own.
THe mind is the Forerunner of all things....thats buddah talk.

Removing the shackles of the "Subjective Mind" is a very liberating experience.
It allows one to actually use it.

Another interesting thing about thought is that there is thought transferance....sometimes when I handle a worry or issue of my is interesting to see the calm of the people arround me....Sometimes I wonder if I am not cleaning up the concections I have to other people as is a telapathinc universe, or so they say...(laugh)...we are all conected, in som form of field, cleaning up the jammed lines can be fun. ther have been times where I have worked on a worry I have had about certain individuals, from the past, that I have chased down from present worries...worries that I thought were of here and now...which weren't.... and then when I am done, 10 minutes later the phone rings and there they are..the individual or individuals...sometimes, oddly, to apologise...people I haven't seen for's odd enemies....I ask them why they call, and they just say, "I dont know, I just got the idea to call you, how have you been"...Like I said....I havent spoken to some of these people in years....the relationships initially ended roughly...The new conversations do not seem to contain anything negative of the past...and no need to supress animosity, uinexpressed resentment on either's odd, but enjoyable....still its a weird enemies. I have been wondering how things will go from here....

If one wants to get astrological about this I could say that it may have something to do with chiron in aspect to merc by sextile.......but I don't know.....either way I had/have to do the work.(laugh)
No Karma God came, or has come, down to clean up my mess of Comunication lines, or past fumbled relationships...wheither they were of my fault, or not,(probably doesn't matter which) and I'm still not done.
THat I beleive is one form of divine right to action.....I never had to do a **** thing about anything....but I have,.... and It's been worth it.
Alot of things are starting to straiten out and fall into place, past wise, present wise, future wise, people wise.......things are looking up.

I find telapathy, both passive and active, VERY VERY interesting....

Mabie the reason for the increase in chiron's apearance in aspect to uranus, may have something to do with all the unnatural deaths that have happened in recent history, due to war, or famine.........the numbers in war, the world wars, are sickening.
Just a guess....but all those people have to come back sometime or go somewhere..................
I hear some come back quick...some stay out if the game for a while....just depends....on what I'm not sure...personal choice mabie?? pick your theory or have ones own experience.
Who knows.?.

Just a thought/mabie/I'm not sure....


hmmm...I hope I haven't gone off the boards's late, and I've been up a while....that's how it seems to go..took a light scan...doesn't look to something and 3 days later look at it, and find yourself in absolute horror.(laughing)

should I shouldn't I, should I shouldn't I(anybody else do this?)
***** it....


Well-known member
Well, the addiction angle is interesting isn't it?

I smoked a lot of weed between the ages of 17 and maybe 25, but that's as far as it goes for me (but when I say "a lot" I actually mean "a LOT", so there you are). Ironically, I'm quite rigorous about health these days, but that is apparently quite common for Chiron in the 6th.

I'm still reading Melanie Reinhart's "Chiron and the Healing Journey" but here are some highlights for our collective edification, along with a few other points of interest...

  • Zane Stein has noted that "The midpoint between Saturn and Uranus is a 'Chiron sensitive point' on the chart. This means that any planet or angle on that midpoint will behave as though it is aspected to Chiron."
  • Chironian charts are denoted in the same way that sensitivity to any of the transpersonal planets is indicated, angles, conjunct or square the moon's nodes, many aspects (esp. to Sun, Moon or Asc), focal (such as the handle of a bucket, or in the centre of a stellium), with Sag. or Virgo rising or the MC, with Chiron in either Sag. or Virgo or if the chart shows a stellium in either Sag. or Virgo.
  • She believes Chiron to be the co-ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th House, thus detriment in Gemini (3rd), exalted in Virgo (6th) and falls in Pisces (12th).
  • She points to Chiron being the planet of sacrifice: and this can mean self-sacrifice; thus it has a pressing familiarity with suicide. She states that: "I have sometimes heard people express suicidal feelings during strong transits affecting the Chiron configuration." This is because we unconsciously identify with things that need to die in order for us to move on in our lives, which we "externalise ... into our feeling suicidal".
  • Chiron "symbolises things which we can do for others, but which we cannot do for ourselves." I get this! I can do the dishes at other people's houses for example ;)
  • They represent areas of life in which we struggle with futility and have to learn to eventually give up. This is in keeping with the Chiron myth, he was wounded by the poisoned arrow, struggled to learn the healing arts in order to cure himself, found that he could not (but turned that healing knowledge to the service of others) and eventually relinquished his immortality in order to escape his torment. Someone with Chiron in the 10th may have to learn to give up their career before they will find their career! That's the practical application of this understanding.
  • Chiron represents 3 separate principles; The Healer, the Wounded One and the Wounder. It embodies the qualities of what wounds us, who wounds us and how we learn to heal; but also what we cannot heal in ourselves.
  • Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron made many (39: see above) exact oppositions to Uranus, it was within orb for almost the entire period. By contrast Saturn has made only 2 exact conjunctions to Chiron in the last century and more: April 1883 in Aries and April 1966, in Pisces. She goes on to say that: "juxtaposing the two Chiron/Saturn conjunctions with the many Chiron/Uranus oppositions, we see that Chiron has symbolically pierced the Saturnian principle by crossing its orbit, in order for the feminine and instinctual earthy energy to be absorbed. Chiron also balances the unworkable nature of a one-sidedly Uranian attitude to life." Make of that what you will, but the principle has to be especially prevalent in those born with the opposition.
  • Chiron is - unless angular or otherwise promoted - not necessarily even capable of making itself felt in the charts of individuals since it requires an evolved response before it can manifest. I don't think this is much of a surprise, but it does raise a question about how the Uranus/Chiron opposition might play out generationally (which is the only place it might manifest otherwise).
  • This is another reason why the Uranus/Chiron opposition as a marker for child abuse seems suspect; because it would therefore be generational. Maybe that's true, the cult of youth is a bit unnerving these days. But abuse isn't an invention of the last 100 years alone. It might have a strong bearing on child pornography however due to the correlation between Uranus and the Internet; and that certainly is a new dimension in the landscape of abuse, so that seems very relevant.
  • Apparently Sisyphus was a remote descendant of Chiron!
Overall, the book is interesting, but not very accessible would be my conclusion (thus far). Here is what she says about the Uranus Chiron opposition:

"[it] often heightens the desire for freedom from constraints, especially in relationships. People with this aspect are often 'superUranian', apt to make sudden changes and cut off relationships and careers in mid-stream; they could also be prone to unexpected and often unwelcome events happening to them; they love new ideas and want to try new ways of living, perhaps feeling compelled to break through limitations and to stand out in the crowd. Chiron/Uranus people have a strong belief in individualism, as long as it is their own! They may be intolerant of others' ideas; Anyway, that's plenty to be going on with! Cool discussion btw :)

Peace, Jeremy

[some parts deleted because of copy right breach. A 100 words is acceptable and left here. Moderator.]
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Well-known member
I have the aspect, yet so do most people born in the same year as me, the slower moving planets would only show up in personality traits if there is a very strong aspect to a personal planet.

I have this in the sun forming a T-square, and the moon trining chiron and sextiling uranus. The only addiction I have had is ciggies and gave that up cold turkey years ago....

Playing the role of deveil's advocate, hopefully it will point to some other insights.

Dont get me wrong I do love having the aspect and it has so many interesting synergies, just not sure how you can be so definite about a certain trait.

Love Light Flea


Well-known member
Have to agree with you flea, by responding here it almost gives credence to the basic assumption of the thread which I'm yet to be convinced by either. I think addiction is much more Neptunian anyhow.

Which isn't meant to imply that I know anything much of course :)



flea said:
I have this in the sun forming a T-square, and the moon trining chiron and sextiling uranus. The only addiction I have had is ciggies and gave that up cold turkey years ago....not sure how you can be so definite about a certain trait.

This thread has been interesting and enlightening but it does indeed seem to have become a search for "evidence" to support the theory rather an attempt to test it objectively. As Flea's chart and comment clearly shows, this aspect is mitigated by contact with other planets - and strength of character/freewill.

It seems to me there are three factors at work here :-
1. The chiron wound
2. Uranus (the awakener)
3. The opposition aspect - which submits Chiron to the maximum possible exposure/light from Uranus.

This aspect is about recognising and facing the Chiron wound OR running away from it - and addictions are the effect of the latter cause. Those who choose the first option/cause (maybe because of a strong sun or saturn) will experience a different effect.

In fact, Jeremy's first post said it all. He has Chiron in Pisces (wound = "victimisation") manifesting in the 6th house (work). Uranus gets activated and awakens him to the Chiron wound ("victim" of foul play in workplace). He then faced/accepted the wound - but others might have tried to ecsape that through some kind of substance abuse/addiction.



Well-known member
Svencanz said:

That’s very interesting. That this cyclic behaviour would have such an anomaly in our time, a period during which Chiron was discovered. Is that a clue? I would say so.
I did a similar search, but with exact only.
The period that really grabbed me in your list was the 1055 one – since I have a reasonable understanding of history in northern Europe during that time; however, I have this cycle at around 1020. From there on, our cycles match. What software do you use? I have SF5.
I think the next step would be to study history of those time spans in some detail, to see if there are any obvious correlations. Possibly also offset those dates 30-40 years, to see if the “revolutionaries” of those times came good on their promise. Or even 20 for the “true revolutionaries” (Still cannot believe that Lafayette was only 19 when he set sail.)
My other question is if the non-discovery of Chiron at those times, and indeed Uranus for many, would somehow “veil” the availability of the archetype in the society and people affected.
This is the kind of situation that makes me wish I lived in a big city with a library, instead of a beach paradise. Thank Jupiter for the net.

I have one “sub period” from Nov 1964 to August 1974, starting with Uranus in Virgo, then changing sign to Libra in October 1968, and the opposition is now in the axis of Aries-Libra. Right when the Vietnam protests were at their peak. Ultimately leading to the canning of the war – if that’s not a successful protest I don’t know what is. Has a military might backed down due to the “will of the people” before? Like I say, I know some bits of history but not all. It seems to me this might well be the type of big event we are looking for.

Managed to find my Clow book, but she only mentions the Contra affair during the 1986 opposition, nothing except drugs during the Vietnam era – as far as I can see. Why do authors not put an index in their books?
The 1745 period might have been a precursor to the American and the French? Our revolutionary would have been aged around 44 during the French and 31 during the American.
There is another period around 1020 - in addition to the one around 1055. This is also different from all the other cycles which tend to have a 100 yr. gap in between. The next earlier period ends around 914 AD. Again though, all three of these cycles have 4 or 5 sub-periods, not 39.

The most interesting thing about the 39 periods during the 20th century is that it coincides with the first generations born with loads of technology, music, and drugs - many things to be addicted to. In previous eras, all that was generally available was either religious fanaticism or political causes/war. The generation born in the 1740s would indeed have been the most politically active during the American Revolution - in their 30s at a time when they have families and have accumulated some wealth, while being young enough to physically be involved. Thomas Jefferson was born during the 1742-1745 cycle. Notice the next group were born in the mid 1840s, in time to be of age for the American Civil War. Jesse James was born with this opposition (5 degrees). Many of those born during the 1606-1609 period would have been involved in the English Civil War (as leaders, instigators, not necessarily soldiers). They also would have been involved in the colonization of the New World in the 1620s.

Also important is the generations born during Uranus/Chiron conjunctions. The last conjunction in the late 1890s borne the generation that fought WWI. The previous in 1795 provided fodder for the US War of 1812-1815 and the Napoleonic Wars, as well as occuring during the French reign of terror. There was a very long period of conjunction during the 17th century, lasting continuously from 1661-1690. Most other conjunctions only last a couple years at best.

As for Vietnam, the protests not only occured during the opposition, but many of the protesters were born during the opposition in the early 1950s. The first opposition occured in Jan 1951, making them teenagers entering college during the height of protests around 1969-1970 (and many of them are still protesting today, addicted to either protesting or the attention).

But anyhow, I'll continue to scan to see if I can find a comparable period in which 39 sub-periods of opposition occured in one cycle. So far it appears to be a major anomaly.