Casting Return Charts - Retrogrades


Well-known member
When casting a return chart, do you use the 1st contact to the planet's natal degree, or the last contact after a retrograde period over the natal degree?

My Jupiter return is coming up, and Jupiter will be moving back & forth over the degree for a while, so the chart would look very different by the end of the retro period.



Well-known member
good question.

well if it seems that you are formulating your philosophy still, then the directional result will end in between that period.

if you want more information it is possible to do a composite of both hits.

i guess if it doesnt feel like the first hit is it, then it is possible to get it on the second one.

there could be a concept of return lapsation.

for me it does seem like that, on the first hit i end up with a leo stellium in the 2nd house, so that time reformulation is about examining self worth.
the second hit after retrograde i end up with a larger stellium in aries in the 11th house which seems more in preperation with my resolute expansion or what i wanted to go towards in the first place.
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