Donald Trump and Mike Pence - The Gemini Twins


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I find it interesting that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are both Geminis. I don't know if Trump used astrology but it seems somewhat of a smart move to pick your twin as a running mate. If you have ever observed twins before, you'll might notice that one of the twins is more talkative and the other is more quiet. We see this with the president and vice president. Yes the vice president mostly takes the back seat but I think it is more pronounced in this case. Donald Trump is the more talkative twin while Pence is quietly in the background yet the twins are the same.


Well-known member
Pence is more traditional, moralist and puritan as a Christian fundamentalist vs Trump with his "out of the box" approach conservatism different from the Bush family, Reagan and most Republicans: only 40% approved Trump, 60% prefer to have Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or even Paul Ryan or Rand Paul (Libertarian). Both share Geminian greed, lust of power and wanting to impose their views on the majority of Americans, whom didn't elect them, they were S-elected by the Electoral College. I really feel the Trump Administration is pure dark Mercury.


Well-known member
I think the polls are wrong and are just part of the propaganda of the deep state. Trump's speeches were jam packed during his campaign and now look at the football stadiums after he told people to vote with their feet.


Well-known member
Trump is two-faced, a quality known for some Geminis, can be quite negative. In the 1990s, Donald Trump was registered Democrat and he supported Bill Clinton's two successful presidential campaigns. From 1988-2000, he knew Bill and Hillary Clinton, and were actually friends. I hafta say Trump backstabbed the Democrats and returned to the Republican party, just in time for 2016.