A Hidden Affair - Which House in Horary?


Well-known member
Hi folks,

I want to know which house to use for a possible hidden affair (of someone I am in a relationship with).(See in Relational Horary Section)

Thank you,


Well-known member
This is not so easy to answer. In the case of a potential '3rd party', you would first have to delineate the significators for yourself and the person you are with, e.g 1st and 7th rulers. Then I would suggest looking for aspects between your partner, the 7th house and the 12th house, which is the house of 'hiding and secrets'. Barring this, you can take the moon as yourself, and Venus for the '3rd party' as Venus rules sweethearts or lovers. But aspects to and from the 12th will be your key.

If you want to complicate matters you can always try turning the chart, so the 5th from the 7th for your partner's 3rd party lover; but I'd shoot for the easiest delineations first, and *then* try turning the chart.


As I've come to understand, illicit affairs, flings are 5th house from either significator. 12th house from either significator indicates intentional hidden secrets. Look for planets in those houses to determine nature of associations. Also, I ascribe to 7th as ruling house of Other in terms of romantic interest, whether it is an active relationship or one that is hoped for with the other. Traditional horary says 5th is "romantic interest" and 7th is mate, partner where a commitment exists. I've found my readings to be more accurate, however, when I use 7th as desired one's 1st house.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Following old time Ottoman horary, I would:
-take the subject of the question (ie, the person you are asking about-what he is up to) as the first house, then
-take the 7th house if you are wondering if he is having a more serious relationship
-take the 5th house if you are wondering if he is simply having a fling, or brief or non-commital romantic activities
-then, if it is not one of the significators, take the Moon as his co-significator

The Lot of adultery or the Lot of sexual intercourse could be taken as primary quesited significator instead of the lord of the 7th (or the lord of the 5th)


Following old time Ottoman horary, I would:
-take the subject of the question (ie, the person you are asking about-what he is up to) as the first house, then
-take the 7th house if you are wondering if he is having a more serious relationship
-take the 5th house if you are wondering if he is simply having a fling, or brief or non-commital romantic activities
-then, if it is not one of the significators, take the Moon as his co-significator

The Lot of adultery or the Lot of sexual intercourse could be taken as primary quesited significator instead of the lord of the 7th (or the lord of the 5th)

how do you determine the lot of adultery and the lot of sexual intercourse?


Well-known member
There seems to be lots of "is he/she cheating" posts lately! Hmm wonder why? Lol

Dr. Farr, what would you think if the LOA (male) indicated a yes but the lot of truth and falsity indicated them telling the truth? If it is flowing towards the sun could it mean it will come to light? And does the lot of truth flow clockwise or counter clockwise?

dr. farr

Well-known member
Actually it is what planet flows toward or away from the Lot, not the "direction" of the Lot (but the position of the Lot makes a difference: angular and succedent are strong for the Lot, cadent weak) Eg, Lot of Truth-quesited's significator flows toward the Lot = + testimony for the truth being said by or about the quesited; quesited's significator flowing away from the Lot, the reverse; plus (re to the Lot of Truth) Sun flowing toward the Lot supports the Truth of the matter, away from the Lot puts alleged Truth in question.

Part of Romantic Desire = Lot of Sexual Intercourse = asc+mars-moon (same day/night)
Lot of "unchastity of women" (female adultery) is same as above (asc+mars-moon)


Well-known member
Thank you for that Dr. Farr! So.. We would look at the lot of truth as stationary and see what is happening around it right? I was looking at the lot of truth in a chart of mine which is in the 3rd conjunct mars and the sun is in the 7th.. So this would show the sun flowing away and hiding the truth? I got in confused, lol I thought I looked at the lot and saw it flowing towards the sun indicating the truth being known.

Thanks Dr.Farr!

dr. farr

Well-known member
Right: it is the direction to or away from the Lot by a planet which is the indication; in the example you gave, Lot of Truth would be getting a - testimony from its being in the cadent 3rd house and a more significant - testimony by the Sun flowing away from the Lot; especially the Sun flowing away from the Lot of Truth (since the Sun is the symbol of Truth) would indicate that the truth was not being stated or being told, in the matter under question.


Well-known member
I would use for sure the 5th house ruler and the 12th house ruler and check if they are aspecting one of the significators.
It's interesting... Yesterday I asked 'Does my friend make out with him?' And the answer was an yes. She was in 12th house and making an aspecting (with reception) to the ruler of 5th. That's true. My sources say they do had some romance in that night and want to keep it secret :rightful:
