Heavy Question but I'd like your opinion. Does my Husband still love me?


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
I would have to say no, because Mars changes signs into its detriment before any conjunction occurs. Not to mention that his ruler is already in detriment.
The moon is also Void of course, so I would judge this chart not to be radical.
His ascendant point is also conjunct Algol.
The moon is on the cusp of your h4-of endings.
I'm sorry-I know this is not what you want to hear.


Well-known member
I thought the moon was still able to perform in pisces even if "voc". Also won't this moon aspect both venus and mars before it moves into aries?

Venus is in triplicity and fall. I think your husband is confused at this moment, not sure what he wants. Did you have an argument today? Moon is separating from Mercury by opposition.
I've said this in other chart interpretations here recently.... Mars evades Venus before it can catch up by moving into Libra. And aside from that you will both conjunct Saturn before meeting again. (prohibition/interference) But when Mars changes signs it will be in detriment and Venus will be in rulership. Sounds like you're both running hot/cold. Maybe you guys need some space to sort things out in your head.


Well-known member
I agree with Serendipity here. Maybe you both need to give it some time and space..Horary charts only last maximum up to 3 months ( or so I am told ) so don't be alarmed if the results you see or the situation in the chart is not a promising one. I don't think either of you should try to push this,since there will be no results ( it's like someone places a rock infront of you both and either way you go you will trip ). It's hard whenyou can't push or pull,or when you do it just doesn't take you anywhere,so maybe you need to put your...manos al aire and let something else guide this. I know ''wait for more time to pass'' is easier said than done,as any type of waiting produces anxiety,fear and worry about the situation,but I don't believe things between the two of you are 100 percent over.

Edit: for the people that understand Horary much better than me...can someone tell me who ( or what ) is the Mercury then?
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Senior Member, Educational board Editor
Hi-Mercury rules *his* second house and also his fourth.Mercury rules AquT's eighth house of shared resources.
Mercury is early in the sign of its dignity, and not in a strong position-the moon opposed mercury 4 *somethings* ago..Mercury is in a cadent house.
Mercury also rules the husband's home, and also his house of endings.


Well-known member
good stuff :biggrin:

I hope this months venus and mars in libra will sort out a lot of peoples love lives.