Malaise in the area of belief and cognition.


Well-known member
I find that my thinking is not as sharp as it once was; this is evidenced in my work and my gaming. I just feel lazy and like I do not wish to do the work needed to figure things out, so I do not.

My belief in astrology sharply waned August 2016. This was around the time Jupiter entered my first house, and I entered my Jupiter dasha. At the same time, Saturn was looking at my ninth and it feels like Jupiter made Saturn too heavy for me.


Can you explain in astrological detail (aspects 579 for Jupiter, 37and10 for Saturn) and anything else, what is happening with me?
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Well-known member
In general I have not touched anything astrological at since that August.

But this morning, my friend made a post on Facebook [she herself had taken a break from astrology for some reason or other] about transits et al. And this reminded me of my situation and my general apathy and disinterest in all things astrological.

So I decided to ask this question because I was curious. So some advice would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
In general I have not touched anything astrological at since that August.

But this morning, my friend made a post on Facebook [she herself had taken a break from astrology for some reason or other] about transits et al. And this reminded me of my situation and my general apathy and disinterest in all things astrological.

So I decided to ask this question because I was curious. So some advice would be greatly appreciated!


After seeing several aspects (not talking of astrological aspects only), the only thing which have struck me is transit jupiter entering the house where jupiter returns+ the double transit on the 5th. and 9th. houses.

Considering other evauations, I am not to believe that you would be away from astrology but just more mature in its usage.

.......Strong focus at the trikonas in addition.



Well-known member
I have missed your presence here and wondered how you were doing.

Jupiter entering your first maybe gave you 'support' to meet life head on, with out looking at the ephemeris.

Hope you are doing well and I am glad that you checked in...:ninja:


Well-known member
Aww, it is nice to be missed... I missed you too especially, but I have had this aversion to the astrological sciences, you see.