general transit clarification


New member
Hello friends,

I am trying to learn transits and while reading through several books and online resources over the past 2 months or so, I still have a few questions.

The first one that I am not 100% clear on and would really appreciate some input in is as follows:

If I understand correctly when looking at the transiting planet, (assuming there is an aspect) we consider the planet's house in the natal chart. Correct?

So what about the transiting house, is that fully ignored, and of so, why?

Do the planets never leave the native house for purpose of interpreting transits?

P.S. Thanks in advance for the help.


Well-known member
I don't understand your last question.

The natal planets are the birth map.

We can then progress the chart or use a solar return chart for a 1 year overview...but the natal planets are fixed in their places.

the house the planet is in during any transit is VERY important, as there may be no other planets in that house natally. So when a transit planet occupies that house it gives energy to that house.

There are a lot of things astrologers look at when judging transits. The most prominent clues are the transit planet aspecting natal planets. The transit planet entering a new house or hemisphere (from 9th house to 10th house, for instance....or from 6th house to 7th house.)
AND if the planet is a heavy planet, the aspects to any angles....esp. conjunct.
