Need Help to change the downward spiral of my life_depressed


Staff member
Spiritually balancing out life


You have a see-saw chart, which is a chart which has two clusters of planetary energy separated by an opposition. The challenge of a see-saw chart is the person tends to “swing” between the two clusters of planetary energies, sometimes feeling one cluster of energies, and sometimes the other. Since your energies are focused in the bottom (inner world) and top (outer world) part of your chart, you tend to alternate between going deep into yourself and going out into the world in order to try to “escape” your inner world. However, since you also have Saturn (duty, also structure, restriction) conjunct (energy is combined with) your Nadir (inner world), you may tend to feel constricted by your inner world. And, since transiting (planets in the sky) Neptune (spirituality, also confusion) is has been conjuncting your Nadir for quite awhile, you may have been confused about your inner world.

The way to overcome a see-saw chart is to “meet it in the middle”. Find some middle ground BETWEEN the extreme highs and lows and try to stay in that “middle place”. In your case, there the oppositions of your see-saw chart focus on Leo (self-expression) modifying Neptune (spirituality) conjunct your Ascendant (self), so self-expression of your spirituality can help you find this “middle ground”. Since your Leo (self-expression) modifies your North node (future goals) conjunct the Midheaven (outer world), you also need to emphasize the outer world MORE in order to find your balance in life.

Based on this I would suggest any spiritual practices that get you into the outer world (such as group meditation, yoga, etc.) would be very helpful for you. The challenge is not to RESTRICT your inner world, but to STRUCTURE your inner world, and Neptune is there in your chart to lend its help to accomplish this!




Thank you Tim,
What you said makes a great deal of sense and it's all true! Thought about changing careers and just an overhaul of my life in general. Do you see any change in those areas or is this not a good time for that sort of thing? I become burdened by all my ideas at times.

Thank you very much


Staff member
Wrok on spirituality in the outer world


As I mentioned, my suggestion is to not be overly concerned with siding on outer world (career) or inner world (emotions) but instead to concentrate on developing your spirituality doing activities which get you out of your home and out in the world.




:D Thank you and I understand now and will do that .Appreciate
your time and effort in helping me.