gemini man+gemini woman =...?

Basically I wondered generally speaking what are the links perhaps both positive and negative between someone born on 23rd May 89 and a girl who is born 29th May 94.

I just wondered if generally speaking these two dates get along usually fine.

Or what other signs/dates that a guy who is born on 23rd May 89 would be most compatible with?



Well-known member
hello, it's way more complicated than a male chart, his Venus sign can determine the type of woman he finds attractive and in a female chart, her Mars gives an idea about the type of man she'll find attractive but that's just the tip of the iceberg! We would need to look at the charts to attempt to answer the question.
Out of curiosity, I added the numbers of the dates as you had written them 2+3+5+8+9=27 and 2+9+5+9+4=29
27+29=56 and 5+6=11 I think that's pretty significant, I'm not sure what made me look at it that way :)
hello, it's way more complicated than a male chart, his Venus sign can determine the type of woman he finds attractive and in a female chart, her Mars gives an idea about the type of man she'll find attractive but that's just the tip of the iceberg! We would need to look at the charts to attempt to answer the question.
Out of curiosity, I added the numbers of the dates as you had written them 2+3+5+8+9=27 and 2+9+5+9+4=29
27+29=56 and 5+6=11 I think that's pretty significant, I'm not sure what made me look at it that way :)

I see, I don't know where to look or being it's like I need a teacher of something lol

Adding up the numbers has significance? Can you explain more please? :)


Well-known member
hi, I wouldn't look at the chart till much later in relationships you should just ask her for a date and see what happens. 11 is a very powerful number, it's the first numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (I don't count the zero) and it's also a Master Number it carries vibration, it's strange that I noticed it so let me know what happens...5 years is nothing if you like brave :)
hi, I wouldn't look at the chart till much later in relationships you should just ask her for a date and see what happens. 11 is a very powerful number, it's the first numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (I don't count the zero) and it's also a Master Number it carries vibration, it's strange that I noticed it so let me know what happens...5 years is nothing if you like brave :)

Well we are together that's the thing but it is a long distance relationship and full of much uncertainty and we have met in person and it was absolutely magical and just everything about her is so wonderful and complimentary towards me and vice versa.

It is an absolute dream to be with this girl properly.