physical features of sagittarius


Well-known member
Could be...

Smiley, large teeth, big as in muscular/weighwise/big @ss,thighs etc/tall.

Enthusiastic, lots of energy, fun to be around, good sense of humor, outgoing, VERY outspoken and will be very upfront about everything and also very blunt whatever enters their head they'll just say it.

Very honest, friendly, don't like to be bound by relationships as they like their freedom to explore, they need their space, don't like routine can get bored quick.

They're very direct and forthcoming with their desires, don't like to beat around the bush and don't like this from other people.


New member
I'm a sagittarius ascendant myself and a leo sun too

I agree with the physical aspects @FadiMazboudi and I mostly agree with the attitude mentioned by @Chrysalis

Apart from that many square aspects (emotional, sensitive, undisciplined) / houses (anxiety) with leo (ego, gratification) in combination ****** up my social life.

I actually discovered astrology about a week or two ago, it actually uncovered my repressed leo / sag tendencies and my fire which I have been suppressing / denying in the beginning in front of society and for at least 2 years completely. (maybe because a super blue bloodmoon happening on January 31st? I can feel myself being energized for some reason.)

I know this is just rambling, but maybe it gives some insight, since I can't really tell apart from where my tendencies exactly come from, I've still got to figure my stuff out.

I can confirm the things mentioned on cafeastrology especially being optimistic and I've got a square which makes me optimistic too. But I don't totally agree with this line:
Even when they’re feeling low, they manage to find humor in life and have fun with whatever they do have.
I actually lost the fun in it, the humor is a bit darker but still there, especially since astrology answered even my deeper questions I had from live.

But I heard always having hope and being optimistic can also be a lost cause, so I'm not to sure anymore (but these are maybe my squares of having low self esteem and being a libra moon).


New member

Sagittarius rising people have opinions about everything, and they just love telling others exactly what they are.
Well if it wasn't obvious, now it should be.

These individuals are somewhat restless and often active people. They always seem to be looking for something that is just out of grasp — and many do this their entire lives.
Just discovered something – already bored. I'm pretty restless, most of the time I feel the urge to move my legs. I can't just sit calm and eat. Either I have to read something or I eat while I stand or go whilst thinking about something.

Oh and is even better. I already want to check out vedic astrology or chinese astrology before I even fully unterstood western astrology :lol:.


Well-known member
kindlly tell me the physical and mental characteristics of sagittarius ascendent /sun sign.?

Oval head, i've noticed a propensity to bald easier with fire signs including sags.

A lot of celebs are sags also since pluto passed by sagitarius making those with the energy very famous and sexualized in the eyes of an audience. They're not bad looking people either especially if they have other placements.

But an oval head is what I have noticed a lot.