Homosexual verdict in astrology

I'm asking in regards to vedic, which I begin my first class on sunday. I can't operate on a hunch, since this is a system of rules. But I know venus and mars play a role here. I am a pisces born on 3/21/1993 @ 5:07 AM Winchester, MA.

First house is in the sign of Aquarius, there is Saturn under 2 degrees and the Moon and Mercury are at 16 degrees with Saturn.

2nd house is Pisces with Venus and Sun

5th house is Gemini with Mars

Just wondering about aspects other than conjunction. Because Saturn, moon and Mercury must be looking at Venus.

I have always had sexual feelings toward men. But am conflicted and want females too.

Some say this is genetic.. but the gay gene thing is fraud research and genetics is not like that. You can change your genetic structure to a degree.


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