Jupiter and Chiron Conjunction


Staff member
I have a Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in my chart, and I've seen the same in a couple of other posters' charts on here, so let's have a thread to explore this conjunction!

For me, the conjunction is in Aries, right on the IC. Chiron hugs the IC from the fourth house while Jupiter embraces it from the third. Both are retrograde. Both oppose Uranus (Libra, tenth house, conjunct MC) and square Saturn (Cancer, seventh house). The Jupiter/Chiron/IC conjunction also trines my sun (Leo, eighth house) and moon (Sagittarius, twelfth), forming a loose-ish grand trine.

Based on what I know, it seems that a Jupiter/Chiron conjunction would provide an extra boost to healing and growth. I certainly see that focus in my own life, and in the context of my sun and moon signs and houses, it makes lots of sense.

Do other Jupiter/Chiron conjunction people have similar experiences?
hmmm probably this conj with mercury gives a great intellectual and teaching capacity

the aspect related all with high-qualities, imo also it is related philosophy and religion
probably with sun and venus : being virtuous, sober, modest one.

actually I don't have this conj. but my jupi is placed in virgo and his dispositor mercury in conj with the chiron.


Staff member
actually I don't have this conj. but my jupi is placed in virgo and his dispositor mercury in conj with the chiron.

Well, mine is in Aries, and my Mars is in Gemini... so it's kind of like a Mercury involvement right there! I hadn't considered the depositor.

Still looking for some specifics about an actual conjunction between Jupiter and Chiron. Anyone?


Well-known member
Osamenor, I do not have this placement, but I have done a lot of research (around 20 years worth) into Chrion and its effects on our life and our natal chart generally.

Barbara Hand Clow, who has written a text on Chiron, states that the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction grants a person a sense that they are here to do great things - a superiority complex, if you like. I have identified the following `famous' people as having the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction:
George W Bush; Bill Clinton; Orson Welles; Martin Luther King; Xanana Gusmao (he was the first President of East Timor - during some very difficult times politically - and has been Prime Minister of East Timor now for over 7 years)
That list, while short, is of some rather well known people, not all of them particularly gifted, but who took on the mantle of power. Clearly, not everyone with this placement will have this kind of world-wide influence.

Melanie Reinhart has also written a definitive book on Chiron, and she states that those with strong Jupiter-Chiron aspects may have all or some of the following:

  • wounding to do with their sense of hope for the future, which may lead a person to working very hard to ensure/determine a secure and sure future for themselves.
  • the capacity to teach and inspire others (MLK being an extremely gifted case of this)
  • Situations in which your longed for goals are somehow `taken' from you.
  • A sense that you can influence your own destiny (and Orson Welles was a fine example of this)
Whatever your expression of this, the word `destiny' is usually part of how you experience this. With both Jupiter and Chiron being Rx, you are likely to experience this in a more internal way, rather than an overt way like the people I listed above. Being conjunct your IC, there is likely something in your family line of heredity which you have come in (incarnated) to work through. Perhaps there is a `wound' within your heredity which is something hidden and shameful, and your `destiny' may be - in the first instance - to experience this in some way, and then work it through in your own life, followed by teaching others what you have learned.

And by `wound within the line of heredity', this could be anything from illegitimate children, to someone in the family tree who was a criminal, or someone who was gay at a time when this was considered shameful, and so is a persona non grata. Either way, your `job' will be to act out, or live out, that in your family - immediate, or the line of heredity - which has been a wound for some time.

Chiron describes the wounds we have been born with to work with in our lifetime, and Jupiter gives us the ability to see beyond what is right in front of us. The 4th house is about our home, or sense of home, where we belong, the line of heredity we came through to get here.

The following is lifted directly from Barabara Hand Clow's book (no doubt breaching copyright) but you might find something in it relevant to you.

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Staff member
Melanie Reinhart has also written a definitive book on Chiron, and she states that those with strong Jupiter-Chiron aspects may have all or some of the following:

  • wounding to do with their sense of hope for the future, which may lead a person to working very hard to ensure/determine a secure and sure future for themselves.
  • the capacity to teach and inspire others (MLK being an extremely gifted case of this)
  • Situations in which your longed for goals are somehow `taken' from you.
  • A sense that you can influence your own destiny (and Orson Welles was a fine example of this)

Shivers from this one: Situations in which your longed for goals are somehow `taken' from you. Yes, absolutely.

And that feeds this one: wounding to do with their sense of hope for the future
With both Jupiter and Chiron being Rx, you are likely to experience this in a more internal way, rather than an overt way like the people I listed above. Being conjunct your IC, there is likely something in your family line of heredity which you have come in (incarnated) to work through. Perhaps there is a `wound' within your heredity which is something hidden and shameful, and your `destiny' may be - in the first instance - to experience this in some way, and then work it through in your own life, followed by teaching others what you have learned.

And by `wound within the line of heredity', this could be anything from illegitimate children, to someone in the family tree who was a criminal, or someone who was gay at a time when this was considered shameful, and so is a persona non grata. Either way, your `job' will be to act out, or live out, that in your family - immediate, or the line of heredity - which has been a wound for some time.
Those particular examples don't apply as far as I know (not aware of those issues being in my family, and if so, they're not what I'm acting out), but something else you didn't mention does, which is a whole complex other story!