Your experience with the hardest transits...?


Well-known member

I have Saturn conjunct Pluto its separating but still here until September. Two days ago Pluto conjunct Uranus transit started, Im not coping at all. Uranus is transiting my 8th house. Pluto rules my fourth house, my Dad is in hospital, he's not going to make it this time. I can feel it in my bones. I think these are the hardest transits Ive ever had to deal with 22 years of my life. These aspects make Sun conjunct Chiron feel like a trine oh and I have that transit too :(

Have you experienced these transits? Whats happened? :sad:


Well-known member
The same transits over different charts give different results. The same transits over the same chart at different times give different results.

I have experienced Saturn transiting over Pluto three times now. I'm still here, and wagging my tail.

The first time I was around 5 years old. Nothing much of note happened.
The second time I was around 34. Nothing much happened. I'm beginning to think astrology doesn't work. I should be having some sort of disaster.
The third time I got a traffic ticket that caused me a bit of grief. The judge didn't believe me when I claimed the cops were profiling senior citizens.

You have to look and see what the other planets are doing, view the chart as a whole -- even in transits.

At the first transit of Saturn over natal Sun (it's Rx pass) I got hepatitis and was in quarantine for a while. But at onset transiting Sun was on natal Neptune and Pluto was at the square of natal Jupiter who is lord of my 6th. Neptune opposed my Mars, a transit which can bring infectious diseases. When there is an aggregation of influences like this, you are likely to experience a significant event.

Sorry to hear about your dad.

"For all things born in truth must die, and out of death in truth comes life. Face to face with what must be, cease thou from sorrow.
Invisible before birth are all beings and after death invisible again. They are seen between two unseens. Why in this truth find sorrow?"
-- Bhagavad Gita
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Well-known member
I am very sorry about your father, and that you are going through a difficult emotional time in your life.

A truism in modern astrology is that we get T-boned by hard transits if we haven't at least partly mastered the energies that the planets represent. To the extent that we can visualize empowering interpretations of the planets in our lives and then manifest them constructively, we put ourselves more in control of our own lives.

This may be hard to do as a young adult, but it will improve with practice.

Since you already know some astrology, maybe start journaling on the planetary heavies. Pluto, for example, can be a ruthless, destructive energy; but it also works like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Saturn is Dr. Reality Check. He gives us some old fashioned-lessons, but if we take them to heart, we are much better able to navigate through the world as-given, not the world as wished-for.

I strongly recommend Steven Forrest, The Inner Sky for your astrology reading!