Attracted to one element


Well-known member
I don't know why, but I have a thing for people with heavy fire. Personally my asc is in Sagi along with my north node, neptune, and mars. I was thinking about all the people I surround myself with, and it started to become clear that I feel closest to others with fire. My sister is a sagi rising sagi sun, my nieces (one has an aries stellium and the other a leo stellium). My grandfather had an aries stellium, and my father a leo stellium. I always felt much more close to them than my mother who (has a heavy water chart).

I seem to love venus in Aries, too and moon in aries men. All of my best friends have had leo stelliums. It's weird.

I'm curious why I feel so attracted to fiery people and I just mean attracted person to person not romantically (though I'm also obviously romantically attracted to fire also).

Anyone else notice this with people you are closest to? Preferring one element?


I'm definitely attracted to other fire types, especially moon in aries also. I have asc., sun and mercury in aries, and moon in sag. I'm pretty much a text book case of a fire sign, lol. :tongue:


Well-known member
I don't know why, but I have a thing for people with heavy fire. Personally my asc is in Sagi along with my north node, neptune, and mars. I was thinking about all the people I surround myself with, and it started to become clear that I feel closest to others with fire. My sister is a sagi rising sagi sun, my nieces (one has an aries stellium and the other a leo stellium). My grandfather had an aries stellium, and my father a leo stellium. I always felt much more close to them than my mother who (has a heavy water chart).

I seem to love venus in Aries, too and moon in aries men. All of my best friends have had leo stelliums. It's weird.

I'm curious why I feel so attracted to fiery people and I just mean attracted person to person not romantically (though I'm also obviously romantically attracted to fire also).

Anyone else notice this with people you are closest to? Preferring one element?
You have answered your own question but no I never had preferred the one element.....I am attracted to other fire/air people in general but not always the case.


Well-known member
As like attracts like it makes sense you'd attract your own dominant element(s). I am triple water and I'm always drawn to other watery people, especially if they also have a fair amount of air.


Staff member
attract what we lack, to moon


You said:
As like attracts like it makes sense you'd attract your own dominant element(s).

I've heard it the other way...we most attract those things we lack. So I notice in kbell's chart they are weakest in Fire and Air. And only the Fire sign planets are :conjunct: (energy is combined with) :neptune: (sprituality, also confusion). So the Fire energy is "dissolved" into each other in a confusing way, creating a lack of the "sense" of fire. So kbell tries to compensate for this and looks to find FIRE OUTside theirself.




Well-known member
In my case it's actually a bit of both.

When it comes to the men I dated or was attracted to, they were always quite heavy on the water. I cannot imagine being with someone with a lot of earth and fire; not in a close, intimate love relationship.

When it comes to my girlfriends, they tend to have 'earthy' qualities. There's a lot of Virgo and a bit of Cappie around me. I lack earth in my own chart (only have Pluto in Virgo).