Possible root canal?


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I had some major dental work done on September 14, preparation for a crown and five fillings—one which will have to be crowned within the year.

I am still having pain from the original work and have been in to the dentist at least once to have the bite changed and checking for abcesses. There are three teeth that were worked on: the bicuspid and the two molars on the lower right side.

From looking at the attached charts, will a root canal be necessary? The Root canal? file has the transits for the day the work was done and root canal?-2 has where my progressed planets were at.



  • root canal?-2.pdf
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  • Root canal?.pdf
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Well-known member
Hi Elianah,

I feel for you; my teeth are not my best, if strongest asset !!!

Saturn rules the teeth in general and Mars the molars in particular. Scorpio/Pluto would be associated with getting to the 'root of things', wouldn't they? Jupiter/Sagittarius the specialist/health quality, with Saturn in Sag. as the dental surgeon?

Look at the transits of your original appointment. Mars is not mentioned but it was at 3* Libra; coincidence? Using your astro. knowledge of whether the aspects made to and by above planets are fortunate for you, plus listening to your inner guide, should provide the answer to your question.

I assume you are allowed an aenasthetic, aren't you? Makes it more relaxing when you can't feel anything.



Well-known member

I see the endodontist tomorrow for an evaluation.

For the day the dentist worked on my teeth:

The fact that transiting Saturn (eighth house) was spot on trined to its natal position (first house), tells me that although there could be initial problems with the original work, the positive energy from the trine could allow it to heal in a slow but noticable manner.

Transiting Neptune also works into this because it is sextiled to my Natal Moon/Saturn conjunction and was in separating opposition to transiting Saturn. So there may have been hard to identify other issues taking place with the teeth, mandible and gums before the three teeth the dentist worked on that were not necessarily visible to him but were aggravated by the drilling, filling and crown prep work.

Tanisiting Mercury and Mars were moving towards full conjunction in Libra, sextiling my natal Sun, semi-sextiling my natal Neptune and inconjunct to my natal Mars (t-Mars and Mars were exactly inconjunct). The Mercury/Mars liaison indicated that any pain caused by any inflamation of the nerves and gum tissues would be communicated throughout the side of the head on which the dental work was done.

Transiting Venus was in waning square with my ASC. Since Venus rules the gum tissues, the way I would relate with the outside world could have been seriously affected by the pain I was feeling in my mouth.

This is about as far as I can go right now... the more I talk about this the more my lower right mandible wakes up and hurts.


Well-known member
Elianah said:

I see the endodontist tomorrow for an evaluation.

For the day the dentist worked on my teeth:

The fact that transiting Saturn (eighth house) was spot on trined to its natal position (first house), tells me that although there could be initial problems with the original work, the positive energy from the trine could allow it to heal in a slow but noticable manner.

The problem became a physical issue that was causing concern and dealt with, yes, but transiting Mars????

Tanisiting Mercury and Mars were moving towards full conjunction in Libra, sextiling my natal Sun, semi-sextiling my natal Neptune and inconjunct to my natal Mars (t-Mars and Mars were exactly inconjunct).

Mercury the appointment, but it's that inconjunct that is unsettling, suggestive of extending issues not yet over.

The Mercury/Mars liaison indicated that any pain caused by any inflamation of the nerves and gum tissues would be communicated throughout the side of the head on which the dental work was done.

I wouldn't have thought of that.

Transiting Venus was in waning square with my ASC. Since Venus rules the gum tissues, the way I would relate with the outside world could have been seriously affected by the pain I was feeling in my mouth.

It *was* a square, indicative of a problem not yet solved?

This is about as far as I can go right now... the more I talk about this the more my lower right mandible wakes up and hurts

Let us know what the decision is, willl you ?



Well-known member
Joy oh joy! (This is sarcasm.)

I get to have a root canal on Friday. The endodontist placed me on penicillin for seven days and extra strength hydrocodone.

The bad thing is that the placement of the permanent crown has gotten pushed back to November 14, the tail end of Mercury retro in Scorpio.

But at least the pain should start clearing up.



Well-known member
It is now 24 hours since the root canal and I feel so much better! I am not in pain punctuated with periods of quiet, all I am taking is the rest of the penicillin (no pain pills or Alieve since last night). My jaw joint is still a little tight and sore, an artifact of having my mouth open for over 1.5 hours.

All the endontist had to say was how small my mouth was and how curved my roots were.

Oh well. I do think this one is going to work, however. My mouth feels different from the last time (eight years ago), so I don't believe I will lose this tooth like I did with the first one.



Speaking of Scorpio and getting to the 'root" of things..I had my silver fillings replaced several months ago and the second time I went in to get the other side of my mouth done was during a full moon in Scorpio and conjunct my Uranus. I didn't realize this until a few days before the appointment and decided to go ahead with procedure anyways and see how this was going to play out (you know, to see how astrology REALLY works..) Uranus is square Mars/6th/ Capricorn in my natal!! I knew something was gonna happen but I didn't know what. So I'm in the chair at the dentist and he proceeds to stick the needle in my mouth to numb me up and keeps going deeper and deeper in the same spot in my mouth and hits a nerve! OH GOD, IT HURT! I briefly lost my vision, it was scary. Next time I have warning of a similar planetary event when I'm going to the doctor, I will cancel!