Mars conjunct Jupiter


Well-known member
jamiescott said:
Maybe someone who has Mars conjunct Jupiter can teach you how to look and feel sexy. Do you know anyone with this aspect?

Winning money yes if the aspects are good and have support from perhaps the 8th house of others assets and 2nd house of personal income.

Sexiness comes from Venus connection to Mars and also to Pluto. You can dress sexy but you have to feel confident as well.


Well-known member
I have Moon, Mars, Jupiter all conjunct, in the 1st degree of Gemini. I could never relate to the Jupiter-Mars conjunction thing.
I am a very insecure person. I guess because the Moon is there, too.

Plus it's also square Mercury in Pisces.:annoyed:


Active member
I always connect these two planets with fertility . I met someone whose Jupiter sat on my Mars ... not saying anything other than WOW ;)


Active member
I have the conjunction. Trine venus and chiron and square the sun. What it gives you is lots and lots of energy. Mars-Jupiter is also conjunct the North Node.

It's hard to describe it, and this is probably because of the square with the Sun, but when I have doubts about something (and I often do - hey I have a Moon-Saturn-Neptune T-square v. similar to Marilyn Monroe's) something in me feels the urge to do it anyway. My mind may be overwhelmed with fear and doubt but there is always this optimism and energy that tells me to take the leap anyway. And then once everything goes haywire I guess Mars-Jupiter gives you the energy, optimism and luck to successfully navigate your way through the mess. So Mars-Jupiter conjunct doesn't mean you can't be terrified out of your skin, it just means you don't let it stop you.

I have a moon, saturn, neptune t-square to balance it though. So doubt, depression and suicidal thoughts I have aplenty.

Still Mars-Jupiter is just one aspect out of many. I'm sure that there are plenty of unsuccessful people with Mars-conjunct-Jupiter too.

Anyway, right now I'm trying to fix up the mess of the Mars-Jupiter conjunct trine with Venus. Yeah, talk about energy and expansion with the planet of love. Oh boy.

You know may be the one word that can be used to describe this aspect is "enthusiastic". That's how people describe me. Hyper-energetic might be another way. But in a directed non-scatter-brained way. We're like the energiser bunny. We just keep going and going.

Here's my chart (with today's transits).

That's interesting..I have this combination also (across the 3rd/9th) and they're opposite my Moon & South Node.
I dunno about having a supposed 'surge of boundless energy' and 'blatant optimism to push past fear no matter what' as applied to personal momentum (which probably has a lot to do with Sun/Saturn opp, feeling like the helium is continuously sucked out of your balloon so to speak..), but I can potentially see these manifestations (energy/drive to navigate the mess after taking a risk..getting up and going again (at least eventually..) after a serious fall or set back) in relationships. Perhaps it depends where in a chart this conjunction falls in terms of how/where it is expressed..

The 'hyper-enthusiasm' trait probably applies to my general way of thinking if I get really attached to a particular idea, a lot of energy goes into developing it (the idea itself at least..if not the actuality of whatever it is..) and I will get all over-excited about it. I have Sag rising though too, along with Leo Mars, both also fire signs, plus Jupiter in its 'natural' house, so that may add a big helping of extra "oomph" to whatever this combination of 'combustible' energy is personally being applied to.

How might these energies play out in a relationship if one person has a Mars/Jupiter conjunction natally and the other has an opposition? Or is that too vague an inquiry w/out looking at any other aspects.. :confused: Just curious.


Well-known member
Yep! Mars conjunct Jupiter on the same degree, but squaring my Moon/Mercury conjunction. Here is the list:

athletic - I'm good at sports. Karate, Darts, ballsports... Not really athletics. I'm out of shape. Even when I was pursuing karate and at the height of my fitness level I wasn't good at running or jumping.
strong - physically? no. Mentally? Yes.
adventurous - yes.
sexual - So I've been told. :)
fit - sadly not. Being broke is too distracting to take care of myself that way.
outgoing - Introvert, but not shy.
independent - yes
brave - yes
attractive - yes
willing - what do you mean? Determined. Willing to do what it takes, yes.
daring - yes
optimistic - yes
flirtatious - yes. In a very innocent kind of way. Can't help it.
risky - willing to take risks for what I want or believe in? Yes.
magnetic - Uh... I'm pretty intense. If you can handle me, yes. If you can't, no.
lucky - things have a way of working out. Or maybe that's my ability to see the positive side to everything talking.
energetic - yes
confident - yes, when it comes to who I am and what I do. Not about how people see me.

I do everything with lots of energy, without being obnoxious. In fact I need friends who don't feel overrun or intimidated by my energy level and enthusiasm. It seems that I can keep going for ages and withstand and endure a lot. I have great need for peace and harmony, but I choose the fight over compromise simply because I know I have the energy for it. The energy I can conjure up for causes and people I'm loyal to knows no bounds. I keep going until the job is done. As a result I don't take care of myself enough, because that's where I allow myself to crash. I don't know where to stop.

Hope that gives you something to work with! :)
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