Will Supreme Court rule in my favor?


Well-known member
I am earnestly thankful for the time and comments all of you have taken for this thread.

But yes, it can happen that some words or comments may not necessarily be obvious for me to understand, the main reason may be that one single word of english that I am unfamiliar with or used in an unfamiliar context will make me doubt the whole sentence.
So I may ask questions in order to have it reformulate or confirmed. Not to annoy you.

Also, I dont have astrological proficiency.
When I make interpretations, i explain on what assumptions so I can be corrected by experts with a "yes this point could be possible but not this point for x reasons". Again, not to annoy you.

I am not here to make you have a bad day, or bad reading, or force you to tell me whatever I want to hear. I am writing solely for the purpose of understanding, for no other reasons.

And yes, sometimes I am stupid and I need some assistance in understanding a point that may sound obvious to some. So bear with me, please.

But the bottom line is that I very much appreciate each one of your feedbacks. So thank you.

Chappy, don't worry, I think that what you are saying/asking is completly understandable and valid.

It just happens that the chart is complicated thats all, and hard to judge, because its hard to realise what type of chart it is (at least thats what is happening to me)....and everyone is providing a very different reply and juging the chart in a different way from a different perspective, which is making the whole subject messy for everyone involved.


Well-known member

I thought I would update on this as it is indirectly related to the case.

On 8th (mercury/saturn aspect?), I received my tax return...
It is related to the money I was given after the appeal decision.
There has been a mistake but I have to wait for end of month to have this checked by a tax inspector as the money was counted twice and the expected tax amount calculated by the inspector a few months ago was multiplied by... 8!


Well-known member
*** UPDATE 1 ***Re: Will Supreme Court rule in my favor?

Hi Tikana, Waybread, Dirius, Kitchy, Tsmall,

I would like to give a first update. I dont have the feedback yet but there has been an event that already determine the answer.

If you remember, my former employer was asking that the decisions be broken. Since he introduced the case, it gave me the opportunity to also asks for part of the decision to be revised. That could have allowed me to get the money I inquired with the chart. In order to do that, I needed to make a written plea for those additional requests, on top of the defense report; and send it to court within two months.

My lawyer insisted we only communicated by email. I thought the 2 months deadline started from July 28th so we had until end of september to give the report/plea back. My lawyer didnt give me any info. I sent her my report and called her office up a week later beginning of september which informed me that she had sent me her draft august 20 by email (moon trine saturn?) and that I didnt send her my feedback. I didnt get it, maybe it was in my spams which were deleted. Should I had received it, I would have noticed it lacked the requests I needed to introduce in order to get the additional money.

I asked her to introduce my requests but she said that it was too late since the deadline was september 7th, not 28th! It was too late to make any change.
Maybe this explains what Kitchy saw:
Saturn is in warning distance for you (Mars) to end it quick - dispose of the evidence, so to speak

I was so upset. Now there is no possibility for me to get extra money. I know my case was strong and maybe this is why as Tikana said:
mars is about to jump from superstrong to peregrine
I went from strong to nothing.

So the supreme court cannot rule for or against my requests.. there is none lol.. maybe this is what the south node conjunct 4th cusp, exalting saturn, 3rd ruler of written document in my 1st, was pointing at...

So as all of you said, NO, I will not get more money.

Now at the same time, I had the tax return drama coming up to me.. still not sorted out, I had to present a written request to the tax commission (the same day I found out that the report was due the next day) and pay 10% of the amount they claimed. I am now waiting for their answer. Hence, that could explain:

my problem with this chart is the judge squares your saturn!
Mercury is also the 8th house ruler which could represent the tax center and the money they want me to pay?

merc is about to square saturn i'd assume it is the money since saturn corules your 2nd house since cap is entirely in your 2nd house
5 units 1/2 is 5 weeks after the chart, ie, when I both learned It was too late for the lawyer to change the report and when I filled my revision request to the tax center.

All of you were right so thanks a lot.. will update for the court decision :)
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Well-known member
hi again...

****another update****

I was informed this week end that the pre commission has returned its report: out of the 3 requests of opponent, 1 was rejected and will not be introduced to the commission.
The 2 other will be studied with the potentiality for me of having to return some money.
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