Blocked Energy, Karma, Eclipes



in the end of last year I broke up with my boyfriend (during the end of Venus Retrogade). It was defently the right decision.

After that the next 2/3 months I felt so happy, like never before in my life.
I had an overwhelming feeling of happiness for no reason.

But then that was over again and now it sometimes feels like I'm slipping into the opposite. Difficult traumatic issues from the past come up for no reason.
I feel alone even though I'm not and I don't understand it.

Where does this extreme change come from? Are these transits?

Since the eclipes my attitude and thoughts have become so negative, although I am actually a rather positive person (Sagittarius Rising, Moon and Mars)

The eclipse season has activated/affected my 5/11th house. (The new moon in Taurus was directly in the degree of my house cusp of the 5th house). In general currently I got many transits in the 5th house and I thought this is a "positive" house. But it doesn't feel like it.

I don't know how I can change that.
I would appreciate some advice.

Attached is my chart with current transits.
Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker.



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Staff member
The meat of a chart is the planets. Too many asteroids makes it hard to read. Could you post a version with no asteroids? Chiron and the nodes are fine, but all those asteroids clutter it up.


Staff member
The latest eclipse has had a draining effect on everyone, to some degree, with the Moon being on the south node. Emotionally draining in particular. But you don't have any placements where the eclipse would have been a strong trigger.

Neptune is just starting to apply square to your natal Mars. Mars is a vitality planet; Neptune has a washing away effect. There could be some exhaustion being triggered there. But I'm only speculating, not saying this is definitely it. I don't quite like that explanation, because the square is still 3 degrees away from exact, and it's a long term transit, not something that would suddenly bring it on.

However, transiting Mars has just squared your natal Mars. That tends to bring Mars-related issues to the surface. How you've been expending your personal energy can be a Mars thing. If you've been going, going, going, pushing yourself, using lots of energy and not resting enough, that depletes you, and then the combination of Mars and Neptune hitting your natal Mars could make you really feel the depletion.

Pluto is similarly applying square to your natal Jupiter. Since Jupiter is your chart ruler, that makes more sense, to my mind. Pluto is the very planet to stir up deep rooted issues. Past traumas coming to the surface sounds like a Pluto transit to me.

Pluto transits stay in orb for several years. If what you're feeling is related to Pluto, now is the time to get help with it and work on it. Those past traumas need to be addressed. If they didn't, they wouldn't be coming up. Not addressing them will only make the crisis bigger.

So yes, to address your original question, I'd say this is karma, but not in the sense you were thinking. It isn't a punishment. Karma is simply cause and effect. Unhealed trauma comes back with a vengeance: that's karma. Doesn't mean it's your fault that the trauma is unhealed, let alone that you experienced it in the first place, but because it did happen, it's there, and because it's there, you have to deal with it.


Well-known member

in the end of last year I broke up with my boyfriend (during the end of Venus Retrogade). It was defently the right decision.

After that the next 2/3 months I felt so happy, like never before in my life.
I had an overwhelming feeling of happiness for no reason.

But then that was over again and now it sometimes feels like I'm slipping into the opposite. Difficult traumatic issues from the past come up for no reason.
I feel alone even though I'm not and I don't understand it.

Where does this extreme change come from? Are these transits?

Since the eclipes
my attitude and thoughts have become so negative, although I am actually a rather positive person (Sagittarius Rising, Moon and Mars)

The eclipse season has activated
/affected my 5/11th house. (The new moon in Taurus was directly in the degree of my house cusp of the 5th house). In general currently I got many transits in the 5th house and I thought this is a "positive" house. But it doesn't feel like it.

I also have the feeling that somehow I am blocked in some way. Before my relationship I had the feeling that I seem attractive in some kind of special way. I don't know how to describe this..
And now, after the relationship, it feels like it's gone.

Could this be my karma for mistakes in the relationship? I have hurt him quite a bit (of course not physically), but not intentionally (I never cheated on him or did anything like that).

I don't know how I can change that.
I would appreciate some advice.

Attached is my chart with current transits.
Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker.

Eclipses occur in different SIGNS
and also ECLIPSES are SOLAR
as well as
and so clearly
the ruler of any individual eclipse varies
there is no "" :smile:
aka the Cookbook school of generalisation astrology

An eclipse does not necessarily affect everyone

only those
whose natal charts are connected to it
by aspect to their natal planets
aspect to their ASC/DESC/IC/MC

ECLIPSES on the same or similar degree
recur at intervals :smile:

and ARE NOT NECESSARILY '...disastrous...'
but are certainly linked with change

such as
change of career
relationship changes
and so on

has written a book explaining the effects of eclipses in natal astrology
in particular
"Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths" by Bill Meridian: Eclipse paths are an astrological technique
that can pin point important areas
on the surface of the earth for you individually.
When you were born there had to be an eclipse near your birth.
This could be an area
that could be very important to you during your life,
whether you go there or not.
People from that area
ideas from that area
products from that area
can be very important to you.

Bill Meridan's book explains
that Eclipses on the same area
can be studied as eclipse families.
An eclipse can link two places together.

Important to keep in mind
that the eclipse degree
may be activated
by any transiting PLANET
within 6 months to a year
even years later

changes indicated may well occur to others
- such as friends
not solely to family
when eclipses affect countries
then the entire population
is in some way affected

'.....There are eclipses that re-activate other eclipses
from decades earlier and '...repeat...'
which MAY have significant impact
due to that eclipse degree remaining a sensitive point for years
even centuries :smile:
Far longer than anyone had previously thought

A book to revolutionize the study of eclipses
at Cycles Research....'
