Will they reactivate our employer profile


Well-known member
Frequently the use of a Lot for horary delineation gives a clearer or more definity answer to the horary question. Such is the case here, with this question and its chart. I have delineated the question from the perspective of 3 seperate Lots, each Lot having a relevant relationship to the nature of the question asked.
(Note: in delineating a horary by Lot-using the Ankara method-only the condition and connections of the Lot, the relationship of significators and Moon to the Lot, and to the Lot's dispositor, are taken into consideration as testimonies)

(regarding the question)

Formula: ascendant +mercury-part of fortune

: Lot falls @ 25 Cancer disposited by the Moon
: in the 8th whole sign house = - testimony
: in a pitted degree of Cancer = - testimony
: Moon flows away from the Lot but towards querent Jupiter = neutral testimony
: querent Jupiter flows away from the Lot = - testimony
: Lot in conjunction with the difficult star, Procyone = -testimony

Positive = 0
Neutral = 1
Negative = 4

Net = -4 testimonies which = a "no" answer to the question

(that is, whether or not the quesited will accept the offers, proposals or requests of the querent regarding the matter)

Formula: ascendant + venus - jupiter

:Lot falls @ 13 Virgo, disposited by Mercury
: in the 10th whole sign house = + testimony
: Moon flows toward querent Jupiter (+) but away from Lot (-) = neutral testimony
: querent Jupiter flows away from Lot = -testimony
: Lot dispositor Mercury flows away from both the Lot and querent Jupiter by retrograde motion = - testimony

Positive = 1
Neutral = 1
Negative = 2

Net = -1 testimony which = a "no" answer to the question

#3: LOT OF SUCCESS (regarding the question)

Formula: ascendant + jupiter - part of fortune

:Lot falls @ 10 Virgo, disposited by Mercury
: in the 10th whole sign house = + testimony
: querent Jupiter flows away from the Lot = - testimony
: Moon flows toward querent Jupiter but away from the Lot = neutral testimony
: Lot dispositor Mercury flows away from both querent Jupiter and the Lot by retrograde motion = - testimony
: Lot is conjunct the unfortunate star Zosma = - testimony

Positive = 1
Neutral = 1
Negative = 3

Net = -2 testimonies which = a "no" answer to the question

Hey Dr. Farr,
That was all really insightful. It's interesting to read the way in which you arrive at your answers and see the processes in action.
A shame about the result, but I'm hoping the reading helped you in any way.