Do I have an illness?


Well-known member

I had my normal monthly period which stopped on March 12th. A week went by and I started bleeding again on March 24th. This is *very* unusual and has never happened before, no matter my physical activity. I also notice I'm really tired a lot despite taking B12. I have taken pregnancy tests and they come out negative. I'm set to see a doctor on Thursday to discuss more, but in the meantime I'm wondering if I do have an illness OR was it a chemical miscarriage?

I am Sun in Aries in the 9th house and I believe having already crossed over Chiron (this is all if you use Whole signs. If you use Reg. I'm in the 8th house.) Sun is applying a sextile to Saturn, L6 of health. Stress, delay, but also with Saturn being in Aquarius - random.

Moon is pretty much void and in bad shape in Scorpio. Hmm. Lots of Mars influence and the question is literally surrounding bloodshed. Interesting. Scorpio is typically surrounding endings and reproduction, and just separated from an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Maybe I was pregnant without knowing and it passed? 🤔 I read that happens a lot, and I may have uteran scarring that made things a little funky.

Also since Mars is in both my Sigs, I looked at Mars in Gemini which to me I instantly thought of as symbolic for "double" aka my ovaries. Mars is applying to Jupiter (8th house which is ruled by Pisces). Maybe Mars in Gemini applying to the 8H ruled by the sign of sickness and healing is saying I will receive news on that soon and that yes, I am sick.


Premium Member
You might have an illness.

You are Sun; dis-ease and ill health is the 6th, ruled by Saturn.
Both significators are strong in their respective essential dignity; Sun applies to sextile Saturn. These point to a yes.
Mutual reception between them strongly unfavorable as their essential dignity is favorable.
However, I am not certain the 6th house of dis-ease and ill health can really distinguish between a hormonal/chemical imbalance and an actual infection, illness, though.

Moon is not void; it applies to square Saturn, which point to obstacles in the matter.

Non-astrologically, March 24 does put you around the time of ovulation and sometimes there can be spotting or bleeding at that time?
And as you say, maybe you were pregnant without knowing and miscarried?
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Well-known member
March 20th was my ovulation day, which is why initially I thought I was pregnant, even if that was lightening fast. :surprised: However, the more research I did the more I realized it couldn't be that as the bleeding was much too noticeable.

I went to the doctor today and she requested I get labs tested for PCOS and a general hormonal labs. I will update when I know more! Thank you :)


Well-known member
Update: I received my ultrasound results today and they said they found a small amount of fluid in the endometrial canal, so IleneK - I would say you were right! I am going to look up what sign rules hormones and see if there's a link.