Handling hard aspects of Saturn and Neptune influencing love and relationships


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Here’s a post with a natal chart and a short interpretation of the most pertinent aspects. A friend of mine is seeking advice (fully aware that I’m a complete amateur :). It is difficult to stay objective while analyzing a chart of someone close and I would appreciate immensely if you could help me understand her major issue – the relationships.

Seventh house in Capricorn with badly aspected Saturn is bad enough, indicating delaying and objective difficulties of all sorts. To make matters worse Saturn squares her Moon and Venus.

What equally worries me is the opposition between Venus and Netune working through her 5th and 11th house (although most would interpret Venus’s position in the 6th house). It gives her not only a romantic and idealistic approach to love, but sometimes down right delusional. It plays out in different ways. She can become interested (truth to be said obsessed with) Neptunian-like guys, unfortunately more often than not manifesting the qualities of a lower type (addiction, confusion, deceit) but with some artistic interests. They are always unavailable. Some of them are married others are in a relationship but they keep leading her on, usually enjoying her attention and affection, but giving very little in return, which she then interprets as great gestures of some sort. To be perfectly clear none of these interests has ever been materialized into any kind of a relationship not even just as a physical contact.

Saturn square Moon in Gemini could reflect her inability to let go of the past especially when it comes to love. Fortunately for some time she has been working on replacing bad patterns adopted in early childhood with healthier ones.

I’ve been coming across a generalized interpretation of a conjunction between the Saturn and the North nod, accentuating its influence on the career. However in her chart Saturn clearly rules her relationships, which made me wonder about some karmic debts in that field, especially because the North node squares her Venus. Hopefully, once the lesson is learned she could move on.

In the end, I firmly believe that though we cannot change the aspects we’re born under, we can change the way we use them. I keep suggesting a more realistic approach in general. Gemini is a mutable sign, but it gives also a certain dose of rationalization, so she could try to better understand her emotional patterns and not only talk about the love to vent. One way of channelling the Neptune’s influence on her Venus would be in an artistic expression, so she should really work on her career goals as she is an artist. Saturn’s sobering influence on the Moon and Venus could be used to chase away the Neptunian fog in which her new love interests become “the one true love, the real soulmate”.

Thank you for your input :)


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