Point of Passion


Premium Member
I realize there is no one aspect or placement in a chart that will reveal everything. I've been trying to determine what it is that has me and another person so deeply attracted and connected to each other. It has that 'fated' feel to it. Yet I haven't found any strong astrological indicators of it - there are some, my Chiron conjunct her NN. Other nodal and vertex connections. We share a large number of 'positive' aspects, with some definite 'negative' aspects as well. I came across this article http://matrixtownley.wordpress.com/2009/01/04/the-point-of-passion/ regarding the 'point of passion'.
The description is very appropriate for us. It turns out the my point of passion (midpoint venus/mars) is conjunct her point of passion, within less than a degree, and both conjunct my sun in the 5th. We have many other positive aspects, her moon trine my sun, composite vertex conjunct 7th house cusp (for those who feel the Vertex is a valid point to consider). Her venus AND mars in my 5th house. My Jupiter in her 1st and her Jupiter in my 1st. But the Point of Passion seems to be something that explains things so very well.

Has anyone else had any experience with this midpoint?

Attached our charts for reference. My chart. Her chart. Synastry (I'm inner, she's outer), Composite.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. It's always difficult to read one's own synastry/composite relationship charts when it involves yourself. I tend to see the positives and glaze over the other details.


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Well-known member
I calculated what point would be my point of passion at ) Scorpio and I have to say I have never had a relationship with a person with a planet or major angle at this point. I have had several relationships that lasted 3 years or more yet none seem to bear out the significance of this point. I calculated it both ways - the closest midpoint and the longer one.


Premium Member
Thank you for your response.

It is a singular point in a chart. Just like a planet is a singular point, and doesn't express the totality of an individual.

There's a connection, that 'fated' attraction aspect that exists for both of us.

I found a couple articles about the point and discovered how ours interact.

Just wondered if anyone had any experience or confirmation of this point!


Well-known member
Ive never had the experience but have wondered about it. Its 1' from my sun/moon midpoint, so its probably a sensitive point on my chart.