Calling for Help! Understanding planets in houses :)


Hello everyone! So I'm going to get right into it :). Something I'm looking at is the emphasis of planets in my first, third, eleventh, and twelfth houses. First House(pisces): moon in pisces, mars in aries Third house (taurus): sun in gemini, mercury in taurus, venus in gemini Eleventh house (capricorn): neptune in capricorn, uranus in capricorn I'm wondering if anyone can find any "themes" so to say in my chart, but since that is a large demand, I'm hoping by narrowing down to these 3 areas I'll be able to get more opinions. Anything helps me build together a picture of what Astrology is about, and the future. Thank you Love and light :)
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Well-known member
If you practice guitar everyday, learning all the notes on the neck, learning how to create chords in all positions, if you get technically masterful on the instrument, one morning you wake up and playing guitar is no longer about your fingers. Your fingers can do whatever needs doing.

Suddenly it is just about the music, and what you wish to play.

That moment happens to astrologers too. We all start with cookbooks, reading about, in your case your Gemini Sun conjunct Venus in your Third House. And we read about every other planet position and we read about what all the aspects mean and so forth.

With Mercury and your Gemini Sun/Venus all in the Third House, you can imput all the cookbook info. VERY fast. But what does it all mean, specifically? Or even generally?

Personally I have a Neptunian approach, and with Pisces First House Moon, and Rising, you KNOW how to meditate and access GUIDANCE. You are here to have a Neptunian impact on earth so Neptune can really help you experience astrology too.

Must warn you that drugs, particularly booze, can fulfill your scope in a negative way. Are you an Magician and Angel or a drunk?

Our scopes are mandalas, and when you gaze at them, they open up in different ways.

Actually the first thing I noticed about your scope was your Pluto/Mecury opposition! You have something to say. A messenger! You are a voice for your generation. A communicator, letter carrier, techno-communicator, social or other networker. News deliverer.

Then next, I added in the rest of the Third House action. SWOOOSH, can you think fast or what? If you speak your thoughts too, that could exhaust your audience. Really. (Though with other Geminis and Aquarians, like me, let it rip!)

North Node in Capricorn in the 10th House. Thou shall have a career. Career important this life. Read up on this one.

All that Gemini energy, on top of being a double Pisces, is very MUTABLE. Can lead to spiritual/mental overload - too many thoughts and impressions too quickly. A theme.

So next I checked out your Fixed Houses and planets because they can ground you, keep you on path and center you.

You with me?
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If you practice guitar everyday, learning all the notes on the neck, learning how to create chords in all positions, if you get technically masterful on the instrument, one morning you wake up and playing guitar is no longer about your fingers. Your fingers can do whatever needs doing.

Suddenly it is just about the music, and what you wish to play.

That moment happens to astrologers too. We all start with cookbooks, reading about, in your case your Gemini Sun conjunct Venus in your Third House. And we read about every other planet position and we read about what all the aspects mean and so forth.

With Mercury and your Gemini Sun/Venus all in the Third House, you can imput all the cookbook info. VERY fast. But what does it all mean, specifically? Or even generally?

Personally I have a Neptunian approach, and with Pisces First House Moon, and Rising, you KNOW how to meditate and access GUIDANCE. You are here to have a Neptunian impact on earth so Neptune can really help you experience astrology too.

Must warn you that drugs, particularly booze, can fulfill your scope in a negative way. Are you an Magician and Angel or a drunk?

Our scopes are mandalas, and when you gaze at them, they open up in different ways.

Actually the first thing I noticed about your scope was your Pluto/Mecury opposition! You have something to say. A messenger! You are a voice for your generation. A communicator, letter carrier, techno-communicator, social or other networker. News deliverer.

Then next, I added in the rest of the Third House action. SWOOOSH, can you think fast or what? If you speak your thoughts too, that could exhaust your audience. Really. (Though with other Geminis and Aquarians, like me, let it rip!)

North Node in Capricorn in the 10th House. Thou shall have a career. Career important this life. Read up on this one.

All that Gemini energy, on top of being a double Pisces, is very MUTABLE. Can lead to spiritual/mental overload - too many thoughts and impressions too quickly. A theme.

So next I checked out your Fixed Houses and planets because they can ground you, keep you on path and center you.

You with me?

I'm with you one, extremely perceptive! I looked into North Node in Capricorn in the 10th House, it was hard to read. The idea of becoming "colder" even though it is to a point of balance, feels so prickly and sad. I do also believe that meditation might be the key to overcoming the loneliness this would bring, so I am excited for when I know how to meditate and access guidance as you mentioned (this I am just starting to learn). I would love to hear your findings about my fixed houses and planets, and if they provide any insight into a "field" or medium for this message to pass through. I have a powerful drive to be a voice of my generation, and I want to pass on the message I am slowly receiving as fast as I can. Mastering a medium to pass this message through is something I crave, but I am pulled in many directions and have found it difficult to choose one. Thank you Rosie, many thanks, David


Well-known member
Having a Capricorn in the 10th House NN means you should not hide at home. Get out in the world, get your contribution(s) out there, and become an authority on stuff. Not bossy, but the boss, or the doctor, or the lawyer, or the minister, the astrologer, the professor, the author, the expert - the voice of authority, on something, or somethings.

Capricorn energy needs to leave something behind on the planet - a structure, a body of work, a system, a book...

Again, fight the tendency to hide at home, baking cookies (South Node Cancer). Market them, if they taste that good.

Being the authority given how MUTABLE you are, will have a mysterious side to it. Like you may get to be an expert at being an expert under everyone's radar.

Certainly you are an IDEAS person, with lots of Pie-In-The Sky-Ease, Gemini Magician and computer brains, and a Sagely-Aware-R-Us Midheaven, calling/career. So as for your career, think global. Impost/export, being a translator, culture bridging, traveling, being a minster, or being a motivational speaker, a stand up comic, or a doctor who works overseas, or cross-sulturally, or a doctor of non-Western medicine, or someone in publishing, or someone involved in world uniting events.

When people look into your life deeper than your career/calling they will "see" someone living the Pisces Rising archetype - a poet, a troubadore, a mystic, a magician, an Angel.

Folks who know you best think you are a genius geek, and psychic. Gemini sUn. Pisces Moon.

But here lies that THEME. You have so many ideas and psychic impressions, is there any substance? Anything concrete for you to hold onto?

First I look for planets (attributes, skills, talents) in Fixed Stable signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and/or Aquarius) and you have them, which is great! You have Mercury in Taurus opposite Pluto in Scorpio, Chiron in Leo in the 6th and Saturn in Aquarius in the 12th! Hopwever, these Fixed planets are in your Mutable Houses. Yes, again, you are an IDEAS person, a messenger, and channel. But, this means your ideas have substance! Or many of them do, at least.

Your Mercury (which is opposite Pluto, that voice of your generation thang) is actually in Taurus! So when you write down your various thoughts and your Guidance, or audio record them, it slows you down enough to get practical and clear about your ideas.

Pluto is so powerful that it shootd across the chart. Your whole generation is here to manifest Taurus reforms. Growing our own food, alternate currencies, barter, (the Rolling Jubilee is so Taurus), strong self esteem, and working at our own paces, art - Taurus. You are here to communicate and network all that.

Love your Saturn in Aquarius in the 12th. Saturn marks where we must roll upour sleeves and really work. But you need to explore the universal unconscious, in your own wacky ways. Again, daily meditation practice is key here - write down what you get.

Chiron in Leo in the 6th, marks a hands-on healer. You have healing hands.

So that is all good, your have substance to your thoughts and impressions. But I am still looking for ways for you to GROUND, to get more into your body - out of your head and psyche for some time each week. See next post!
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Well-known member
So you see the theme. A very MUTABLE life. Lots of data and impressions coming through you in Gemini and Pisces ways. Information over load, over thinking, worry-warting, can happen.

But wait! There is a surprise element here! Mars in Aries! What? In the 1st House. Yikes!

And on the cusp of your 2nd House, a Fixed House (5th, 8th and 11th are your other Fixed Houses).

So you are a dreamy, genius, ideas person, with tons of YANG. A temper even. A tendency to leap before you think, and you think all the time!

Trust me, an Aries Mars in the 1st House can be too much fire. You must harness and rein it in and connect it to a chariot. Everyone with Mars in Aries needs daily exercise. Being a runner, or hiker, or athelete of any kind, is GOOD. And it also GROUNDS all that Mutable.

Install the Wait 3-7 Days rule into your life. Wait 3-7 days befiore making any important decision. Before buying or selling anything, wait three days. If you still want it after 3 days, then probably you really want it. Evaluate those desires as they arise, by giving them the time test.

Other good grounding activities are self expression through crafts, cooking, poetry or song or ritual. And helping folks paradigm shift, using your psychic abilities and your great ideas - that grounds you too.
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Well-known member
Hello everyone! So I'm going to get right into it :). Something I'm looking at is the emphasis of planets in my first, third, eleventh, and twelfth houses. First House(pisces)....
First house main rulerships are: “Life, vitality and health. Stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of body. Older sources note its influence upon the intellect, the way the mind works, and speech.

In general, the first house represents the focal point for the personality and manner of expression. As well as describing the physical appearance, the condition of this house and that of its planetary ruler indicates the level of personal vitality and strength” source: Deborah Houlding

Therefore, any planets in 1st house as well as planet ruling Ascendant - are important considerations when delineating these matters. :smile:

Pisces is the traditional home aka domicile of Jupiter so therefore sign and house location of your natal Jupiter are connected to matters of life, vitality, health.