Thema Mundi of Universal Astrology


Well-known member
dr farr,
I have seen you mention in other threads about the Capricorn rising, or the Cancer rising theories suggested.

I would like to talk about the theory of Scorpio rising - have you thought or read about that? I am thinking of Persephone - Virgo develops into the female Libra, then goes down into the underworld (beneath the horizon) i.e Scorpio.

The female half is above, with two female planets and Mercury a neutral planet turning to negative (inwards), and the male half is below with two male planets and Jupiter a neutral turning to positive (expansion).

And I feel Scorpio rising bears some connection to the body of man (Aries rising), as they both begin with Mars.

There is also a certain 'interestingness' in the way in both hemispheres the energy's half way turning point is between two signs of the same ruling planet (Saturn & Cap/Aqu or Moon Can/Leo).


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dr. farr

Well-known member
Thanks for posting this chart. There is a great deal in the symbolism involved, many ramifications involving the many levels and aspects of being.:happy:

dr. farr

Well-known member
dr farr,
I have seen you mention in other threads about the Capricorn rising, or the Cancer rising theories suggested.

I would like to talk about the theory of Scorpio rising - have you thought or read about that? I am thinking of Persephone - Virgo develops into the female Libra, then goes down into the underworld (beneath the horizon) i.e Scorpio.

The female half is above, with two female planets and Mercury a neutral planet turning to negative (inwards), and the male half is below with two male planets and Jupiter a neutral turning to positive (expansion).

And I feel Scorpio rising bears some connection to the body of man (Aries rising), as they both begin with Mars.

There is also a certain 'interestingness' in the way in both hemispheres the energy's half way turning point is between two signs of the same ruling planet (Saturn & Cap/Aqu or Moon Can/Leo).

+I am not aware of any tradition or literature relating to your question regarding the sign of Scorpio (anciently, the starry CONSTELLATION of Scorpio covered 60 degrees and included what is now the constellation of Libra, which was then known as the "scorpion's "fore-claw")

+the sign of Scorpio does bear relation (affinity) to the body of man since it is affinitive to the reproductive organs and to the endocrine system in general

+I have studied a late 19th century cabalistically-oriented astrological model in which the traditional sign rulerships were discarded and a system of element-affinitive co-domiciles was applied, as follows:

Mars + Sun: co-domiciles of Aries, Leo & Sagittarius (fire element)
Mercury + Jupiter: co-domiciles of Gemini, Libra & Aquarius (air element)
Moon + Venus: co-domiciles of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces (water element)
Saturn + Earth*: co-domiciles of Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn (earth element)
Caput draconis (NN): water element
Cauda draconis (SN): fire element

In this system, any planet in its co-domicile is accorded added influence in the delineation, similar to what is done in traditional astrology relative to planets in their "rulership" or "exaltation". Conversely, planets posited in their antagonistic element sign were delineated as impeded and debilitated, having minimal influence for good or for ill (antagonistic element pairs are fire vs water and air vs earth) In this model, "day" births were considered to be from midnight to noon, and "evening" births were considered to be from noon to midnight (the astrological "day" beginning at midnight, which is similar to the Chinese concept of the "day" beginning during the 11PM-1AM time meridian)

*In this system the Earth-actually "Earth Point"-was included as a planet in the chart; it was marked in the chart in the place and degree exactly opposite (180 degrees) to the place of the Sun; aspects to this point were calculated, progressions of it were made, etc; this determination and use of the "Earth Point" continues to be applied in certain approaches to modern astrological practice.
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