Where did I misplace my Birth Certificate and Social Security Card?


Well-known member
This makes no sense I usually have these items in my small manilla envelope and I don't recall that I had a need to take them out. I don't even think my dad or mom knows I put them in there and I live w them so I can't arouse any rational suspicion in my mind. I keep them in a manilla envelope along with my other paperwork in my bedroom. I looked for them and found out because I wanted to bring my social security card for the first day on the job now I have to present a copy and/or passport and DL. I am a bit peeved but strangely not worried because it should be in my room somewhere.

Thanks in advance.


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Well-known member
There are testimonies it will be found!
Both ruler Moon and POf are in cadent house means that they are either far off, or close by, but hidden and almost impossible to find. This will take time to find, usually indirectly by a third party. It may show it is to the left side of places that I would suggest for search. POF is near a house cusp, so look at places near a door, window, or passage between rooms.
They can be in an upstairs bedroom, hallway, stairway, chest, desk, briefcase, luggage, a room where books are kept, bookshelves, a place where reading or studying is done, a drawer where you keeps pens and pencils and office supplies, filing cabinet, in a magazine rack, in the vestibule or entrance to a home, place where important papers or records are kept ( contracts, cancelled checks, legal documents, tax documents, etc.), an area near the computer, telephone, TV or radio, places of prayer and meditation, even garage...

Direction: Southeast.
Near colour: white, sea green, silver

POF in AQ means to search at places near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, computers, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, the attic, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture.
POF in 9 house means to look near some church, college or law “things” at high shelves or around vacation pictures or travel literature. Also look at library (high shelves) .

Direction Southwest
Near colour: violet, indigo