My Charts prescence... (Carreer, Love, and one more)


Well-known member

Is my chart powerful? I'm the most mature of all my friends, who still party and like to lose themselves as often as possible through intoxicating substances, and fast hit-and-run relationships. I seem to be the only one delving as deep as I possibly can INTO myself, searching for answers, constantly remolding myself with each passing revelation. Psychedelics have been the source of many life-changes tat I take to be responsible for over 75% of my growth in the past 5 years. How does my chart support this avid interest in altered states?

Is a career of a mystical nature in order? Or does my Sun/Merc in the 6th and Virgoan Part of fortune in the 10th point elsewhere?

What about love? I have NEVER had a girlfriend, never been kissed, and am still a virgin, BUT none of this bothers me (Venus trine Saturn). I know I'm attractive and desirable and know i'll find love with patience, but how? i find with each potentially new relationship i run off when thing become too intimate (Moon opp Uranus?) I often feel restricted by my environment to show all the love and sensitivity I have to offer and just end up retreating back into my shell when things get too weird. But never do I regret it in the end, for my reasons for retreating are true to who I am, and I realize it's because that person wasn't right for me anyways. I feel I'll know immediately when I see them, but around when is this likely to happen?
what can my Mars and Venus placements show me with concern towards my future love?

any responses addressing my questions, in specific, or simply giving a general outline of my astrological make-up is greatly appreciated.

thank you so much you guys, to whomever has taken the time to stop and read this. bless.
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Staff member
finding love, to magu


You said:
What about love? I have NEVER had a girlfriend, never been kissed, and am still a virgin...i find with each potentially new relationship i run off when thing become too intimate...I often feel restricted by my environment to show all the love and sensitivity I have to offer and just end up retreating back into my shell when things get too weird. But never do I regret it in the end, for my reasons for retreating are true to who I am, and I realize it's because that person wasn't right for me anyways. I feel I'll know immediately when I see them, but around when is this likely to happen?

- You run away from intimacy
- You don't show love and sensitivity
- You retreat from people

and you are wondering when you will "find love"? Isn't it possible love has found YOU and you are too busy running away to notice it? :biggrin: Love is a risk and often involves pain. The moment you are willing to take the risk of the pain, that's when you are likely to find love.

Back to astrology...

With Gemini :)gemini: talking) modifying Venus :)venus: love) in the relationships house, your strength in relating with others is through talking and chatting. The more you chat, the likelier you are to find someone!

About love,



Well-known member
Re: finding love, to magu

thanks tim, but the more i talk the more THEY run away! (jupiter opposite saturn)

none of them seem interested in shamanism, subtle forces, and the cosmic irony of life, at least not in the ways i express it, which has its own eccentric touch i suppose (neptune conj. uranus in the 3rd + mercury square neptune/uranus...)

i need to find someone as weird as me, and boy is that hard!
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Well-known member
January 24: the combination of Pluto/Scorpio dominating your first house, does indeed suggest great power within, and also contributes to psychic sensitivity and interest. You would naturally be drawn to
the metaphysical, and delving into the 'deeper mysteries' of life. Pluto's relation to Venus shows strain in matters of relationships, that will ultimately require some sort of adjustment or adaptation on your chart. You may actually come on a bit too strong in your personal expression with others, and this can tend to turn many off from intimate involvements; they can sense the depth of your emotional intensity, and they may also fear you at times because you can seem quite mysterious, or elusive to some. This is further denoted by the relationship of Pluto to your Uranus/Neptune conjunction. As you have noted you have the support, though, of Venus trine Saturn which makes you quite magnetic and able to charm others into your circle quite easily. Admittedly it can be hard to find a girl whose mental orientation would equal yours. Moon in Cancer typically retreats into their shells, because they don't like intensely emotional dramas.
Quote “my reasons for retreating are true to who I am, and I realize it's because that person wasn't right for me anyways.” As such, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter does it? Venus in your chart can provide hints as to your personal values,ideals and expectations in love and these should be carefully studied and taken into account in a relationship. The joining of Mars and the Moon in the natal chart can be suggestive of having strong emotional needs and desires, which for some may make you seem somewhat needy or demanding, or perhaps in need of emotional support : this would especially tend to spook individuals who are heavily Air or Fire signs. Just to get you started..:wink: