

Well-known member
Arian Maverick! YOu have just inspired me to write about this!
The other day I was with one of my school pals and we were painting in the grave yard across from my college. I went up the hill to get a better view of the land, leaving my friend below. I got the idea that I would quietly creep down the hill and scare the heck out of my pal! So I began to descend from the hill, hiding behind the head stones...and something hit me from my past...I was in green and covered in army gear with a rifle. I could hear my bags and equipment as I trotted! Then it was gone. It distracted me so much that I neglected to scare my friend. I just stood there like a dunce!
So I suppose my question is: Was I a soldier in a past incarnation?


Arian Maverick

Well-known member
What an awesome experience! :mrgreen:

I recommend that you visit Group Venus and register for one of the free astrological reports--especially Cayce Past Life, Karmic Past Life, or Karmic Insight. Since you can only request one "group" of reports at a time, I recommend that you choose Type A, which includes Vocational Guidance, Cayce Past Life, and Complete Transits: Jupiter to Pluto. This will take about a week to process, but the wait is well worth it; I was very pleased with my Cayce Past Life report, which I received today.

Arian Maverick

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I'm glad you like it! :D

Since I am not much of an horary interpretator, I have looked up each of the sabian symbols for each of your major planetary degrees, as well as your house cusps in an attempt to be helpful :wink:


A WINDOW CURTAIN BLOWN INWARD, SHAPED AS A CORNUCOPIA Good fortune attending upon the putting forth of effort. Rush of spiritual forces into the conscious ego. Protection.

___*When positive, the degree is an irrepressible genius for capturing the richer rewards of life and providing a wider distribution for the higher realities, and when negative, a smug and petty self-importance in dispensing favours to others.


A BUTTERFLY SPREADS ITS WINGS, SHOWING AN EXTRA LEFT ONE Potentiality of new forms and opportunities in every life. Instinctive expansion of self; or submergence in the not-self.

___*When positive, the degree is an idealistic originality and a high facility in quick analysis, and when negative, an interest in the worthless or an obsession with the improbable and ridiculous.


THE HARVEST MOON RISES IN TRANSLUCENT AUTUMNAL SKIES The power of creative visualization by which great Dreamers transcend outer reality. Complete dominance of circumstances.

___*When positive, the degree is self-consummation which is successful beyond any possibility of measure, and when negative, loss of self in a welter of opportunity.


THE RACE BEGINS:A JOCKEY SPURS HIS HORSE TO GREAT SPEED The capacity of man to throw himself fully into any type of activity. Self-quickening. Premature expenditure of energy.

___*When positive, the degree is a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion, and when negative, witless gambling of every resource and potentiality.


A PARADE OF BATHING BEAUTIES BEFORE LARGE BEACH CROWDS Use of individual vanity in raising racial standards. Examination of intellectual values for use in the soul life.

___*When positive, the degree is a special capacity for bringing the familiar desires and interests to an enduring representation of worthiness, and when negative, regression to childish vanities.


WOMAN, FECUNDATED BY HER SPIRIT, IS "GREAT WITH CHILD" Fullness of self-reliance and individual destiny. Cooperation between spiritual and material agencies. Pure self-revelation.

___*When positive, the degree is an illimitable self-potentiality with effective spiritual or ideal as well as practical or everyday orientations, and when negative, a characteristically anarchistic self-sufficiency.


SUGGESTING FIGURES,GRANITE MASSES OVERHANG A CANYON Permanence of basic elements in nature underneath temporary changes and emphases.Endurance. Steadiness of self-knowledge.

___*When positive, the degree is man's genius for initial aplomb and ultimate competency in the face of all danger, and when negative, pure bullheadedness.


A YOUNG LADY, WRAPPED IN FURS, DISPLAYS SUPREME ELEGANCE Necessary superficial advertisement of inner worth. Certification of true merit. Schooled esteem. Embarrassing wealth.

___*When positive, the degree is high accomplishment through a consistent representation of the self's assets in the best possible light, and when negative, amoral opportunism.

Note: Rounded down, the interpretation for this degree would be

OLD WEAPONS IN A MUSEUM: IN A GLASS CASE, A SACRED SWORD Courage and fearlessness needed in the quest for spirit and real understanding. Real faith in self; or emptiness of dread.

___*When positive, the degree is personal power in living common ideals, and when negative, ridiculous pretence of epic merit.


WHITE DOVE CIRCLES OVERHEAD;DESCENDS, BEARING A MESSAGE The blessing of every effort by the "Holy Ghost" of revealed significance. Exaltation of all individual efforts. Celebrity.

___*When positive, the degree is a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do, and when negative, sanctimonious self-deception.


THE SCULPTOR'S VISION IS TAKING FORM UNDER HIS HANDS Mastery of formative intelligence over substance. Sure characterization and understanding. Permanent self-expression.

___*When positive, the degree is exceptional self-expression through a gift for building all experience into a personal fulfillment, and when negative, callous impersonality and over ambitious pretensions.


UNSPOILED BY POPULARITY NOW WANING A MAN PLANS ANEW Ability to rise above vicissitudes of passing fortune. Faithfulness to self. Dependence upon native endowment. Projection.

___*When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis, and when negative, prodigal opportunism.

North Node:

A WHITE TRIANGLE,WITH GOLDEN WINGS ON ITS UPPER SIDES Evolution of values in the sphere of inward self, but at a stage not yet substantiated. Eagerness for a spiritual goal.

___*When positive, the degree is the creative transformation of everything into an expression of enduring idea and a reflection of the real vision ahead, and when negative, blissful obliviousness to all normal or everyday considerations.


LEADER OF MEN WRAPPED IN AN INVISIBLE MANTLE OF POWER Support of unconscious elements in every fearless and positive stand of the ego. Restoration of strength; or self-discovery.

___*When positive, the degree is some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man, and when negative, a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania.

Second House Cusp:

THE MARDI GRAS CARNIVAL CROWDS NEW ORLEANS' STREETS Spectacular, dramatic release of subconscious energies. Self-exaltation for social approval. Self-indulgence and license.

___*When positive, the degree is an irresistible heightening of self-significance across the whole face of experience, and when negative, unconvincing claims and embarrassing self-assertion.

Third House Cusp:

ARISTOCRATIC FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL TAKES FIRST DANCING LESSON Early social conditioning of the superior elements of being. Proper start in self-discipline. Conventional development.

___*When positive, the degree is achievement through a personal competence and a high gift for co-operation, and when negative, cheerful acceptance of ineptitude.

Nadir (Fourth House Cusp):

A WOMAN'S HAT, WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY THE EAST WIND First real attempt at self-exteriorization and embodiment in consciousness. Individualizing Eastern forces are suggested.

___*When positive, the degree is continual self-orientation to the nascent potentialities of all life and experience, and when negative, a tendency to idle posing or an empty pretense of good will and interest.

Fifth House Cusp:

LAUGHING CHILDREN PLAY UPON FIVE MOUNDS OF WHITE SAND The world of the five senses as the playground of God and Soul. Honesty in self-expression. Bondage to sense-patterns.

___*When positive, the degree is a gift for a continual discovery of new and effective facets of selfhood, and when negative, wholly purposeless ineptitude.

Sixth House Cusp:

IN NEW YORK, ELLIS ISLAND WELCOMES THE IMMIGRANTS New openings that come to all who are willing to risk self for the sake of greater selfhood. Reorientation. Presumption.

___*When positive, the degree is courage in crossing new frontiers and skill in repeating or improving on prior achievement, and when negative, a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false.

Descendant (Seventh House Cusp):

LITTLE BOYS FROLIC UPON SOFT RUGS IN AN ORIENTAL STORE First realization of cultural values through sensuous enjoyment. Refinement of sensations. Psychological enrichment.

___*When positive, the degree is an effective employment of the facilities and goods of a modern society, and when negative, concern over trivialities.

Eighth House Cusp:

TO LOVE-BIRDS ON A FENCE SING OUT THEIR PURE HAPPINESS Contagiousness of happiness in human associations. Revelation of constructive reality. Radiation of spontaneous faith.

___*When positive, the degree is a self-consistency which wins an absolute loyalty and a complete co-operation, and when negative, unreasoning jealousy.

Ninth House Cusp:

GIRL-SCOUT, IN CAMP, BLOWS HER BUGLE TRIUMPHANTLY Fullness of life as it manifest in service to the whole. Spiritual socialization. Call to participation in the race work.

___*When positive, the degree is an eagerness for self-expression and an alertness to every opportunity for self-justification, and when negative, officiousness and delight in regimentation.

Midheaven (Tenth House Cusp):

A WOMAN'S HAT, WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY THE EAST WIND First real attempt at self-exteriorization and embodiment in consciousness. Individualizing Eastern forces are suggested.

___*When positive, the degree is continual self-orientation to the nascent potentialities of all life and experience, and when negative, a tendency to idle posing or an empty pretense of good will and interest.

Eleventh House Cusp:

MAN WITH RAKISH SILK HAT, MUFFLED, BRAVES THE STORM Supremacy of conscious mind over brute nature forces. Full appreciation of outer difficulties. Great inner resources.

___*When positive, the degree is a superb aplomb arising from the constant rediscovery of greater powers latent in selfhood, and when negative, marked insensibility to all deeper impulses and complete surrender to superficial self-interest

Twelfth House Cusp:

THREE FLEDGLINGS LOOK OUT PROUDLY FROM THEIR HIGH NEST Conscious self-establishment in the soul and its threefold nature. Innate self-confidence. Superiority of real being.

___*When positive, the degree is an unconditioned creativity exalted to the point of complete freedom from any immediate involvement, and when negative, psychological witlessness and a false sense of release from responsibility.

Arian Maverick

P.S. I am particularly interested in Mars' placement in your horary chart's twelfth house...


Well-known member
Hi jenluvs,

De ja vu? Wow! I've not experienced that before. How interesting. Maybe that exact place was where you were once a soldier? I'm not sure, but I read of people having flashbacks of their past life at exact locations.

I'm not good at horary at all, but since your moon is going to trine with your mars, you're probably right about you being a soldier. Furthermore, mars is at the 10th house of career, and mars is the warrior/soldier type.

But I don't understand why your moon is in the fourth house, and like Arian, mars is in the 12th. Maybe.. it's saying that you built your home around being a soldier-type, or lived in miliitary barracks? Maybe mars in the 12th is saying that you have been disillusioned, or deceived in a way.. that means, what you thought you stood for (as a soldier) was not in actual fact what it was at all?

I do not know, but I just made a guess. Also, you had flashbacks, and I think your intuition is the truth.

I really liked the group venus site. thans Arian, that was truly a gem. I'm still looking through it.



Staff member

As in Arian's case, the 12th house is about your past life inquired about.

Well, Mars is there, the Moon (ASC ruler) applies to it by trine, and Mercury (12th house ruler) applies to it by square.

So, your flashback was right (flashback = Moon separating from a trine with Neptune, ruler of the 9th house).

Really impressive! This last Full Moon was smack on your natal Mercury, ruler of your 12th house (past lives). Cool!


Well-known member
Radu said:
So, your flashback was right (flashback = Moon separating from a trine with Neptune, ruler of the 9th house).

Really impressive! This last Full Moon was smack on your natal Mercury, ruler of your 12th house (past lives). Cool!

Wow, it didn't cross my mind about 12th house being about past lives.
These certainly make sense and were succint. Thanks Radu.


Well-known member

This is very interesting but I have a couple of questions. This has nothing to do with horary astrology, I'm just curious whether this was actually your past life memory flash.......or if you psychically connected with someone long dead in that cemetery. It could have been either. Sometimes psychically perceiving things is exactly like what you described so that's why I'm curious.

Could you tell what time period you were in from the military clothing you had on? Have you seen the Vietnam period army uniforms? Or the WWII ones?

The other question I'd like to ask you is, what, if anything, did you feel emotionally while this was going on? While you were this military man? Did you feel his feelings, what he was emotionally feeling right then?

I bet you'll never sneak up on your friend again! :lol:


Well-known member
Thanks to all who gave some input...

Lapis asked:
This is very interesting but I have a couple of questions. This has nothing to do with horary astrology, I'm just curious whether this was actually your past life memory flash.......or if you psychically connected with someone long dead in that cemetery. It could have been either. Sometimes psychically perceiving things is exactly like what you described so that's why I'm curious.

I also thought about this possiblity that I was picking up on a spirit's energy. Although it is a valid point, I remember the uniform being green, most specifically like the ones the United States Army used during the Vietnam war. I was wearing a gear belt that was packed with things that made a noise when I moved. The rifle was black, (I could only see it in my lower peripheral and it wasn't clearly outlined.) much like the m-16s that were also used during that war. My emotions, well...I felt scared like I should be quieter and lower than I was at the time...not because my friend would see me, but that I wouldn't get to where I was supposed to be going. Then as quickly as the sensations emerged, they went.
And the spookiest of all...this cemetery is full of graves that date back to the 1700's and nothing goes past really no one burried there would have been in Vietnam.

I'm pretty well versed in the uniforms the American forces wore for all of our major wars. As a school kid, we had many reports to cover! lol. :lol: However, I have always been drawn to the 1960's and early 70's culture, most especially the music. In many ways, I feel like I have experienced that decade first hand.

I Like Radu said:
Really impressive! This last Full Moon was smack on your natal Mercury, ruler of your 12th house (past lives). Cool!

I'm just fortunate enough to be comfortable and open enough to gather this "hidden" information about my past, especially on this the day of the Full Moon!


Well-known member

Thanks so much for answering all my questions. It does sound like you slipped into a personal past life memory then. If so, boy you turned around pretty quickly and reincarnated again. I grew up in the 50s and 60s and watched so many of my school friends, boyfriends, etc. get drafted and sent off to the Vietnam war. (Oh, your right, our music was the best wasn't it? :mrgreen: )

It sounds like you were just dipping a toe into that past life, sort of getting this 'you' introduced to that 'you' and his possible death. If this Full Moon is triggering this, be ready for more things to pop into your consciousness like this. Great job!