The Part of Individuality, the opposite of Catastrophe?


Well-known member
I have been in correspondence with another forum member about the Astrological Part known only by the one title I am aware of as being that of a Part of Individuality.

It is a Part that I didn't feel comfortable with because of its title being so vague and had yet to see one from any chart that gave anything clearly demonstrating exactly what it is and affects through the corresponding Sabian Symbol for the degree it is in. But, then again, I hadn't gotten around to giving any real effort to studying this Part until a few days ago.

The Part of Individuality is in fact the reverse formula of the Part of Catastrophe.
As the Part of Catastrophe [Asc. + Uranus - Sun] has proven itself to be exactly that action, mental application, or cultural persona that one might assume or apply [depending on which of the three types of Sabian Symbols as identified by, astrologer and symbologist, Dane Rudhyar it is. i.e. First Level: Actional, Second Level:Emotional/Cultural, Third Level: Individual/Mental] to my complete satisfaction... as it has proven to be a catastrophe in a persons life yet one necessary for them to complete their dharma, their destiny... then what is produced by the opposite formula [Asc. + Sun - Uranus] must surely be something to an opposite effect. A sort of 'Part of Anti-Catastrophe', or the like.

The following is wrote I wrote them...edited a bit, rewritten in a few places, but only for the sake of clarification and eliminate what would be only be otherwise obscure references to one thing or another as to anyone other than the person I was in correspondence with.

...and so, otherwise mostly copied and pasted as to what follows...

I've been perplexing over my own Part of Individuality. As it stands presently concerning my own natal chart that I have been using to analyze it the Part derives to be at 18* Virgo 05' 59" but that didn't help much in trying to understand this Part of Individuality.

I'm trying to determine just what exactly it is and for what purpose?
Yeshu'a's chart IS THE TEMPLATE and it's always best to remember that and one should always refer to that chart whenever it provides a Zodiacal coordinate that is assured to be in a specific degree and his Part of Individuality does just that as it is listed at 04* Libra 23' 21" which is pretty doggone close to the middle point of that degree.

As the Sabian Symbol is [from Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala"]

The necessity for the youthful spirits to learn from a Teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths, i.e. 'seed ideas.'

[and, as I have said this symbol surely is reflective of the discourse He allegedly gave to his disciples following the Last Supper] this Part of, whatever the opposite of catastrophe is, is seemingly about averting what would be a catastrophe [or at least averting an outcome in the future other than that which is hoped for] for all others but as it relates to ones own lifetime of effort for the greater good. In other words, so as to keep the future from undoing, or negating, all that you did accomplish.

So then, with that tentative conclusion in mind, I had to refer to my own Part of Individuality again to see if that would provide anymore evidence for such as a conclusion?

As I was struggling with the symbol of the 19th of Virgo, i.e. [ibid.]

The stimulation that comes from a group effort toward a spiritual goal.

...for the reason everything about my natal chart, and what has actually been my lifetime experience to date, has been about being a "solo act"...for want of a better term... I couldn't figure out that bit about a "group effort"... but, if it is for others that I provide this "anti-catastrophe" effect of mine, to get people inspired to make a group effort towards spiritual goals, then it makes sense to me in the same way that Yeshu'a's Part of Individuality. makes sense to that effect.

...end of message...

Well, that's all I have for now.
I'm thinking about using Richard Nixon's chart as an example to provide more evidence to support this tentative conclusion of mine... but it is late and I want to ponder on whether or not his might be a bit too complex, or rather just too difficult, for most to understand ...or should I say to understand it the way I believe that I do myself?

Although He was born back when birth times were rarely recorded accurately, I'm rather confident that his was as for the amount of time I have spent in the past studying his chart. Incidentally, His Ascendant is the same degree that the U.S.A.'s natal charts' Part of Soul is in, i.e. the 18th degree of Virgo.

I think that I just might do that but it will have to wait a few days until I get caught up with other matters demanding my attention presently. Because my landlord got caught trying to remodel one of the apartments here without a permit, and it was discovered by the county building inspectors that his workmen really botched up a job or electrical rewiring, is the reason that now all 28 apartments will be inspected to check and see if any other such substandard work exists and will entail a lot of preparation on my part not to mention that my having to deal with strangers going through my apartment and poking around willy nilly doesn't set well with me to begin with.
Now there's a potential catastrophe my landlord should have been aware of.

Meanwhile, as always, I encourage, and welcome, all others to contribute their own observations, experiences, etc. that they might have with the Part of Catastrophe and the Part of Individuality.

For more about what Yeshu'a's, aka Jesus of Nazareths', Part of Catastrophe entailed please see my thread in the Degree Symbols sub-forum dedicated to the subject of his birth chart. You'll find that in the first post.
Thank you, ptv
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Well-known member
Well, alright now... here's Richard Nixon's natal chart, which I believe is, accurate or, accurate enough for this exercise.


As the Part of "Individuality" is derived by the formula Asc. + Sun - Uranus what we get is at 03* Virgo 55' 21"

Interestingly, quite interestingly in fact as Nixon's Asc. is also the same degree as the Part of Soul/Spirit is that is derived from the USA's natal chart [the "Zero Hour" natal chart, 12:00:01 A.M., July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] and which also happens to be Yeshu'a's [Jesus of Nazareth] post natal Full Moon Part of Hyleg [and my prenatal New Moon Part of Hyleg] this Part of "Individuality", this Part of 'Reverse Catastrophe'... for want of a better title, presently... also happens to be the same degree as the 12th House cusp of Yeshu'a's natal chart [the 12th House cusps symbolism is representative of what one believes to be the answer to the greatest problem facing the world].

The Sabian Symbol for the 4th degree of Virgo is [ibid.]



The overcoming of socio-cultural prejudices.

Freedom from all the forms, biases and idiosyncrasies of the particular culture and class in which one has been born and educated is a sine qua non of the consciousness truly "on the Path." The ideal of universal brotherhood underlies all great spiritual teachings, for they all are like branches of the One Tree, Man, in his divine state. This does not mean there are no racial differences, but rather that these differences have a functional value in terms of the whole organism of Man — and of the planet Earth.

At this fourth stage the basic technique which applies to all truly spiritual progress is clearly stated. Every human being should be seen, approached and warmly met as a "child of God," or in less religious terms as an exemplar of Man. Such a status gives to every social and interpersonal group the character of a

From wikipedia...
Richard Nixon helped shepherd the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through Congress. The bill was weakened in the Senate, and civil rights leaders were divided over whether Eisenhower should sign it. Nixon advised the President to sign the bill, which he did.

From History News Network .Org:
"In a 1970 memo, presidential counselor Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote, 'There has been more change in the structure of American public school education in the last month than in the past 100 years.' And, like going to China, only Nixon could have done it.

While much is made over his “Southern strategy” in 1968, few understand that the Southern strategy brought the South back into the nation’s body politic by appealing to sentiments that united all Americans: patriotism, duty, and cooperation. Nixon refused to condescend to Southerners. He treated them as Americans, equal in every way to Northerners. And because Nixon took that course, he was able to achieve one of the greatest civil rights triumphs of the twenty-first century: the peaceful desegregation of Southern schools.

Nixon gets almost no credit for his civil rights efforts. Thanks to the liberal press, most Americans think that Nixon’s civil rights record consists of him making a few racist statements in the Oval Office. Given the historical record, this is a tragedy.

In the Brown celebrations, virtually no mentions of the former president were made. Nixon’s civil rights triumphs have been flushed down the memory hole. Moynihan summed it up in a December 1970 speech, transcribed by Price:

Since [Nixon assumed office]...the great symbol of racial subjugation, the dual school system of the South, virtually intact two years ago, has quietly and finally been dismantled. All in all, a record of good fortune and much genuine achievement. And yet how little the administration seems to be credited with what it has achieved.

If we are to honor the Supreme Court for its decision in Brown, we should also honor Richard Nixon for peacefully carrying out its historic judgment.
Nixon was a Quaker, as I am, and Quakers have always been about "THE BROTHERHOOD OF ALL HUMANKIND". We were involved with the underground railroads during the Civil War and there were no Quakers ever known to own a slave...with the possible exception of indentured servants, but that is a different matter altogether and I don't even know of any of those as such.

Oddly, and once again I must refer to Yeshu'a's natal chart, Nixon's Part of Catastrophe was at 00* Libra 30' 21" which is the same degree of the Zodiac as is Yeshu'a's natal Asc. The Sabian Symbol for which is [ibid.] "LIBRA 1°): IN A COLLECTION OF PERFECT SPECIMENS OF MANY BIOLOGICAL FORMS, A BUTTERFLY DISPLAYS THE BEAUTY OF ITS WINGS, ITS BODY IMPALED BY A FINE DART.
KEYNOTE: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals."... and I can surmise, given what I do know about the man, that Nixon's greatest fault may have well been that He tried too hard to be perfect at everything. If you read a biography of the man you may well see what I mean.
Nixon wasn't a "bad man" and He was a far greater president than history currently wants to give him credit for. It was during his presidency that the Environmental Protection Agency was founded, which he proposed and worked for the establishment of, as well as OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which He signed into law in 1970.
While the Johnson administration got the ball rolling, so to speak, Nixon was a champion of the OSH Act, in spite of the obvious partisan differences. He faced opposition from several GOP members because ‘big business’ saw (and sometimes still sees) OSHA as a threat to the free market economy.
It is currently under attack and being weakened as I write.

These two acts are also a testament to Nixon's Part of Individuality as He considered that all people, in every walk of life, should be treated as brothers ...and sisters too.

While He fell victim to his Part of Catastrophe He did do his Part of Individuality, his Part of 'Anti-Catastrophe', righteous... imho.