Blood moon of the 27th July 2018. Natal chart and transit.


Well-known member
Hello astrologers, what do you think about the blood that will occur on the 27th of July ? I read that it is considered a total lunar eclipse and the longest eclipse of the century. And it's also occuring under 5 rx.

It will be in Aquarius and the sun will be in Leo. I wonder how different astrologers think about this topic?

Also, I wondered how it would affect my chart ? I didn't read about it yet. Would appreciate it if anyone tells me what they think about it.

Thank you to anyone who took off their time to read/answer this :).

PS : Will be attached to this, a (1) picture of my chart x transits while the moon is still in Capricorn + (2) pictures of my chart x transits when the moon will transition to Aquarius based on the time where I live.
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